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The Wreckage of FLT 93

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posted on Oct, 21 2014 @ 01:54 AM
I came across this article today concerning the wreckage of FLT 93, It appears the wreckage was stored for a wile at a small airport before being moved to iron mountain. A curator from the National Museum of American History took some photos wile collecting articles. Since the truth movement is fond of telling us there was no wreckage,, i thought I'd post the photos here.

One of the longest-lasting efforts was the quest for artifacts from Flight 93. After several years of discussions with company representatives and a myriad of attorneys, we finally gained access to the wreckage of the plane. When we arrived at the small airport where the material was stored, we found the airplane wreckage was in 20’ long ocean-going shipping containers. When the doors were opened we saw the debris was in amazingly small pieces. David worked the front of the piles while I climbed into the container, wriggling over the top of the pile, trying not to get cut by the sharp fragments of fuselage. In the near dark I looked for artifacts with a flashlight and fought back fears about what I might accidentally encounter. The wreckage smelled of jet fuel, moldy cloth, and other strange odors. This was not an assignment for anyone afraid of the dark. At the end of day, reeking of sweat and airplane wreckage, we threw away our work clothes before flying home.

Wreckage from Flight 93

Curator Peter Liebhold looking for artifacts to collect

Curator David Shayt with an object that is now part of the museum’s collections

Collecting often requires archival research. Bill and I spent many days going through thousands of photos maintained by the FBI. From crime scene images to haunting photos shot by participants who did not survive, the pictures put a human face on the September 11 attacks. Viewing the images made the experience far more personal. What I most desperately try to forget are things I saw in the photographs.

We were very driven yet remained respectful. We never directly contacted the relatives of someone killed—we always went through intermediaries so families could easily refuse our requests. Many of our conversations with participants and donors were hours long and often included a lot of crying—us included. It is difficult dealing with death and frankly none of us were prepared for the task. At times each one of us was ready to throw in the towel but the support and pressure of the others kept us going.

Like soldiers and their war stories, curators don’t often talk about the experience of collecting. I am proud of our efforts collecting artifacts related to September 11. It is an important piece of history and should be preserved.

Photos of some of the debris on display:

Part of the R in AIRLINES starboard side in front of exit.

For those truthers that want to tell us that FLT 93 was shot down at Shanksville then landed in Cleveland leaving no wreckage at Shanksville that was spread out over too large an area to be from a crash even though it didn't exist.... Ya we've herd it before, but it's still funny.

This is for the truthers that want to tell us the wing gash marks were there before 911...... No they are not in the same place.

This is for the truthers that want to tell us the wing gash marks were to small.... no they are exactly the size they should be.

For those truthers that want to discuss the debris field here is the thread for it.
edit on 21-10-2014 by waypastvne because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2014 @ 02:12 AM
well my dear a forensic investigation...there is this thing called in situ evidence. Whether this bunch of junk has anything to do with Flight to say the least.

Tell me...the event happened in 2001...when was the first time you saw these ?


btw...your post seems to be driven to debunk the No plane theory...but that's not exactly the "truther" side. The majority of truthers speculate on that plane being downed by friendly fire.
edit on 21-10-2014 by MarioOnTheFly because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2014 @ 02:24 AM
please people are still getting over the loss of the ebola epidemic that never happened.
now is not the time to crush them even further.
For me it's simple: people are in denial that something like this could ever happen. "we are the greatest country on the planet, nobody would mess with us, it HAD to come from the inside!"
then you just make sure your narrative fits with the evidence that cannot be disputed.
That is NOT to say that the american government isn't hiding something, from finding the IDs of the highjackers only to find out a few days later they were alive and well, to the WMDs, saddam's involvement, to never providing evidence of Bin Laden's death. but they are not hiding some internal conspiracy, just the traces of their utter incompetence.

and of course, that is a totally a wreckage from a different airplane and you cannot prove it is that flight and why didn't they show the pieces directly on the site and so forth and so on.

edit on 21/10/2014 by IShotMyLastMuse because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2014 @ 02:27 AM
Strange how nothing has any dirt on it. Was everything power washed before it was thrown into those inglorious shipping containers? Seriously? That debris looks like it could only have come from a surface crash. Or a plane that was blown apart in the sky. Wouldn't something that dove head first into 'soft dirt' look telescoped, not blown into thousands of pieces?

And calling someone 'truthers' is an odd insult. We all want the truth. It's up to the government to actually rise to that occasion, not millions of people who can see through the lies and are left waiting. Many family members agree.

posted on Oct, 21 2014 @ 02:27 AM
a reply to: waypastvne

And those are some of the bigger pieces I saw..
8 hrs later..

Nothing made sense that day..
But I have not seen that much metal in such close quarters since US air 420 before that...
PIA fire got turned away... we were not needed.

Took a truck.. but there was just no point..

We came.. we gazed...
We went home...

Never did find out what happened to all that scrap...

posted on Oct, 21 2014 @ 02:30 AM
Have any of these piece been tested for explosives? Any results available?

posted on Oct, 21 2014 @ 02:35 AM

originally posted by: kwakakev
Have any of these piece been tested for explosives? Any results available?

No but look at the crash indentation...
Then the degree of scorched tree line..

I never saw an engine.., but the rest of it was there...
As if a wood chipper got it..

And now my night ends on a buzz kill..

posted on Oct, 21 2014 @ 05:01 AM
Maybe this could be the wreckage found at the the second debris fields found at Indian Lake and New Baltimore located miles from the original crash debris site in Shanksville, PA

Summary of the location of the debris fields:

The primary crash site, centered at the impact crater
The location of an engine: ~ 2000 feet away
The Indian Lake marina, ~ 3 miles away
The New Baltimore, ~ 8 miles away

posted on Oct, 21 2014 @ 05:12 AM

a reply to: Bigburgh
I never saw an engine.., but the rest of it was there... As if a wood chipper got it..

funny that you should mention wood....the National Park & Forest Service have a history of being used for nefarious purposes

Forest Service airtanker scandal

airtanker scandal involved a scheme, called the Historical Aircraft Exchange Program, in which the "agency" would acquire aircraft , ostensibly for use as firefighting airtankers, but which ended up being used illegally for other nefarious purposes

From The Wilderness - covert air operations

The scheme was simple. the Forest Service would obtain surplus aircraft, and "trade" them to "private contractors" & place the aging aircraft in museums...

Mexican drug runners used C-130's

air tankers resume flying

National Park Service forced to admit 911 protest attendance

National Park Service does the dirty work

National Park Service used to push the agenda

edit on 21-10-2014 by Blowback because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2014 @ 07:16 AM
a reply to: signalfire

Strange how nothing has any dirt on it.

That first picture with the doors open shows a light covering of dryed dirt on everything.

posted on Oct, 21 2014 @ 10:10 AM

originally posted by: gmoneystunt
Maybe this could be the wreckage found at the the second debris fields found at Indian Lake and New Baltimore located miles from the original crash debris site in Shanksville, PA

The link dealing with this was in the OP:

The town of New Baltimore is located 8 miles south east of the crash site. IT WAS STRAIGHT DOWN WIND OF THE CRASH SITE on sept 11. This is the furthest distance that debris was collected.

Most of the debris collected in New Baltimore was found in the back yard of this church by a grounds keeper and collected by Melanie Hankinson.

Melanie Hankinson.

"The village of New Baltimore is a dozen or more miles by automobile but eight as the wind blows, which it was doing a year ago. Melanie Hankinson was at the church next to her home, transfixed before a television that showed the World Trade Center ablaze, when the man who sprays her lawn stopped by to tell her he was finding odd things in the weeds.

"He said there was a loud bang and smoke and then these papers started blowing through your yard," she said. "I said, 'Oh.' Then I went back to the TV." Then the parish priest, the Rev. Allen Zeth, told her an airplane had crashed in Shanksville.

For the next few hours, Hankinson gathered charred pages of in-flight magazines, papers from a pilot's manual -- she remembers a map showing the Guadalajara, Mexico, airport -- and copies of stock portfolio monthly earnings reports.

"And there was some black webbing -- a lot of people found that," she said. The webbing, flexible where it hadn't burned, crisp where it had, was from insulation lining the belly of the jetliner."

What she is describing in those last two sentences is carbon fiber. The resin in carbon fiber is flammable, the carbon fiber is not. When it burns, the resin disappears and only the cloth is left. She just has the burnt and unburnt backwards.

The debris that she collected is spread out on the kitchen table in this photo.

A payroll check was also found outside the home of Andy Stoe. What is seen in these two photos is the total debris collected from New Baltimore. Yes, this is what all the fuss is about.

Also located down wind of the crash site is the Indian Lake Marina. It's 2.4 miles from the crater.

If you look at the top photo in this post you will see the yellow line passes directly over the marina. Both are directly inline with the wind.

The majority of debris collected at Indian Lake was also paper and carbon fiber.

quote John Fleegle
By Wednesday morning, crash debris began washing ashore at the marina. Fleegle said there was something that looked like a rib bone amid pieces of seats, small chunks of melted plastic and checks

The rib bone turned out not to be human.

John Fleegle collecting fragments of carbon fiber.

The parts of a Boeing 757 made from composites are the external skins of the rudder, vertical stabiliser, elevator, horizontal stabiliser, ailerons, flaps, slats, wing fairing, gear doors, nose cone, and floor.
If you are looking for the tail of the plane you should be looking for something like this.

Carbon fiber with honeycomb still attached.

So how did this debris travel so far. It was carried by this cloud. When the mushroom cloud rose up it carried the debris with it. The position of the cloud in this photo is just past Indian Lake and on its way to New Baltimore.

Video of a thermal going through a camp site for those of you who say air can't pick things up and carry them off.

posted on Oct, 25 2014 @ 05:47 AM
a reply to: Bigburgh

No but look at the crash indentation... Then the degree of scorched tree line..

Why is there no clear photo of the crash site with the debris? There where a lot of helicopters around after it happened. From what photos I have seen of the site, the large and scattered debris indicates the plane blowing up mid air rather than crashing into the ground.

I never saw an engine.., but the rest of it was there... As if a wood chipper got it..

There is a lot I have not seen of it, not as much as I would of expected if the plane went down as officially reported.

posted on Oct, 25 2014 @ 06:50 AM

originally posted by: kwakakev

Why is there no clear photo of the crash site with the debris?

The reason for that is that almost everything of significant mass like metal components were embedded in the ground and required excavating to dig them out. All that could be seen initially is the smoking hole where the plane had impacted at high speed. There are some pics floating around the net of the engines being lifted out of the ground by an excavator at a depth of something like 10' or more and some parts of the fusilage were found amongst the nearby trees - it's all documented.

posted on Oct, 25 2014 @ 08:12 AM
a reply to: Pilgrum

With only a few piece larger than a few feet being found, it is the kind of damage you would want to do to a plane if your job was to shoot it down one over a city, try and limit the collateral damage. With many other important questions unanswered about 9/11, trust is below par for the official story.

It is common practice for aircraft accident investigation to rebuild the plane where there are questions with its actual crash causes. In being able to view how the crash impacted the aircraft, it tells a lot about what actually happened. If there is a good quality recording and documentation of the flight 93 situation then great. So far I have not seen enough to satisfy my questions that all is fair dinkum with it.

posted on Oct, 25 2014 @ 10:02 AM
All I will say is in my experience at the time ( I was active duty Air Force, flight line maintenance) I saw a lot of planes loaded with munitions and it is not a fast process under optimum circumstances.

In that time frame of 9/11 we did not have a lot of planes sitting alert fully armed.. and we have testimony about 2 jets racing towards Penn. with orders to ram flight 93... odds that the plane was shot down is very very small in my opinion.

posted on Oct, 25 2014 @ 03:38 PM
a reply to: kwakakev

This is the size of wreckage you will see if you shoot down an airliner, in other words, large pieces. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, about Flight 93 is consistent with a high speed, nose down, impact with the ground.

As for "reconstructing" Flight 93, it was not necessary. Again, there is recorded evidence, that it was intact until the moment of impact.

(And yes, I am well aware that it was a bomb that took out Pan Am 103)
edit on 25-10-2014 by cardinalfan0596 because: added something

posted on Oct, 25 2014 @ 09:20 PM
a reply to: cardinalfan0596

For wreckage that went a few feet into the ground it is looking pretty clean to me. I would not call it consistent with the official theory, it is not consistent to clean up all the wreckage as important marks and evidence is washed away.

For a nation that considers it more important to spend money on the public inquiry of a stain on the presidents clothes rather than who attack on a nation it says a lot. Considering the state of affairs, why is a chemical test for explosives on these parts such a big deal? It would help provide some trust and certainty to a culture that is lacking in it. For those that are still cynical, recreating the plane from the parts that are available will help them come to terms with these unfortunate events. I am sure there are a lot of people that would be interested in it.

posted on Oct, 25 2014 @ 09:31 PM
a reply to: kwakakev

With only a few piece larger than a few feet being found

That's what you're left with when you slam a jet down in soft soil.

It is common practice for aircraft accident investigation to rebuild the plane where there are questions with its actual crash causes.

In this case there was no need to do that because the cause of the crash was known as an act of terrorism.
edit on 25-10-2014 by Ivar_Karlsen because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2014 @ 09:41 PM

originally posted by: cardinalfan0596--->(And yes, I am well aware that it was a bomb that took out Pan Am 103)

Of topic, but i have seen the remains of the center fuel tank of PanAm 103, and there's no doubt in my mind that it blew up from the inside.

posted on Oct, 25 2014 @ 10:11 PM
a reply to: Ivar_Karlsen

In this case there was no need to do that because the cause of the crash was known as an act of terrorism.

I am in agreement with that statement. Where things start to get confusing is with exactly who are the terrorists. I find it concerning that you are not even willing to provide a basic level of air crash investigation towards these events and rather keep the evidence remains locked up. If you are so right then what is the problem with proper investigation standards?

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