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January 20, 2005...John Titor may still be right, again

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posted on Dec, 9 2004 @ 08:09 AM
To understand this story, you will have to know a little bit about a popular figure around AboveTopSecret called 'John Titor'. A few years ago, a man known as 'John' claimed to be a time traveller from the year 2036. In short, there has been a large majority of members that claim that his predictions are still valid. If you want to know more, do a quick search.

Anyway, John Titor predicted two vital episodes that will possibly happen in the near future (End of 2004/Beginning of 2005).

1.) There will be small Waco like events occurring across the nation.

2.) There will be a civil war in the US.

Now check this out.

January 20, 2005: Our Resistance Continues!
Protest the Inauguration of George W. Bush
On Thursday, January 20, 2005, George W. Bush will be inaugurated as president of the United States. For the millions of us who stand for the values of peace and justice, it is a moment to renew our commitment to resist the Bush Administration and its deadly policies of war and greed � and to show Bush, and the world, that our movement is energized, mobilized, and determined to keep fighting back.

United for Peace and Justice urges everyone who can to converge in Washington, DC on January 20. We encourage you to participate in the creative, powerful protest activities being organized by two groups: the DC Anti-War Network (DAWN)) and Turn Your Back on Bush. See below for more information.

�On inauguration day, we will gather as citizens for the public events of the day and join the rest of the crowd. At a given signal, we will turn our backs. Until the moment we turn around, there will be nothing to distinguish us from the rest of the crowd. By leaving our signs and buttons at home, we will avoid all of the obstacles that Bush and his supporters have used to keep anyone who disagrees with him out of sight. For this one moment we will speak as one and show Bush that winning an election does not mean he has the support of all Americans."

Yes I understand that the organization is called United for Peace and Justice. But there have been events in which non-violent protest have turned into bloody horror. Anyone remember the stand-off in Tienanmen Square in which thousands of students organized a peaceful protest only to be slaughtered?

Now I'm not saying that it will happen. But definitely mark your calendars. This event could have 'John Titor' written all over it.

posted on Dec, 9 2004 @ 08:11 AM
Oh dear...Titor thread number 963267

[edit on 12/9/2004 by LadyV]

posted on Dec, 9 2004 @ 08:12 AM

Originally posted by LadyV
Oh dear...Titor thread number 963267

[edit on 12/9/2004 by LadyV]

One of them has to eventually be right.
Right? It's better to be warned than taken by surprise.

posted on Dec, 9 2004 @ 08:34 AM
I personally think John Titor was a fraud....however i must say a very good fraud...

posted on Dec, 9 2004 @ 08:38 AM
Post after post after post of people predicting something...and they are always wrong, not a single right one yet...I'm thinking it's because they know it will get pages of points...I mean, I'd be embarrassed to be so wrong, yet people still do it

posted on Dec, 9 2004 @ 12:31 PM
HI LadyV, and everyone else. Titor was, in all probability, a very slick fraud, and for that ... S/he should receive the appropriate due, or at least one magnanimous approbation. However, and no offense intended to anyone here, I believe that was Titor post # 1,450,863.

posted on Dec, 9 2004 @ 12:49 PM
Well Titor or not, I think the Bush's inauguration could potentially be a serious event if the neo-cons decide to be pro-active in countering the protesters.

Current events have been pointing to more serious happenings for a while now. There's always something going on that is alienating/boosting one group or another.

posted on Dec, 9 2004 @ 01:37 PM
The genius thing about Titor is that he planted a trapdoor escape plan in his story. Even when none of the things he predicted come true the Cult of Titor will just say that it is because we are living on a different timeline � an easy out � the events didn�t come true and no one had to admit the guy was a fake.

posted on Dec, 9 2004 @ 01:51 PM
I have a theory on John Titor and his CIVIL WAR. And here it goes...

The was no american civil war. John Titors mission was to come back in time and to try to incite a civil war, to what end you might ask?

He would do this because in the future the people has no power the govt takes over in 2004 and 2005 and the people have no power to stop it...

Titor came back to warn us that this was about to happen and he wanted to warn us that the only way to stop it would be to stand up to the govt.

At one point in his post he wrote ... i can't think of a better way to incite a war, when talking about time travel.

Its happening, what are you doing about it???

posted on Dec, 9 2004 @ 02:41 PM
I havent heard from anyone the whereabouts of John Titor latley.
Has he went back to his year 2036 or is he still here in 2004? Didnt he say he was going to go back to his year or another? Wouldnt that be a way to prove him false, if hes still here. He should time travel LIVE for every one to see.

If hes still here, where is he?

posted on Dec, 9 2004 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by Termite197
I havent heard from anyone the whereabouts of John Titor latley ...
If hes still here, where is he?

According to The Time Travel Institute, he is dead.

posted on Dec, 9 2004 @ 03:16 PM
Wow are we still roasting this old chestnut? Titor was a very convincing fraud, perhaps he was even a Scientist himself with a bit of spare time and a twisted sense of humour. I don't believe he was a time traveller but perhaps he was an astute observer with an eye for Physics and current events. Id like for time travel to be real but i don't think it is, i think he was just playing with peoples minds ...... and perhaps he still is.

posted on Dec, 9 2004 @ 03:49 PM
Where are the Waco like events ???

Civil War is absolutely neccessary in order to knock down the govt. of America.

America's govt doesn't represent the people, it represents the corporations.

The people have to power, but we lack the will. We are doomed.

posted on Dec, 10 2004 @ 03:51 AM
Does John Titor claim to be a US citizen?? if so, how can he be so vague as to the date of the start of a Civil War???

An American Civil War would not only impact the US but the whole of the globe, If he does claim to be from 2036 I think he would know the date precisely.


posted on Dec, 10 2004 @ 03:58 AM

Originally posted by spacemunkey

Does John Titor claim to be a US citizen?? if so, how can he be so vague as to the date of the start of a Civil War???

An American Civil War would not only impact the US but the whole of the globe, If he does claim to be from 2036 I think he would know the date precisely.


Thats a very good point Spacemunky, if i remember what he said from his threads he said that there were things that he would not reveal, like the date of the Civil War, who won the 2005 Super bowl that kind of stuff. For all his smoke and mirrors he never really provided any proof as to who or what he really was. He fell back on the tried and trusted " i cant tell because it wouldn't be ethical " line. He said himself that what he did here would not affect his own World line so he could have given as much info as he wanted without fear of paradox because according to him paradoxes cannot happen due to the nature of Time travel.

posted on Dec, 10 2004 @ 05:10 AM

Originally posted by ledbedder20
Well Titor or not, I think the Bush's inauguration could potentially be a serious event if the neo-cons decide to be pro-active in countering the protesters.

Or...something out of Tom Clancy's Debt of Honor....both ground and air....possibility maybe...probability very low

[edit on 10-12-2004 by NetStorm]

posted on Dec, 11 2004 @ 03:23 AM
This just in...kind of.

Inauguration Will Get Special Security Attention
The second-term inauguration of President George W. Bush on January 20, 2005 has been designated as a National Special Security Event (NSSE) by the Department of Homeland Security. The NSSE designation will also be extended to the swearing-in ceremony at the U.S. Capitol, the inaugural parade, the official reviewing stand on Pennsylvania Avenue, and the inaugural balls. Read more...

So let's see, a massive protest coupled with unique security sposnored by the Department of Homeland Security? Looks like we possibly might have something in the making.

posted on Dec, 11 2004 @ 04:09 AM

Originally posted by sigung86
HI LadyV, and everyone else. Titor was, in all probability, a very slick fraud, and for that ... S/he should receive the appropriate due, or at least one magnanimous approbation. However, and no offense intended to anyone here, I believe that was Titor post # 1,450,863.

From what I've read, I don't even think he had to be a very slick fraud to garner the attention that he recieved. Whoeve he/she was, had a good imagination, told a good story, but used the current mood in the world to thier advantage. I believe it was the people who ran with this story that broke it down, deciphered it time and time again, and in a sence added to it that made this so popular.

posted on Dec, 11 2004 @ 11:24 PM

Originally posted by skychief
From what I've read, I don't even think he had to be a very slick fraud to garner the attention that he recieved. Whoeve he/she was, had a good imagination, told a good story, but used the current mood in the world to thier advantage.

You're assuming that John Titor was a fraud. However time and time again, people have tried to 'debunk him' and the information he provided has been...well not entirely validated but definitely 'not proven wrong'. The guy even provided a picture from the future which has still yet to be proven false.

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 01:25 PM
All we can do is wait and see. Regardless if you think this person is for real or not, it is just best to be aware of the situation, than to be ignorant and unprepared.

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