Okay, sorry this isn't anything to get excited about, it isn't a 'specific' folk tale - more a narrative of traditional superstitions associated with
....told in a poetic form.
I wrote it a couple years ago for a Halloween 'story telling' party at my daughter's school - I put it here, because it isn't actually a "Short Story"
so doesn't go in that forum, and there's no forum for 'creative writing' in general...
The title is:
"All Hallow's Eve"
- Now, imagine you are one of a small, timid group of villagers - gathered in a tiny, age-old cottage on a shivery cold, storm darkened night.
Huddled together in the wavering shadows of a room lit only by the feeble, flickering light of a fire too faint to offer warmth, you wait and then
listen, heart quickening, as a withered old woman in a trembly yet deep - creaky yet stern voice begins to speak....
...Now is the night, darkest of dark -
"All Hallow's Eve" the ancient name,
but matters not by what 'tis called,
the fears and frights are all the same.
No pale moonlight, nor stars to shine,
the skies veiled deep in clouds.
And though the wind doth blow fare hard,
it cannot shift the cold, black shrouds.
On this one night, the old folk say,
demons, ghosts, and ghouls roam free
from crypts and places best unspoke,
each Hallows Eve, one night one key.
Unlocked from fell and foul domains,
these evils creep about at will
to steal away with foolish souls,
set hearts aquiver, bones to chill.
Now should you dare to venture out,
speak not of what you may have seen,
reveal the ways of spookish folk...
..............they'll come for
you next Halloween-
2010 - C.A.E.K. (aka lostgirl)
Feel free to share elsewhere, but please give credit if you do
edit on 19-10-2014 by lostgirl because: (no reason given)