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Woman on Ebola watch list falls ill at DART station

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posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 05:11 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

I hope folks don't scream 'EBOLA" every time someone coughs or barfs.

They will, to a point. I want to scream every time I see someone in a grocery store cough openly or into their hand.

This lady was pushing a grocery cart behind me the other day. She sounded like she had a cold of some kind and chest congestion. Periodically she would cough, holding her hand to her mouth when she did so. Out of "politeness" I am sure.

I wanted to say something but didn't. She would cough into her hand and then use that hand to push her cart and open doors in the freezer section.

There are plenty of germ spreaders like that around. As many as there are people that shouldn't hold a drivers license.

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 05:30 PM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: FlyersFan

I hope folks don't scream 'EBOLA" every time someone coughs or barfs.

They will, to a point. I want to scream every time I see someone in a grocery store cough openly or into their hand.

This lady was pushing a grocery cart behind me the other day. She sounded like she had a cold of some kind and chest congestion. Periodically she would cough, holding her hand to her mouth when she did so. Out of "politeness" I am sure.

I wanted to say something but didn't. She would cough into her hand and then use that hand to push her cart and open doors in the freezer section.

There are plenty of germ spreaders like that around. As many as there are people that shouldn't hold a drivers license.

I see that all the time. A couple of months ago I was in the waiting room for my family doctor, when this lady who sat a couple of rows away coughed her brains out....right into the magazine she grabbed from a nearby table. Another lady who sat close to her just looked at me and I could tell she was thinking the same thing: how stupid and inconsiderate was that?

Last week I was on the bus and an elderly woman got on. A sweetheart but she was sick with a cold. She coughed into her hands alot...used a kleenex....then grabbed the rail as she got off the bus.

I used the other one when I disembarked. When I got inside I used my hand sanitizer AND those wipes they have at the entrance to the store.

At the very same store, going on about a month ago, this guy was at the self-serve donut case and he was trying to decide which ones to get. I saw him pick up at least a couple of donuts with his BARE hand, put them back and choose something else.

Since that time I have decided to not use self-serve bakery cases anymore. I'd much rather have a clerk who has gloves on hand them to me.

I'm stocking up on extra sanitizer, gloves, wipes, etc. If things get out of hand I won't go outside w/o looking like I'm going to operate on someone.

edit on 19-10-2014 by dianajune because: Forgot to add something

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 05:37 PM

originally posted by: intrptr

originally posted by: texasgirl

Local Fox4 news just reported the ill woman said she lived in the Ivy Apartments. Other stories have either changed it or deleted that information completely.

I'm beginning to believe the woman does, in fact, live there.

I am late to lunch here. Is this a confirmed case of Ebola, if we know?

Deer in the headlights waiting…

No, they took her to a hospital for evaluation. I don't think they even bothered to test her, although that could just be what they're telling us.

If you read the articles the story has changed many times. First, she was vomiting, had a low grade fever, was on a watch list, and told the EMTs she lived at the Ivy Apartments. Then the story changed to her not actually living there but stayed there for a few days and was NOT on any Ebola watch list. The final version is that she spit on the pavement, lives in an entirely different apt complex and has absolutely no connection to Ebola.

edit on 19-10-2014 by texasgirl because: Added more

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 05:47 PM
a reply to: dianajune

I never thought about those self-serve cases, but YIKES!!!!
No more for us.

Another thing to add to your list: masks.
I have some from the last bad flu scare.
Also, ebola is a virus....anti-bacterials won't help at all.

also, say someone was on a watch list....and it is day 25 and they are "clear" ...doens't make them automatically safe.

edit on Sun Oct 19 2014 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 05:55 PM
a reply to: texasgirl

Thanks Texasgirl, I value your input here, you know that. As things have developed with Ebola the fog is building and I am sort of sitting back now, waiting for real developments. By that I mean I see it on the "news" (more than one source), I search it on the internet and I come here and ask.

Thanks again…

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 06:03 PM
a reply to: dianajune
Thanks for that cough in the magazine bit, that was over the top. Humor is good.

If things get out of hand I won't go outside w/o looking like I'm going to operate on someone.

Thats a lot of stored goods. I don't think you need to go quite to those lengths.

They might put you to work handling the dead.

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 08:06 AM
I wonder if they make a travel size/purse size bottle of disinfectant spray? Or something to keep on my keychain, like my pepper spray, but disinfectant spray instead? Or will that stuff not kill ebola?

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 12:07 PM

This is the latest I've read

Honestly I'm just gonna sit back, not worry, and let this one play itself out. To many different stories with a lot of hype out there!

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 07:01 PM
a reply to: dianajune

You really don't realize what is touch by the public until you find yourself in such a situation. pocket sized sanitizer's are a great way to kill germs on the go I keep one in my car and in my purse at all times.

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 09:26 PM

originally posted by: jadedANDcynical

DALLAS — A woman who was being monitored for possible exposure to the Ebola virus was reported ill at the Dallas Area Rapid Transit White Rock Station Saturday afternoon.

DART spokesman Morgan Lyons said the person fell ill with a low-grade fever at the station in Northeast Dallas after deciding that her quarantine period was over.

Abundance of caution or is 31 the new 21?


Too much noise, need more signal.

It has been reported that the incubation period can be up to 42 days

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 09:31 PM
Many doctors are saying that 21 days isn't enough for the Ebola bug to show symptoms, and have been questioning the effectiveness of that watch period.

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 10:26 PM

originally posted by: seentoomuch
I wonder if the Dart lady is the lady in the flip flops next to the power washer crew at Duncan's apartments? Remember her?


Holy ^&*^^%$!!!!!! They used a power washer to SPREAD the vomit and virus everywhere??? Lovely. Just great, smart move.

posted on Oct, 21 2014 @ 05:34 AM
I haven't heard anything more on this story, it's so frustrating! The last I knew the woman was at the hospital for evaluation.

Someone please tell me why this woman is at the hospital if the final version of the story only has her spitting on the pavement, with no fever and absolutely no ties to any Ebola contacts? And why did we have a crew in hazmat suits scrubbing down the station?
edit on 21-10-2014 by texasgirl because: punctuation error

posted on Oct, 21 2014 @ 09:59 AM
a reply to: texasgirl

Realistically, and what I think probably happened, someone probably panicked with the none stop coverage of Ebola. They called the cops to report someone being ill, maybe said person over heard the "ill" person mentioned Africa and assumed that's where they had been. She was taken to the hospital, where they learned she was fine, and then let her go. During her evaluation, in an "abundance of caution" hazmat crews scrubbed down the Dart station just in case. (Which if you have ever been in a Dart station it probably needed it anyway.) With no story to milk, the media just dropped it, and continued to hype the other scares.

Now for the fun crazy theories. You'll need your tinfoil hat for these

- With the hype of Ebola it would be a perfect cover to make some one disappear or detain them with out going through legal channels. No one would cry foul because people are so afraid of catching a deadly disease. Public safety over individual rights and all that. There no way we would know any differently unless the government told us. Could also explain why the media dropped the story.🙉🙈 🙊

- Even nuttier: She did have Ebola and this is a CDC cover up. The powers at be are hiding the actual number of cases to prevent panic, protests, and/or riots so people don't use the public panic to organize a coup. The media is bought and was ordered to drop it. It's all a huge government conspiracy. 👽

edit on 10/21/2014 by blackcatmagic because: that run on sentence could have won a marathon.

posted on Oct, 21 2014 @ 10:03 AM
a reply to: blackcatmagic

You know that old saying.....truth is stranger than fiction. That last scenario seems plausible.

posted on Oct, 21 2014 @ 10:11 AM
a reply to: dianajune

Never rule anything completely out. Anything is possible regardless of the actual probability of it occurring.

edit on 10/21/2014 by blackcatmagic because: no one paid for my typing lessons yet.

posted on Oct, 21 2014 @ 11:28 AM

originally posted by: blackcatmagic
a reply to: texasgirl

Realistically, and what I think probably happened, someone probably panicked with the none stop coverage of Ebola. They called the cops to report someone being ill, maybe said person over heard the "ill" person mentioned Africa and assumed that's where they had been. She was taken to the hospital, where they learned she was fine, and then let her go. During her evaluation, in an "abundance of caution" hazmat crews scrubbed down the Dart station just in case. (Which if you have ever been in a Dart station it probably needed it anyway.) With no story to milk, the media just dropped it, and continued to hype the other scares.

Now for the fun crazy theories. You'll need your tinfoil hat for these

- With the hype of Ebola it would be a perfect cover to make some one disappear or detain them with out going through legal channels. No one would cry foul because people are so afraid of catching a deadly disease. Public safety over individual rights and all that. There no way we would know any differently unless the government told us. Could also explain why the media dropped the story.🙉🙈 🙊

- Even nuttier: She did have Ebola and this is a CDC cover up. The powers at be are hiding the actual number of cases to prevent panic, protests, and/or riots so people don't use the public panic to organize a coup. The media is bought and was ordered to drop it. It's all a huge government conspiracy. 👽

I'll take #3, please...It was the EMTs who determined she could have Ebola after the woman told them she was on a watch list and lived at Ivy Apartments. (And a day earlier 2 Dart rail employees were sent home because one of them was on the plane with Amber Vinson)

posted on Oct, 21 2014 @ 01:09 PM

originally posted by: texasgirl

[snip again] (And a day earlier 2 Dart rail employees were sent home because one of them was on the plane with Amber Vinson)

Wow, small world, isn't it?

2nd line.

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