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Is there any proof that the illuminati and its agenda exists?

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posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 12:41 AM
When it comes to various conspiracies, there are sometimes factual elements that suggest the conspiracy might actually be true. 9/11 is one strong example.

But is there also a factual element in the idea that powerful people, the illuminati, have a long term plan to establish a one-world-government? I stress the words " factual element"? Or is it all speculation?

Please don't think I don't believe that there is a network of very powerful people that arrogantly believe they deserve to run the whole damn world. I understand that power is the ultimate aphrodisiac for the ruthless ones. But is the illuminati idea only speculation based on our understanding of the minds of the power junkies?

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 12:45 AM
a reply to: droid56

I recently heard less than a hundred people control half the worlds wealth.

Those people don't care what we call them. They just rule.

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 12:49 AM
a reply to: droid56
edit on 19/10/1414 by Emerald53 because: (no reason given)

edit on 19/10/1414 by Emerald53 because: (no reason given)

edit on 19/10/1414 by Emerald53 because: DAMN YOU LINKS!!!!

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 01:02 AM
This is a couple of quotes from a few of my favorite posts here on ATS:

originally posted by: followtheevidence
You can't absolutely "prove" anything. You can't prove that the external world outside of your mind is real. You can't prove that the universe wasn't created 2 days ago with the appearance of age. You can't prove the non-existence of something. What about the foundational axioms of scientific materialism? Yeah those aren't proven cases, they're presupposed. Without faith there is no legitimate starting place in the proof process. All you're left with is an infinitely regressive series of unproven premises.

originally posted by: crankyoldman
The word "proof" is a major problem. What you mean by proof is a way to show you in ways that are agreed upon as proof. Currently this written, science, or first hand. There is plenty of that, an inordinate amount of it, some found on the web, most not. So proof isn't what you are after, as there is more then enough of that to be easily had.

In order to understand certain aspects of what are calling NWO etc. is to try and get your head around the fact that not everyone is like you. There are people who you will never see, never hear their name, never know a thing about them, and they are not like you, they do not think like you, they do not emote like you, and there surely were not educated like you. To get further you must understand that not all is as you see, you see what you have been taught to see, a tiny fraction of a percent of the entire picture is what you see.

The key to understanding what is really happening is to look at the great symbol. The all seeing eye. It stands for the unseen, not the bilderberg or any such stuff, but the unseen folks who control this reality - they see all. They also control all. At the top of the NWO as you describe are beings largely beyond your comprehension, in fact they programmed you not to comprehend them, so they may remain hidden. Their agenda is something beyond those of the stooges they employ. The NWO, CFF, Trilateral etc. are all made up of employees of these unseen. Most have zero idea about that they have gotten themselves into, and most will never know, but they are simply doing the bidding of the unseen, and, were the unseen to ever return to physical reality (something unlikely at this point) they would all be killed first as they sold out their own people for money and the unseen do not trust them.

To grasp what I have said you need to be able to comprehend the entire picture, not the way it has been presented to you, but the way it is. You have to be able to use senses beyond your standard system, and you have to be able to understand symbols that you have no programming for and this is not easy as there is so much going against it.

Do not ask for proof, you will never get it - ever. Ask to "know," as to "understand," ask to "feel," but don't expect another to show you something you cannot comprehend yet as that is impossible - you need to understand the language first, before you can see what is happening on the levels you question.

For those who insist that the "Illuminati" is a myth...

The first gentleman in this video giving his report to Parliament is now dead, and this video was recorded on November 1st, just 21 days ago

edit on 19-10-2014 by Murgatroid because: I felt like it..

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 01:03 AM
a reply to: droid56

While I personally believe that there is a strong network of very powerful elitist individuals that control most of the major events that transpire globally, I believe the term "Illuminati" gets bandied about quite carelessly.

The idea of an Illuminati can be traced to the writings of a wealthy, well-connected, and highly eccentric Bavarian intellectual named Johann Adam Weishaupt (1748-1830), who believed that he had the power to create a secret society that would rule the world. That many of his contemporaries believed him—and that many conspiracy theorists still do—is a testament to the power of his legacy.


The Illuminati founded by Weishaupt may very well be the self-same Illuminati that elements within the current pop-culture paradigm describe but an Illuminati in that form is just as likely to not exist anymore at all in this day and age. I believe that the true (I use that word loosely) Conspiracy is far older than Weishaupt's incarnation. It is also highly like that a number of similar organizations exist and that they may work together to reach an agenda but they may just as well strive to oppose one another, its truly impossible to know without actually being an initiate of such an organization.

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 01:22 AM
a reply to: CagliostroTheGreat


I believe all the evidence suggests that this thing goes all the way back to the garden.

Wake up and smell the coffee here. When Adam Weishaupt’s branch of the Movement got in trouble with the law, and got a black eye in public opinion, they discontinued the USE of the NAME “Illuminati.” The NAME was unimportant and un-needed. It was necessary to do some quick re-shuffling, some swift slight-of-hand (which walnut shell is the pea under?) and some fancy footwork. But the WORK of ILLUMINISM continued uninterrupted, and re-surfaced all over the world bearing many names, but none the less pushing the same agendas, holding the same beliefs, and tenets, and keeping the same practices. One needs only to follow that trail, to find out that also, the same individuals, the same leaders, the same gurus and the same movers and the shakers were still at work. When some uneducated critic pops off and says “The Illuminati ceased to exist,” I cannot help but marvel.

What is the Illuminati?

The Illuminati is a very covert satanic cult which dominates global commerce and the military / industrial complex. It's hierarchy is composed of thirteen bloodline families whose ancestry is traceable back to the Babylonian era.


"The illuminati started long before 1776, It has it's roots in the mystery religions which the knights templar perpetuated. In Nimrod's time, Semiramus brought back the mystery religions which were from before the time of Noah. The Illuminati was just a different name by which these same entities exsisted. They can change their name a thousand times, but the same entities run it."

Illuminati Roots

Today’s occult elite still observes these rites, but with one major difference: They are now carried out on unsuspecting civilians and spread across the world through mass media. Fed and amplified by the fear and trauma of the masses, these mega-rituals are seen by all, but only celebrated by the occult elite. More than ever, we are dealing with Black Magick. “The human sacrifice required during many of these occult dates needs to contain the following elements, each one of which is exaggerated to the highest possible degree: People must die as human sacrifices, especially children, since The Darkness views younger human sacrifice as most desirable”

The Cult of Baal Never Disappeared

The Illuminati is simply a modern manifestation of an ancient Luciferian Cult, the consummate Evil cult, the Cult of Evil, which is now the main vehicle for the Ancient Luciferian Conspiracy for World Empire. Jesus Christ knew of it and confronted it repeatedly and called it the "Synagogue of Satan" ( Rev. 2:9; 3:9). The ancient Luciferian Cult, known today as the Illuminati, is thus a modern vehicle of the Ancient Conspiracy for World Empire often called the New World Order. The term "Illuminati" is a merely a modern name for the ancient cult, the Cult of Evil, which is comprised of the main human agents of Evil on Earth.

The Illuminati is an inter-generational conspiracy orchestrated by a coterie of inter-related families some of whom are often referred to as the Global Elite. Most high level Illuminists are born into this network of families who can trace their jealously guarded and cherished bloodlines far back into antiquity.

Ancient Luciferian Cult called Illuminati

The core of the control over Planet Earth's populace lies in ancient cults. These cults are still in existence to this day. Following the most ancient religions mixed with sexual worship. The power elite of this world worship Saturn and appease him with child sacrifices just as they have for hundreds of years. The most public of these displays is the "Cremation of Care" ceremony held annually at Bohemian Grove, where the members sacrifice a child to their god Moloch.

Pseudoreality and The Governing of The Committee of 300

"The Illuminati is a group that practices a form of faith known as "enlightenment". It is Luciferian, and they teach their followers that their roots go back to the ancient mystery religions of Babylon, Egypt, and Celtic druidism. They have taken what they consider the "best" of each, the foundational practices, and joined them together into a strongly occult discipline. Many groups at the local level worship ancient deities such as "El", "Baal", and "Ashtarte", as well as "Isis and Osiris" and "Set".... I do know that these people teach and practice evil. Weishaupt did not create the Illuminati, they chose him as a figurehead and told him what to write about. The financiers, dating back to the bankers during the times of the Templar Knights who financed the early kings in Europe, created the Illuminati. Weishaupt was their "go fer", who did their bidding."

Illuminati Defector Details Pervasive Conspiracy

The Illuminati is Satanic Priesthood whose bloodlines go back 1000’s of years. The Illuminati was born back in ancient Babylon. The headquarters was then located in Egypt. From Egypt the Illuminati rulers moved their offices to Greece. Rome was next to be the center of Illuminati influence. Then by way of France, Germany and Bavaria, they centered their rule in London. Now they are focused on Washington. Notice that the Illuminati headquarters have been the current world empires throughout history. The Empires weren’t established first. They sprang from the Illuminati Rulership.

It’s a mistake to think of the Illuminati as a political/financial conspiracy. The Illuminati is a Generational Priesthood, whose family bloodlines go back 1000’s of years. The Merovingians claim heritage from King David. The very low or non-bloodline members of the illuminati have the least power and do the lowest jobs; couriers, drug runners, sex servicers, and para-military assassins.

CHRISTIANS AND CONSPIRACIES - Straight Talk Radio Transcriptions

edit on 19-10-2014 by Murgatroid because: I felt like it..

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 01:50 AM

originally posted by: Murgatroid
For those who insist that the "Illuminati" is a myth...

The first gentleman in this video giving his report to Parliament is now dead,

Care to show some evidence that he is dead? Why do you claim that he is dead?

Here he is giving a speech at Parliament in June 2014...

Your video was from 2010....
edit on 19-10-2014 by hellobruce because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 01:54 AM
a reply to: droid56

Try having a conversation with someone that you meet randomly about it.

Once you see how they react towards you... Then you know the truth.

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he never exist.

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 02:25 AM
a reply to: hellobruce

Alrighty then...

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 06:00 AM
In my personal opinion, its real.
Its a damn riddle, some figure it out some don't.

Its corrupt, dark, bad intentions and lots of greed.
I know its always been there, there are many involved.
Probably much more then many give it credit for.

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 06:10 AM
a reply to: hellobruce

His post said the FIRST PERSON who spoke in the video died. That was Christopher Story. He died in 2010.

The second and last person who spoke in the video was Lord James of Blackheath.

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 08:03 AM
(ok, so are we done on that? the 1st guy in the video is dead or w/e?)

..when you're asking for "proof"
it's a long haul.. and sounds like you're part-way through it
what do you make of this picture?
(it's probably some famous painting, but it was in like, some reader-digest bull# book i picked up from somewhere, and i've taken a pic of it just recently & uploaded it now [end of chapter 1])


In my personal opinion, its real.
Its a damn riddle, some figure it out some don't.

sophie(sophia) = "wisdom"
edit on 19-10-2014 by UNIT76 because: kittens!

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 08:35 AM
Wow. I really hoped there would be more compelling evidence from this site than what's been offered so far.

All I'm seeing here are speculative ideas, indeterminate occurrences, very questionable references from random sites that appear to be from individual believers, rationalized definitions of the word "proof" and some silly jpegs.

Basically OP, you're looking for information that I haven't seen yet on this site after considerable reading. The above postings reflect the kind of biased and frankly un-substantiating documentation that is offered when this topic comes up.

So far, I've seen nothing that indicates such an exact group exists. I'm not saying there aren't families who are highly financially and politically powerful. That's not the question here.

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 11:42 AM
When ever I use terms like TPTB, Elite, or Illuminati - I'm often left looking into the mirror at my own hypocrisy. I'm quite comfortable in admitting it. That I too, divide and separate and prescribe to the idea of class division just by entertaining such notions.

It is one of the battle cries of the revolutionists, thinkers, and movers and shaker of society. They are trying to divide and conquer us. But the "They" is never clearly defined. They are secret men or maybe something other than human, that operates in the shadows - unseen and manipulating the entire world stage with the wave of their hand.

I sometimes fall into that thinking, and then, I give my self a swift kick in the butt. Every living person on this planet has purpose, value, and a right to exist and be here. Period. Any other sort of divisional thinking is only helping to compound our societal problems. That is the root issue that I have with the Illuminati. They have become the new boogeymen, the Satanists that are conspiring to dominate or destroy the world.

I'm not buying it. I think the Illuminati is just a manifestation of urban legend, fears, and myth coalescing into a social belief.


edit on 19-10-2014 by CirqueDeTruth because: fixes

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 11:46 AM

originally posted by: gottaknow
Wow. I really hoped there would be more compelling evidence from this site than what's been offered so far.

All I'm seeing here are speculative ideas, indeterminate occurrences, very questionable references from random sites that appear to be from individual believers, rationalized definitions of the word "proof" and some silly jpegs.

Basically OP, you're looking for information that I haven't seen yet on this site after considerable reading. The above postings reflect the kind of biased and frankly un-substantiating documentation that is offered when this topic comes up.

So far, I've seen nothing that indicates such an exact group exists. I'm not saying there aren't families who are highly financially and politically powerful. That's not the question here.

I've been researching since 2007. I no longer have questions about topics like these I'm now seeking solutions.

You want confirmation?

Do your ow. Research like the rest of us. The information is readily available. There is no easy way out.

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 01:51 PM
a reply to: droid56

I decided to create a thread on this topic.

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 02:12 PM
there are thousands of examples in history even today
its had bad results and other times good results
it might have evil or good intent depending on location etc

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 05:42 AM
It's difficult to "prove" the existence of a conspiracy of such magnitude. You need a combination of an open mind, extensive research and strong critical thinking skills to reach the conclusion that the Illuminati does indeed exist. It just doesn't exist in the way that most debunkers try to portray it as existing.

Just like any grand conspiracy (e.g. 9/11, JFK) there are infiltrators and disinformation specialists trying to steer people away from truth with ridiculous "theories" that seek to harm the image and credibility of any who question the Official Story.

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 06:30 AM
a reply to: onequestion
Now see? If you've spent 7 years researching and have some sort of conclusive evidence, then how could you not want to share that and put a cap on this for good?

I've read a variety of topics on this site and it's always the same thing. I came here seeking knowledge of the unknown, the stuff that goes on behind the scenes. I might as well have been wearing the "I want to believe" poster.

But, here it is, years later and I believe in well, practically nothing now after perusing the threads here and surfing.

With the massive vat of knowledge and ultimate information sharing device that is the internet, there should be a great deal of evidence for proving any of the fringe topics humans come up with. There's not. I see a lot of other people wanting to believe and oh, they want it so badly. Post after post I've read on ATS which is probably the best online resource for the strange and unusual, I see the same dubious references and just about everything gets properly debunked.

Hey, if there is some underground network of powerful, true and interesting society I'd be more than willing to get on the train. Heck, I'm so available and have nothing in the way of close family to muss things up. Sure, there's shady negotiations in political and corporate doings, but that's hardly new. I'd even join up with them if it meant a more interesting path than just drudging forward toward my demise. But sadly, what you see is all there is for the most part and another day goes by where nothing new comes to light.

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 08:07 AM
a reply to: gottaknow

The above postings reflect the kind of biased and frankly un-substantiating documentation that is offered when this topic comes up.

au contrare mon frer
there is a difference between seeing & understanding
you just don't "understand" what you're "seeing" in that picture "silly jpg"

like most things "conspiracy", it's staring you right in the face
all you have to do is see & understand


if i understand your last post correctly?
you went looking for "light" (but didn't find any)
so decided to give your life meaning by seeking out darth vader & pals?
(who, according to you, don't even exist?)
and you've got the cahones to be here as some authority on the subject?

edit on 20-10-2014 by UNIT76 because: thanks bud, you made my day

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