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Emerald Tablets of Thoth say a spaceship is under giza platueu

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posted on Dec, 23 2004 @ 04:48 PM
Here are some things I am waiting to learn. I cannot prove the tablets DONT exist. But it doesn't sound like they fit in well with many things we know about the world. So, the burden of proof isn't really on MY shoulders; it's on the person who wants to seriously entertain the whole yarn.

1. No photos. So I cannot compare them with other known artefacts. too bad

2. We don't have the text in the original Atlantean. Drat!! Missed a golden opportunity to see a new language for the first time!

3. I am way more interested in the Atlantean language than I am in the tablets. Is Atlantean some kind of proto-Indo-European? Does it have affinities with Sanskrit? or does it favor the morphologies of Mayan, which is heiroglyphic? It's either one or the other. You cannot be alphebetic AND ideogrammatic at the same time. Just a hint from the translator would help linguistics immensely.

4. If these tablets are made from some totally impervious, incredibly hard substance, then how were they cut in the first place? I bet NASA (and the Pentagon) would be real interested in this.

5. What's this about the language being related to Mayan, anyway? Mayan culture arose in central Mexico after 700 AD. So what did this culture do from 36000 BC until the Mayans showed up? It didn't influence the other cultures that occupied the Yucatan before the maya did. So the olmecs, toltecs, and everyone else sharing that real estate, none of them have a link with Atlantis? Only the Maya? Hmmmm.

6. Egyptian heiroglyphic prose, like Greek and Semitic languages such as Hebrew, Arabic and Ethiopian, don't use the First person declarative in extended narratives. (In other words, the Hebrew Bible, the Odyssey, the Hymn to Osirus, as well as other ancient texts before about 200 BC, rarely say "I did . .", "I saw this and that" or other 1st person narrative literary devices.)
For that matter, I haven't seen any Mayan that does, either. Which makes me think the narrative style of this document is a lot closer stylistically to the modern novel than to, say, the Gilgamesh Epic, or "Emerging by Day" (the Egyptian book of the Dead), or the Bardo Thodol (Tibetan book of the dead). Huge coincidence, in't it? We get a book from an ancient Egyptian God, and he sounds like one of us!

7. Funny how much this sounds like the "Tabula Smaragdina" of "Hermes Trismegistus," (Emerald Tablet of Hermes [Thoth] the thrice-great), one of the founding documents of Alchemy. The historical "emerald tablet" only exists in manuscript form, although there are examples copied into latin, greek, and every major language group since classical times. Too bad someone had to go ripping off a historical drocument in order to try and prop up their own sorry new-age manifesto with a veneer of historicity. They steal gold, and try to pass it off as lead.

edited by adding explanatory comment.

[edit on 23-12-2004 by dr_strangecraft]

posted on Dec, 23 2004 @ 05:58 PM
The one thing every one so far has left out of this is the fact that there is a myth in existence regarding Thoth, the ibis headed scribe of ancient Egypt.

That is by no means irrelevant.

He was the one who is said to have given the Old Kingdom of Egypt their writing, medicines, architecture and all the other amenities of civilization.

With 15 centuries of Dark Ages behind us, during which the destruction of ALL ancient knowledge was the prevailing theme, it is no wonder that we question the validity of claims such as the 'Emerald Tablets'. But I believe it is to our disadvantage to ignore all the hints of knowledge that existed before the throttling effects of the Holy Roman Empire from about 300 AD on.

I look with keen interest at Sitchin and his Sumerian speculations. As well, the tales of Atlantis still cause me to shiver with anticipation as I read Rand Flem-Ath or Charles Hapgood and Velikovsky. These backward looking authors, as well as many others (like West and Hancock) are tapping into something that will someday rewrite history.

I have read the Emerald Tablets and find some portions wonderfully edifying...just the fact that they seem to reflect the thinking of some of our greatest philosophers of recent time...for instance the 'monad theory' of Leibniz has similarities in the Tablets. As well, the wonderfully imaginative speculations on 'string theory' is amazingly engrossing and leads to question the very foundations of our universe and how it is made. I won't even attempt to state how much Quantum Physics and the Holographic Universe stuns me.

I consider those gods (Thoth, Hermes and Quatzelcoatl) to all be myths leading us to the same idea...that a few wise people of an ancient civilization survived the small extinction of 10,500 AD with books and scrolls and brought to the rest of the scattered survivors the seeds of forgotten knowledge.

Certainly there are enough scoundrels, who, through the millenia, would try to sell us a 'pig in a poke' and benefit from concocting some false material. It is up to us to seperate the real thing from the phoney by good debate and hard study. That is why I think there should be those who are willing to seriously test the material through debunking. However, until a work has been proven false, we should not throw 'the baby out with the bathwater'.

I applaud anyone who brings such material into this site, if only that it causes the rest of us to get 'googling' and become aware that such things are 'out there'.

There is always that old adage that if we 'ignore history' then we will be bound to 'repeat it'. I buy into that and have my nose firmly set into the past as I back into the future. There are enough of us who look only to the promise of a Jetsons style of living, don't you think?

[edit on 23-12-2004 by masqua]

[edit on 23-12-2004 by masqua]

posted on Dec, 24 2004 @ 12:47 AM
I am new to ATS and post very little; however read quite a bit. I am curious in this case as to why in both these two 'tanslations' sited and afore mentioned make the use of Olde English (as in the case of the KJV of the Bible c.1611) and modern coventional English, specifically Northern American? Dosen't do much for the sake of authenticities argument.

posted on Dec, 24 2004 @ 01:32 AM
Not saying this is real by anymeans, but (for Byrd) here's a...
of the emerald tablet for what it's worth. (I know, zero dollah)

complete with a book commercial and various alchemy related nonsense. (you can get a diploma in alchemy?)

I couldn't find any pictures of it though.
Personally I think it's just a modern myth, or as Byrd says, Golden knowledge.

posted on Dec, 24 2004 @ 03:42 AM
Well, right off the bat it looks a lot like Phoenician/Aramaic script, interspersed with a later, rounded Greek-derived script; perhaps coptic?

Maybe a copy of the inscription of the Hezekiah tunnel in Jerusalem, interspersed with a coptic text???

the picture seems to show text that reads right to left, as a Semitic language would. "words" are separated by a dot, as in ancient Hebrew. Interestingly, the sentences' end is marked with a double dots, like a colon. This is the sign for the end of a sentence in Masoretic (post-Biblical) Hebrew. It came a thousand years after the phoenician script.

Some of the words look like Hebrew, and the word-length is 3-5 characters long, which would be typical of a Hebrew inscription (though not of poetry like the purported translation of the tablets.)

The other characters, demotic/coptic script, have longer word lengths, probably 5 - 7 characters long. This length hints at the presence of true vowels, while the shorter "Hebrew" looking words have only consonantal roots.

The second script-style, the one I am suggesting is coptic, has lettes that are much more rounded, with symbols that look like 9's and w's or Omegas. It also has a wavy leaning M shape, as well as upside-down tridents.

The two text types are slightly intermixed, but tend to have several characters of one type, followed by a word of the other.

The first two characters from the right on line one look like daleth, beth, resh, followed by a non-semitic character. D-B-R. "to speak, say. An thing, important proclamation.

The next line looks like hey, resh, mem, maybe aleph, lamed, aleph???

The lines in all bold script seem to repeat themselves verbatim. Do we know which of the tablets this is? does the translation repeat itself that way?

oh, here it is, in coptic AND Aramaic:

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

posted on Dec, 24 2004 @ 10:52 AM
I agree, Dr. Strangecraft.

The "language" is inconsistant with the translation. In the translation, the word "one" appears four times in the first four lines. There is no such word in the drawing of the inscription.

They're clearly trying to establish an original provenance with a Greek translation (which this isn't) being part of the Library at Alexander. However, I don't see any such scroll on the lists of known books for the library.

If the Greeks had translated it (there is a problem with this, because none of the ancient scholars translated anything but living (existing) languages) then there should be a lot of other examples with this particular script lurking around.

If it was Atlantean, we'd see artifacts with this script on them. And pieces of building and tablets and other ojects with this script (like finding Roman coins and Roman buidings in Britain or demotic and hieroglyphic scripts in Egypt.)

Cases where there would be only a single example of something would be some of the invented "magical" alphabets, where someone is writing in their native language but using odd symbols for mystic (hiding their knowledge) or magical purposes. Those do exist, but they are fairly easy to crack with modern methods.

So we've got a single example
- apparently made up of letters invented after 3000 BC
- where the words and translation don't look consistant
- of a language that the Ancient Greeks supposedly could translate (but where there are no dictionaries or examples of writings of this language)
- and the original and the translation have vanished without a trace

It's clearly not the writings of an ancient civilization... HOWEVER, it's completely consistant with a "magical alphabet" created by one person for writing down Impressive Thoughts.

Apparently there's reasonably good records of it dating to the Moslem world and scholars from about 600 AD and other trace records to 200 AD. In fact, there's good consensus for the information on this site:

posted on Dec, 24 2004 @ 11:24 AM
The Emerald Tablet (tabula smaragdina) is a short, ancient text that we have in arabic, greek, latin, and most medieval languages. I think something like a fifth of all the books in the Ashmolean Library either refer to the text or give it verbatim. It is considered the foundational theoretical basis for alchemy and astrology.

The "emerald tablets" mentioned at the top of this thread are 12 in number, supposedly 36,0000 BP, and deal with a spacecraft buried in the desert. The only coincidence with the historic text referred to as the Emerald table is that they are both cool, and green.

These new tablets are supposed to be on something harder than emerald (which is what, 8 on the mohs scale?), and of ancient manufacture. They are purportedly an artefact, rather than a manuscript.

posted on Dec, 24 2004 @ 12:29 PM
The Tabula Smaragdina was traced back to about 2-3 century AD. it is an early text, but by definition cannot be the foundation since astrology and alchemy existed thousands of years prior.

There is no evidence that anything along the lines of emerald tablets existed, other than in tales akin to the Ali Baba and the Arabian Knights, But We dont believe in flying carpets. For some reason people have a need to believe in an artifact, a tangible physical object that somewhow will provide salvation and the path for humanity to save itself.

This is exactly what Alchemy addresses. Alchemy is Not the search for transmutation of a Iron to Gold, or a reliance on emerald tablets. Alchemy is the search for the Soul, the reason for ourselves and why we are here. These philosophers and soul searchers would be burned alive if the church understood their true Quest, so it was wrapped in code and passed off as something else.

Jesus understod this human fetish also, and was carefull to not leave behind anything that would be worshiped, he would only write in sand, and then erase it. The great secrets are hidden in plain sight.

Strip away alchemy, strip away the Tabula, astrology and thousands of years of philosophical writings. Lay bare these teachings and they all boil down to the same lesson ; Know thyself.

posted on Dec, 24 2004 @ 12:32 PM
(gosh, how could I overlook the TPS cover sheets?)

Originally posted by dr_strangecraft

The Emerald Tablet (tabula smaragdina) is a short, ancient text that we have in arabic, greek, latin, and most medieval languages. I think something like a fifth of all the books in the Ashmolean Library either refer to the text or give it verbatim. It is considered the foundational theoretical basis for alchemy and astrology.

Yes... you're correct. I was looking up the source for the above picture, and it tied into the alchemical Tablet of Thoth. Hence my confusion... I originally did think it was the 12 tablets and then the "here's a drawing of the original" totally threw me off track.

But it's not a theoretical basis for astrology... astrology's older than that.

The "emerald tablets" mentioned at the top of this thread are 12 in number, supposedly 36,0000 BP, and deal with a spacecraft buried in the desert. The only coincidence with the historic text referred to as the Emerald table is that they are both cool, and green.

These new tablets are supposed to be on something harder than emerald (which is what, 8 on the mohs scale?), and of ancient manufacture. They are purportedly an artefact, rather than a manuscript.

So we have no "drawings" of the texts and no pictures of the artifacts, etc.

Neh. Hoax.


posted on Dec, 24 2004 @ 02:01 PM
The tablets I have read of from various sources were originally cast from a mold. The lettering is said to be raised. Its first purpose that I found was to guard the temple in Egypt of the One God (Aten). Moses (Moshe) was said to take it when he took the rest of the information from the two pillars at that temple where he had studied about the One God.
The tablet was believed to be the power source of the Arc of the Covenant.
One story told of Alexander the Invulnerable fashioning a belt with the stone tablet(s) in front. It seems he did not understand the writing on the stone which directs the user in proper mental and spiritual conditioning to not be harmed by the tablets force. Alexander went mad just prior to dying from the radiation type weapon. Later called Alexander the Great historians theorized that he was poisoned.
I can see why information on the tablet is hard to find with many false leads left behind by its owners. In fact recently uncovered documents indicate that the tablet or tablets were buried in Nova Scotia by members of an elite Masonic group just prior to the American Revolution. I was hoping that was going to be the "treasure" in the recent movie National Treasure.
It is commonly known the Masonic Templars of Scotland are keepers of at least five of the Arcs made to house among other things Adams remains, a star of David showing different man-female sexual positions and the tablets from Moses (Moshe). Personally I don't think the existence of the emerald tablet of the "trice blessed Hermes" is a hoax at all just a well hidden mystery.

posted on Dec, 24 2004 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by toolmaker

The Tabula Smaragdina was traced back to about 2-3 century AD. it is an early text, but by definition cannot be the foundation since astrology and alchemy existed thousands of years prior.

You are certaintly right, and I stand corrected, thank you.

I think it's probably fair to say that the Tabula Smaragdina did have a huge impact on the thinking of subsequent alchemy and astrology. Stated succinctly the view of astrologers who believed in casting horoscopes for individuals, and for alchemists who believed that the astrological alignments affected the success of their experiments: "As above, so below."

. . . Alchemy is Not the search for transmutation of a Iron to Gold . . . Alchemy is the search for the Soul, the reason for ourselves and why we are here. These philosophers and soul searchers would be burned alive if the church understood their true Quest, so it was wrapped in code and passed off as something else.

Well, I think I know what you mean. But it is certainly true that 10 of thousands of achemists HAVE seen it as a quest for physical Gold. As far as philosophers being burned if the church understood, well, think about Thomas Aquinas and his discourses in "summa theologica." He talks about alchemy at length, and overtly compares it to the search for knowledge of God. And he was made a doctor of the church!

The theological underpinnings of alchemy come directly from Neoplatonism, which was endorsed by many leaders of the early church. It was actually after Thomas Aquinas that the church began to outlaw the writings of Iamblichus et al.

I know that the Medieval church is the favored whipping-boy here at ATS. But the fact is that until the Reformation, it was kings who outlawed alchemy, and not the church.

Strip away alchemy, strip away the Tabula, astrology and thousands of years of philosophical writings. Lay bare these teachings and they all boil down to the same lesson ; Know thyself.

Well, that is certainly what Aquinas decided. But many alchemists might say that there is a good deal more to the universe than the self, and that self knowledge brings neither illumination nor happiness. But then those are value judgements, just like yours.

Thanks for some stimulating posts!

posted on Dec, 24 2004 @ 03:17 PM
"I think it's probably fair to say that the Tabula Smaragdina did have a huge impact on the thinking of subsequent alchemy and astrology. Stated succinctly the view of astrologers who believed in casting horoscopes for individuals, and for alchemists who believed that the astrological alignments affected the success of their experiments: "As above, so below."

These are interesting subjects !

Yes, hundreds of thousands have tried to find Literal Gold with Alchemy, and all have failed. It is not a path for material wealth, and never intended to be. it is one path for spiritual understanding.

Knowing thyself is not the destination, it is the beginning of understanding, the Key to unlock the rest of the Universe.
" as above so below", can be expressed in many forms; jesus stated that the kingdom of heaven in contained with each of us. Buddist beliefs are that each person contains God within, etc etc. As it is in the heavens, so it is within each of us. We are the Literal physical result of stars colliding with each other, and trace our existance to meteors and planets and our sun. No wonder our ancestors were in awe of the Universe.

Happy Holidays !

posted on Dec, 25 2004 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by Seekerof
The "hollow"/chamber discovered by the Japanese under the [front paws] of Sphinx is not big enough to hold a "spaceship," and is still being debated as to 'what' and 'if' this space is what it has been conjectured to be.


How would you know what a, "spaceships" appropriate size should be. There technology may have been far different from ours thousands of years ago.

posted on Dec, 25 2004 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by Byrd

Originally posted by CGB_Spender
now given that these tablets are by some miracle authentic, they indicate the Thoth(the Egyptian god of wisdom) left a spaceship under the giza plateau. could this be what the Egyptian government is hiding? according to the tablets the ship is buried right beneath where a passage ends in a dead end. Under the great Pyramid there is a passage way fitting this description. In the Tablets it says that invaders will come from the deep and what is buried in egypt will help you defeat them. any thoughts?

The tablets are a "Golden Knowledge" type hoax.

In this type of hoax, someone shows up with a "translation" of something that contains knowledge undiscovered by modern science/history/religion, the words were written on some sort of unusual substance, the words were seen only by the one who wrote the message down, and the guardian (angel/monk/etc) just happened to be the only person with the "key" to translating this "lost knowledge." The mysterious tablets then vanish.

There's a number of these running around.

They are generally done for one of two reasons: financial (the person has a book to sell) and religious/philosphical (the person has an Inspiration and wants the world to beee-lieeeeve that inspiration. The best way is with a "Golden Knowledge" story.)

This is a classic "Golden Knowledge" myth. In this case, it was written by someone with a Judeo-Christian background, a bit of alchemical knowledge, and only a tiny bit of knowledge about Egypt.

Your point is well taken, but then how does this differ from the wisdom told by Moses?
The 10 commandments were certainly words of wisdom, but there is no physical evidence to prove their existence.
All we have are words written by men
attempting to explain the words of God.

We may also consider that any knowledge hidden under the Sphinx would most likely
be in some written form, in clay or stone, thus impossible to find with a metal detector.
We do know that these people were quite good at keeping records.

The worst possibility is that this knowledge may have already been discovered long ago,
then hidden or destroyed by those who would benefit from our ignorance.

Rather than digging in the sand, I would tend to look in places that men guard in highest secrecy.

posted on Dec, 25 2004 @ 06:04 PM
one of the tools that Nasa developed in the early 90's was a densitometer. It shows the density of an substance, and this shows any cavities or areas of metal.

Used by the military for mine detection, I think.

Used in archaeology to maps sites without digging them up; since archaeology is like a crime scene, in that you can only "work the scene" once. The act of cataloguing re-arranges and displaces everything.

posted on Jan, 3 2005 @ 04:11 PM

Into the spaceship I brought all my records,
brought the records of sunken Atlantis.
Gathered I all of my powers,
instruments many of mighty magic.

Up then we rose on wings of the morning.
High we arose above the Temple,
leaving behind the Three and DWELLER,
deep in the HALLS 'neath the Temple,
closing the pathway to the LORDS of the Cycles.

Yet ever to him who has knowing,
open shall be the path to AMENTI.
Fast fled we then on the wings of the morning,
fled to the land of the children of KHEM.
There by my power,
I conquered and ruled them.

Raised I to LIGHT,
the children of KHEM.
Deep 'neath the rocks,
I buried my spaceship,
waiting the time when man might be free.

Over the spaceship,
erected a marker in the form
of a lion yet like unto man.
There 'neath the image rests yet my spaceship,
forth to be brought when need shall arise.

Bottom half of

Now for the disection...

Over the spaceship,
erected a marker in the form
of a lion yet like unto man.


posted on Jan, 4 2005 @ 03:25 PM
The fact remains that there is a passage under the Sphynx, whihc the Egyptian government is refusing to investigate. As well, there is another room in the Great Pyramid. The way t oit is by a very narrow passageway - so narrow that a remote-controlled robot was sent up it sometime in the 80s I think. The robot discovered a door with two metal handles, one of which was very eroded. It is thought that the "door" slides upwards, and we know that there is a chamber beyond it. The Egypian government also refuses to give grants to any researchers wanting to explore these possibilities.

In my personal view, these locations (particularly the one under the Sphynx) are a danger to the current shape of our accepted history and would threaten the control of those who are currently in control. Obviously, they'd rather not reveal the information...

Interesting to note: the stone that the Sphynx is made of has WATER EROSION on it. No, it's not from rain, it's in a desert, and other artifacts do not have the same erosion on it. The last time Egypt was wet was at least 12,000 years ago, before the ice age. So the Sphynx is an artifact from the previous civilization. Opening up the room under the paw is crucial - we must understand our true history, and the reasons why the previous civilization was destroyed.

posted on Jan, 4 2005 @ 06:54 PM
First of all i would like to say that this would be an ideal game of any form. I have actually had the opertunity to visit the pyramids a few times. I would like to say that it was not as grand as i pictured, but just because it looked like nothing special doesnt mean that there is nothing hidden. I belive in all theories, because anything is a possibliity, this theory however gives me two main responses.

1) Its possible but far-fetched, i would need more official evidence.
2) i would pay all of my money if there wasnt anything secret about the pyramids.

I have both opinions simultaneously although their contradictory to some extent.

posted on Jan, 4 2005 @ 07:36 PM
Kinda new to the ATS forums here, and I have to say that this topic just sucked me in. Question is kinda straying away from where the topic is going but it's been bugging me for a little bit. If Thoth was supposedly "an Atlantean king-priest" and came to Egypt, wouldn't we see the 'Atlantean' Language on the Rosetta Stone? I don't think this is really debunking anything, but I'm kinda drowning in a sea of information here.

posted on Jan, 6 2005 @ 04:15 AM
has onyone information on the current where abouts of the tablets of toth?

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