posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 04:57 PM
a reply to:
First things first sport, your video is broken!
Right, to the nitty gritty then. I have, as I often do with dates and times and what have you, been utterly flummoxed as to the exact reason for my
joining. I have however been interested in the possibility of alien life in the universe for some time, along with other areas of scientific interest,
including a passing familiarity with forensics, physics, biology and medicine, engineering and the like. I am also interested in matters pertaining to
politics, sociological concerns, and so in and so forth.
However I may have come here after seeing something I could not explain in the sky, which turned out upon further research, to be more than likely to
be a set of bloody stupid sky lanterns at great distance. My join date says some time in 2007, but my memory (due to some hilarious balls ups during
my mothers labour, and my birth) problems mean that although outwardly appearing utterly normal, and being able to communicate effectively, some
details of my life escape me as readily as water falls from the sky.
edit on 20-10-2014 by TrueBrit because: Added detail.