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Woman on Ebola watch list falls ill at DART station

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posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 08:17 AM
Well slap me silly. 3% makes much more sense than 98%. But even 3% sounds like a lot when average is between 2 and 6 days.from exposure. a reply to: DontTreadOnMe

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 08:28 AM

originally posted by: AutumnWitch657
WHO allows 42 days or twice the incubation period to pass before declaring an area Ebola free. Is that what you heard or was it an incubation period? The virus is still transmissible in semen for a time after a man recovers outwardly I have read.

eply to: 0bserver1

I wonder if the virus can be transmitted from a recovered female patient who is still having her period?

And what about other body fluids? Can a recovered Ebola patient use a public restroom?

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 09:23 AM
a reply to: AutumnWitch657
IT IS NOT THE SAME ZAIRE STRAND. Viruses do not devole they mutate and sometimes the antigenic drift makes somewhat less virulent and more transmissible.

No, this strand is different. not new but a variant. For the new study, researchers analyzed viruses from the current Congo outbreak and found them extremely similar to a Zaire Ebola strain that caused previous outbreaks in the Congo region. The virus is different from the Zaire strain causing the larger epidemic in West Africa, suggesting that a separate source in nature seeded each outbreak. The one now in the Congo is the same indigenous Zaire strand but the other outbreaks in West Africa are not. This should also be evident from the smaller number of infections and death ratio which follows the previous patterns seen with the Zaire strand.

In March 2014, the World Health Organization was notified of an outbreak of a communicable disease characterized by fever, severe diarrhea, vomiting, and a high fatality rate in Guinea. Virologic investigation identified Zaire ebolavirus (EBOV) as the causative agent. Full-length genome sequencing and phylogenetic analysis showed that EBOV from Guinea forms a separate clade in relationship to the known EBOV strains from the Democratic Republic of Congo and Gabon. Epidemiologic investigation linked the laboratory-confirmed cases with the presumed first fatality of the outbreak in December 2013. This study demonstrates the emergence of a new EBOV strain in Guinea.

other confirming sources : Although the virus belongs to the same species, Ebola-Zaire, the strain is genetically so different that it "is definitely not a dissemination of the outbreak in West Africa,” says virologist Eric Leroy of the International Centre for Medical Research of Franceville, the World Health Organization (WHO) collaborating center in Gabon that is characterizing the DRC virus.


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edit on Sun Oct 19 2014 by Jbird because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-10-2014 by bella2256 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 10:06 AM
Excellent questions. I have no idea. All I heard about as far as extended contagion is that a man can still spread it sexually for a time after he has recovered from the disease but that's not incubation time. He's already gotten sick and recovered. Maybe if they stopped using condoms as water balloons and actually used them in the manner intended part of this pandemic could be stopped. Every answer brings more questions. reply to: dianajune

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 10:07 AM
It's Zaire. I'm not getting into an argument with you about it. a reply to: bella2256

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 10:10 AM
a reply to: AutumnWitch657
Great show some proof where it is the exact same Zaire strand. This is a new variant it is not the same but hey what do all those research scientist know

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 10:21 AM
I think it's our focus that's changed not the number of people getting sick. When I was pregnant I saw expectant mothers everywhere. When I bought a Lincoln towns car I saw Lincoln towns cars everywhere. I think we're focusing on people becoming ill in public places because it's all over the news. I know that people get sick on airplanes all the time. That's why they have vomit bags in every seat pocket. It's not something new. I know that I'll get seasick sometimes on a boat though thankfully not every time. I never got motion sickness on a train but I'll bet it happens. Everyone is on high alert and so these things get noticed when they happen. Not that it's happening more. a reply to: ikonoklast

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 10:21 AM


posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 10:33 AM
a reply to: AutumnWitch657

I don't either but I don't understand why iterate something as a fact when the scientist are saying otherwise. Don't you think facts should be spread on the forum?
Is is misinformation and I' don't mean to offend you at all but as a scientist I feel strongly that it is very important to disseminate correct scientific information.
If you don't then ok my apologies I suppose it is your right not too spread correct information .

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 10:37 AM
Local Fox4 news just reported the ill woman said she lived in the Ivy Apartments. Other stories have either changed it or deleted that information completely.

I'm beginning to believe the woman does, in fact, live there.

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: texasgirl

I believe the story was changed deliberately. Remember the Arutz Sheva report that declared Thomas Duncan had died (this was several days before his death was officially announced)? Hours later they changed it. No retraction........just reworded it. Makes me wonder.

Sounds like damage and panic control if you ask me. I'm sick of being lied to by the gov't.

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 01:12 PM

originally posted by: texasgirl
Local Fox4 news just reported the ill woman said she lived in the Ivy Apartments. Other stories have either changed it or deleted that information completely.

I'm beginning to believe the woman does, in fact, live there.

I am late to lunch here. Is this a confirmed case of Ebola, if we know?

Deer in the headlights waiting…

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 01:15 PM

originally posted by: seentoomuch
I wonder if the Dart lady is the lady in the flip flops next to the power washer crew at Duncan's apartments? Remember her?


Thats the scariest pic I've seen in regards to this Keystone Cops response to the virus on American soil. Feeding Ebola puke to the sewer rats, while people wander through the effluence.

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 01:23 PM
a reply to: intrptr
Yea they may have been better off just spraying the area down with bleach. It rained a day or two after that pic was taken. I am a couple hours downwind from dallas and i remember when the storm rolled through here it was proceeded by strong winds and when i sen it coming i seen about a hundren yrd wide dust cloud rolling in and i was just seeing a cloud of ebola virus in my mind. Then the other day i felt relieved because the 21 day window was up then i was deflated to learn it could actually take 21 to 70 days to know for sure.

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 02:59 PM
a reply to: jadedANDcynical

Hold the phone:

DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) - According to a statement released on Friday afternoon, two workers with Dallas Area Rapid Transit have been sent home for connections to individuals who are either carrying the Ebola virus, or have been exposed to those carrying the virus. DART is now taking additional precautions to make sure that their customers remain safe.

Now I know there are a plethora of Ebola threads and posts, so I could have easily missed this, but take a look at the date of this article:

Ebola Concerns Send Home 2 DART Workers
October 17, 2014 1:24 PM

So the day before a DART passenger takes ill, DART had sent home two employees who are in the "low risk" category, the level of risk the two nurses were categorized as, one of which is reported as displaying symptoms.

He was not displaying any symptoms at the time and, according to the CDC’s information, could not have transmitted the virus.

One of the DART employees is a bus operator who was on the plane with Ebola patient Amber Vinson as she traveled from Cleveland to Dallas.


Details about the second DART employee were not released. Both employees were sent home. DART stated that they will remain at home until it is determined to be safe for them to return to work. Officials with DART are remaining in contact with local, state and federal health care officials for advice on how to proceed.

Then the next day a passenger is initially reported as having symptoms only to have all early reports sanitized and/or deleted.

Sounds like Fukushima/Tepco/Japgov all over again.

Folks, I suggest screenshots, printing hardcopies, burning to dvd, and offsite storage otherwise we will never be able to put together a cohesive version of the truth due to all the shenanigans.

edit on 19-10-2014 by jadedANDcynical because: add details from article in case they are changed later

edit on 19-10-2014 by jadedANDcynical because: no symptoms, apologies.

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 03:02 PM
There should be an update on this by now, as in what her results were and/or if she is still in danger.

Am trying to post the results of all these near misses, but they, of course, don't make nearly as big a deal about the results as they do the original (scare) stories.

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 03:14 PM
a reply to: deadeyedick

i was just seeing a cloud of ebola virus in my mind. Then the other day i felt relieved because the 21 day window was up then i was deflated to learn it could actually take 21 to 70 days to know for sure.

But you know now that wasn't an Ebola dust cloud (Ebola isn't airborne yet) and the 21 day incubation period is pretty accurate as far as that goes.

It must be a little more concerning to be closer to events. I live on the west coast. Every time it rains I think of Fukushima. Then I get a handle on it because fear or panic will usually just make reality worse.

Still an unusual lot we got, huh? Especially in the back lot of the internet.

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: intrptr

Yea i know there was no danger but in that instant no one could have removed the thought from my mind as being a possibility.
The point you brought up about the rats and fleas becoming carriers is a remote chance but a possible threat. Simple things like money and public bathrooms makes me cringe now.

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 03:52 PM
Cold and flu season is starting. I hope folks don't scream 'EBOLA" every time someone coughs or barfs. If someone is on a watch list .. that's one thing. But if their watch period is over and flu season is starting then don't worry about it.

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 05:04 PM
a reply to: deadeyedick

Simple things like money and public bathrooms makes me cringe now.

Me too. Not really cringe but I try to avoid them if possible.

Restaurants, grocery stores, gas stations. I don't know what I worry about, all those years I was living "outdoors" under bridges, diving in dumpsters and going to flea markets did me no lasting harm. In fact that period of my life was the healthiest I've ever been.

I want to state here that I think how you live your life and treat others is the best kind of protection from whatever's out there. Just my oh oh, but trying to be better person has worked wonders for my longevity despite decades of cigs and drug abuse.

Or I'm just pissing in the wind.

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