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Doctor says: "If you want to live, ignore the CDC"

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posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 12:42 PM
a reply to: badgerprints

She needs to be charged with 5000+ cases of reckless endangerment.

Lol, what is it with people. Dying of Ebola Bucket List:

Fly home, take a cruise and hug everyone goodbye.

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 12:47 PM
Look, once upon a time, these bureaucratic institutions were created with the idea that they would be our defenders against threats like Ebola, but this was long ago, back in the days when people actually had lived through disease threats like Ebola. Polio, Spanish Flu and others were not just names in textbooks attached to statistics. They were real diseases these people had some experience with in some capacity.

Well, those people are all dead or retired and out of power. This generation is a foolish generation incapable of learning the lessons of the past. We all have to touch the pot on the stove to find out it's really hot. They think we're invincible because ... technology ... because ... science. I mean, we discard God now because we're told we don't need Him; we have Science which tells us all we need. We tell ourselves we can control the climate and now exactly what it HAS to be.

So, I don't see why anyone would think our officials in the CDC and other places. The experts would be incompetent in the face of nature reminding us that it actually is in control, and despite the trappings of modern society, our technology and science, we still aren't all that much different from those Bronze Age shepherds ... or the the cave men before them.

So, yeah, I don't trust them any further than I can throw them. I'd do better in charge of this than they would because at least I understand that disease spreads which is a concept they can't seem to grasp.

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 01:24 PM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: badgerprints

She needs to be charged with 5000+ cases of reckless endangerment.

Lol, what is it with people. Dying of Ebola Bucket List:

Fly home, take a cruise and hug everyone goodbye.

Featuring the all you can ebola buffet on the Lido Deck.

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 01:37 PM
It's common sense really, I mean, since when has any government agency proven themselves to be acting genuinely in the interest of the health and wellness of the general public?

Almost all agencies are for the most part, a political extension of the current presidential administration, that fact alone should speak volumes about how this or any agency deals with matters of policy, and especially in a crisis.

That said, until there are a few hundred cases of Ebola in the USA it really isn't worthy of all of the hysteria and fear.


posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 03:24 AM

originally posted by: ausername
It's common sense really, I mean, since when has any government agency proven themselves to be acting genuinely in the interest of the health and wellness of the general public?

Almost all agencies are for the most part, a political extension of the current presidential administration, that fact alone should speak volumes about how this or any agency deals with matters of policy, and especially in a crisis.

That said, until there are a few hundred cases of Ebola in the USA it really isn't worthy of all of the hysteria and fear.


The same could be said about the previous administration in their handling of Katrina and many other issues; as I said in the second post I'd like to keep this non-partisan.

The whole point it, we don't want this to get to the point where there are several hundred cases, at that point it may be unstoppable. We need decisive action now, protocols, equipment and training in the hospitals and with first responders; and tougher screening at airports and stopping direct flights from afflicted countries.

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 04:00 AM

originally posted by: PlanetXisHERE
This thread is not meant to panic anyone, it is just to get people thinking critically.

This blurb in the article made me laugh, though I realize it is unfortunately no laughing matter.

Michelle Malkin describes how the CDC has been diverted from its original role into one of political “transformation.” Rather than fight disease, the CDC now pushes for mandatory motorcycle helmet laws, and studies playground accidents, video games and violence, and “social norming” in schools! No wonder it can’t handle Ebola.


Speaking of thinking critically, just because they're called the Center for Disease Control doesn't mean that's all they do, you do understand this, right? Wait, who am I kidding, obviously you don't, nor does the person who wrote that article..

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 04:24 AM

originally posted by: PlanetXisHERE
This thread is not meant to panic anyone, it is just to get people thinking critically.

This blurb in the article made me laugh, though I realize it is unfortunately no laughing matter.

Michelle Malkin describes how the CDC has been diverted from its original role into one of political “transformation.” Rather than fight disease, the CDC now pushes for mandatory motorcycle helmet laws, and studies playground accidents, video games and violence, and “social norming” in schools! No wonder it can’t handle Ebola.


This video also sums up what many of us seem to be thinking:

Wonderfully said.

She said everything I have said, and as a nurse trained in the use of chemical warfare, I could have add quite a more facts that are being overly looked. Just for the record, my training was quite a few years ago but, even if I had received the training yesterday, it would not have made me an experienced user in the PPE equipment.

There is nothing more dangerous than a person with a little bit of knowledge. It does a great disservice to the healthcare workers and the public to lead them to believe that dumping off a bunch of protective gear to the hospitals is going to keep them and us safe. It takes both training and experience in the use of the hazmat gear for the user to be safer, while in an contagious Ebola environment. I said safer. Working in an actively contagious Ebola environment, is never safe, and they are liars if they claim that it is.

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 03:14 PM

originally posted by: AlphaHawk

originally posted by: PlanetXisHERE
This thread is not meant to panic anyone, it is just to get people thinking critically.

This blurb in the article made me laugh, though I realize it is unfortunately no laughing matter.

Michelle Malkin describes how the CDC has been diverted from its original role into one of political “transformation.” Rather than fight disease, the CDC now pushes for mandatory motorcycle helmet laws, and studies playground accidents, video games and violence, and “social norming” in schools! No wonder it can’t handle Ebola.


Speaking of thinking critically, just because they're called the Center for Disease Control doesn't mean that's all they do, you do understand this, right? Wait, who am I kidding, obviously you don't, nor does the person who wrote that article..

So you think the CDC should keep the wide mandate they have now, focusing on everything from helmet safety laws to school playground equipment, with some disease control thrown in?

Or maybe let other jurisdictions such as states, counties and municipalities take over non disease/pandemic related issues, and let the CDC focus on their core expertise, so when a pandemic hits it has their full attention?

I don't know, that's a tough call......

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 03:18 PM

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn

originally posted by: PlanetXisHERE
This thread is not meant to panic anyone, it is just to get people thinking critically.

This blurb in the article made me laugh, though I realize it is unfortunately no laughing matter.

Michelle Malkin describes how the CDC has been diverted from its original role into one of political “transformation.” Rather than fight disease, the CDC now pushes for mandatory motorcycle helmet laws, and studies playground accidents, video games and violence, and “social norming” in schools! No wonder it can’t handle Ebola.


This video also sums up what many of us seem to be thinking:

Wonderfully said.

She said everything I have said, and as a nurse trained in the use of chemical warfare, I could have add quite a more facts that are being overly looked. Just for the record, my training was quite a few years ago but, even if I had received the training yesterday, it would not have made me an experienced user in the PPE equipment.

There is nothing more dangerous than a person with a little bit of knowledge. It does a great disservice to the healthcare workers and the public to lead them to believe that dumping off a bunch of protective gear to the hospitals is going to keep them and us safe. It takes both training and experience in the use of the hazmat gear for the user to be safer, while in an contagious Ebola environment. I said safer. Working in an actively contagious Ebola environment, is never safe, and they are liars if they claim that it is.

Thank you for your contribution!

If you feel so inclined, please add some more facts that you alluded to above that aren't being mentioned; personally I love the first hand information occasionally presented on ATS, and I'm sure many other members/lurkers feel the same way.

So much is being spun through the media/politicians, some unvarnished facts would be a breath of fresh air!

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 04:43 PM

originally posted by: PlanetXisHERE

originally posted by: ausername
It's common sense really, I mean, since when has any government agency proven themselves to be acting genuinely in the interest of the health and wellness of the general public?

Almost all agencies are for the most part, a political extension of the current presidential administration, that fact alone should speak volumes about how this or any agency deals with matters of policy, and especially in a crisis.

That said, until there are a few hundred cases of Ebola in the USA it really isn't worthy of all of the hysteria and fear.

The same could be said about the previous administration in their handling of Katrina and many other issues; as I said in the second post I'd like to keep this non-partisan.

The whole point it, we don't want this to get to the point where there are several hundred cases, at that point it may be unstoppable. We need decisive action now, protocols, equipment and training in the hospitals and with first responders; and tougher screening at airports and stopping direct flights from afflicted countries.

Whether one believes the numbers are skewed and swept under the table, or that the US truly only had a number of Ebola cases the which you can count on one hand... the point is moot.

You're right. This is the time for the US hospitals, doctors, county governments, nurses, hospital sanitation workers, ambulance EMTs, and even airline custodians not to sit back and relax. Face it, the first case can be considered a test. The first official case of Ebola this country had - and almost everyone failed miserably.

We have a window of time to shore things up, as you say: "We need decisive action now, protocols, equipment and training in the hospitals and with first responders;" to get it right, and to be prepared for a single new case, or 100 or more new cases that can possibly emerge.

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 04:51 PM
Judge Jeanine sounds like she reads ATS.

Valid points, all, in my opinion,

I've said it 100 times...the CDC has totally and completely disappointed.

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 04:57 PM
There was a doctor on tv a while back, he was talking about when he was in training, one of the questions asked was how would he manage an Ebola outbreak. His reply was purely academic, as were the other student doctors at the time, mostly palative care and fluids etc.. they were all told "no, what you do is get the heck out of there".

I fear the current efforts to contain the disease, good intentions aside, will add to the growing crisis and scale of incident. Scare mongering? Why would a doctor be so afraid of a disease which our media are dumbing down, baring in mind this was pre breakout.

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