posted on Oct, 22 2014 @ 09:42 AM
So, I've worked very hard to create myriad internet personas, no pictures of myself, not using my real name, etc, not because I'm truly paranoid,
but because I think should I ever need to do a job interview, want to go back to school or start up a company or something, I don't want that madness
online haunting me around very real people. I've been interviewed by the FBI before in my youth. I'm sure if they need to find me, they know where
to look, although the last time they tracked me down, they targeted my family and had no clue where I was at, so maybe I give them too much credit.
Anyway, I comment on youtube quite a bit, and apparently each time I comment on youtube, they make a post under my account on Google Plus. I never
knew this, and I went onto Google plus today and apparently I have followers and they were generous enough to link my picasa account automatically to
my Google plus page so that all of my backup storage pictures are now linked to my email account in what appears to be public albums. There are no
current pictures of me, but there are actually a few pictures of me as a teenager plus pictures of some of my half-siblings on there.
So, is it strange that I feel violated by Google? I didn't even know I had a google plus account, let alone an audience and a public profile. So