posted on Oct, 18 2014 @ 12:40 AM
or, "3 Sides to Every Story - Part Two"
This site's motto is "Deny Ignorance," and much respect to the hard-working mods who insure quality over quantity here.
Of course, ignorance and naivete slip thru. It's cool, I've learned A LOT from this site since I joined years ago. Even some of my opinions and
beliefs have changed. The Dali Lama says, "If science proves Buddhism wrong, Buddhism will have to change."
I'm not a Buddhist, but word to your Mother Teresa.'s the problemos.
The Theosophical Society and associated orders have been, here and elsewhere, repeatedly accused of everywhere from simply cultivating, to being fully
responsible for, to actually being - Nazis.
The Theosophical Society and related orders have been accused of anywhere from being THE NWO to full-on Satanists, because of Alice Bailey's Lucis
Trust, formerly Lucifer Publishing, being a part of the UN. (Lucifer, Lucis = Light Bringer, Truth, NOT Biblical Satan, etc. Already in another
thread, let's leave that alone for now. But that's the basis of tha Satanist accusations for those not aware.)
Anyway, there's a little problem with that.
The Nazis were STRONGLY AGAINST the UN, and the UN were formed in part as a RESISTANCE TO THE NAZIS.
So, I ask you, ATS conspiracy theorists - co-conspirators? - which is it? Are Theosophists the UN New World Order, or Nazis who are against it? What
is the current status of this? Can you answer this? Then, I suggest, maybe, just, shhh. Or, research and study maybe?
Just a couple suggestions.
The Masons are also supposed to all immediately somehow instantly be the "Illuminati," and therefore the NWO, and therefore the UN, apparently the
moment they join, like Jay-Z and Rhianna for example. Yea, I'm sure they go to international banking meetings and Rothschild meetings and the
Bohemian Grove between recording sessions and tour dates. Anyone who puts a pyramid in their video or covers an eye in a picture is GUILTY! BURN THE
WITCH! Jay-Z is a big part of what's wrong with the world IMO, but one of the elite 13 Illuminati bloodlines, not so much. Here's a suggestion -
ignore that crap.
But wait-
Hitler banned secret societies, including the Illuminati, and the Masons, despite being an occultist himself.
But wait-
He was photographed with Blavatsky AND Crowley AT THE SAME TIME! GASP!
How does this fit in your conspiracy theory? Who are the bad guys? Crowley and Blavatsky and Hitler, OH MY! All on "different sides," yet together?!
WHO oh WHO am I supposed to be scared of? How will I sleep without knowing?!
Or maybe, just MAYBE, not every war is actually between good and evil? Maybe, just MAYBE, sometimes evils battle each other. Hmm? Ya think? Maybe?
Nah, just keep wavin' your flag, have another Bud, and sleep tight - don't let Ebola bite.
According to posts here and elsewhere, Operation Paperclip NASA Nazis are all UN, therefore NWO.
Again, in my best Seth Myers voice, really? REALLY? WHICH IS IT?! Are the Nazis the UN and therefore the NWO like you all say here, or against it,
like, y'know, historical facts and THE WAR ITSELF dictate? (Insert Denial of Ignorance HERE. PLEASE.)
Nazi tanks were built by Ford, and lots of Jews still but Volkswagons and BMW's here in the US, I know several personally, who don't even care. 3rd
side to these stories getting clearer yet?
I guess to some it's like a hot dog. "I'm a proud 'Mercan, who eats meat. But just don't tell me what's really in it while I'm tryin to eat it
on the 4th, that's gross. Shut up and pass the beer." Just ignore the facts and lie to yourself. It takes an amazing dulling of the senses to make
this possible. Congratulations, you are no longer human.
Hopefully the replies here come from those who know that they just might know everything about everything.
I'm a little tired (and bored) of posts by soooo many pawns in a game played for soooo long, by people soooo better trained.
There is no "us against them," EVER. It's you and me and how we live and treat each other. I know my pen's bite can be harsh as a sword, but my
point here is to "enlighten" a bit, and "illuminate" the fact that a lot of people just keep wasting their better-spent time and energy with this
false dualist mythology. Not sayin'' it's hug-a-Nazi day or anything by ANY means, just, know your facts - and your perceived "enemies." Know
that you paid them thru NASA for those Mars rocks you keep debating over. You STILL pay those NASA NAZIs to do this for you. Through your taxes and
government payroll. But the US is UN and NWO right? Don't let your head explode over it, just accept it as historical fact and think about it when
you post here about Mars, which is NAZI tech funded by the UN, NWO, and there was a Masonic thingy taken to the moon landing, but probably NOT on
Mars, right? Right...
When you declare an allegiance to anyone, a country, a "society," a political affiliation or organization - just remember - you instantly make their
enemies yours.
Unless you have some personal reason to do that, maybe you just should not, and try thinking for yourself.
It's hard for some, but worth the work if you can handle it.
Love & light, On & Up