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Ebola- like symptoms being spread through formaldehyde in water sources

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posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 05:08 PM
a reply to: DJW001

Dr. Lurie (see thread on Obama already had an Ebola Czar)
And she took grant money for research from the people who have the cure but are unable to make enough fast enough and gave it - all $433 million to a large Democratic Donor. 1102.3j5j1.9.0....0...1c.1.56.hp..6.4.424.0.Y0PXUJAV-YM

AND: the newly appointed Ebola Czar was chief of staff for Al Gore, the #1 environmentalists, and environmentalists are known for their hatred of humans and their push for depopulation. He was also responsible for doling out the stimulus money that did absolutely no good under Obama and much of which has been shown to be funneled to big democrat donors, specifically the now bankrupt Solendra. He also convinced the government that Fannie Mae wasn't a problem just before the housing bubble burst.

My theory, and that is all it is, is that he was appointed for 2 reasons
#1 he is great at manipulating the government in favor of the Democratic Party, regardless of the outcome for the people of America
#2 to push the liberal/progressive depopulation agenda while appearing to help the little people

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 06:00 PM
Pshycopaths, Liars and a ton of cash....great combo!!
Sad what is happening to this world

Just seems to be getting worse as each day passes
I hope and pray more people wake up and see the BIG PICTURE!!

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 06:59 PM
a reply to: grandmakdw

New thread or go away.

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 07:34 PM

originally posted by: IShotMyLastMuse
a reply to: bigman88
provided you have all the evidence to support that claim, and that it's clear as day, if you do nothing about it you deserve it i guess.
that's what i don't get. so many people on this site, and others "know what is REALLY going on".
yet you remain on the sidelines. telling yourself there all you can do is spread the word and then...what exactly? hope the word does all the work?
nothing personal mind you, it's just that i constantly read about people that "know"the problem inside out, christ, on this website alone you have a wikipedia's worth of info on these secret plots, and yet, no idea, will to change things.
i say this out of frustration on how inconclusive this website seems to be but if any of it is true, maybe america deserves the ebola outbreak, all we will manage after the carnage is a nice big sterile "told ya so!"

The heck can i do but inform as much people as i can? A crowd of people shouting, waving giant signs around outside of some government building changes nothing, what would a single person doing that illicit? Armed revolution? Yeah right, we'll be eating millions of pounds of explosive ordinance and war vehicles until we are all quashed, or demotivated. Stop depending on their services and move to self sufficiency? Nope. Most of this country is too happy or preoccupied to care, others will not believe any of this. This country is too divided and distracted to bother, even if they know full well of whats going on.

Based on this populations beliefs and actions, your'e right, nothing can be done, except spreading the word.

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 07:41 PM

originally posted by: kaylaluv
Because of course, it's a you tube video and those are always accurate ...(insert eye-roll emoticon)

You know, I saw a you tube video about how reptilians were taking over the planet so they could eat our babies. It must be true, because.... you tube and all.

So your argument is that, videos posted on youtube website, no matter the content and it's possible validity, are false, by default?


And you sarcastically measure possible organized pestilence which has been documented and admitted by various governments, with verifiable sources, against the reptilians theory?

Grow up...

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 07:57 PM

originally posted by: DJW001
a reply to: grandmakdw

New thread or go away.

It's all directly related.

The OP is talking about formaldehyde mimicking Ebola, and that using it is part of a larger depopulation movement by those in power.

My theory that the current US government is part of the depopulation movement through seemingly incompetent handling of the disease, allowing it to spread. It goes right along with the government knowingly sending children from south america ill with the enterovirus to all 50 states (the border patrol told them the children were sick and they were ignored and threatened if they spoke to the media). Now US children are being paralyzed and dying of this disease brought to the US courtesy of, once again, lax border control measures. It starts to all look quite suspicious, especially when you add the Al Gore connection into the mix.

Having someone with very close connections to the radical environmentalists who are quite open about the need for depopulation are also quite troubling and indicative that the OP may have a point about a conspiracy by government and people in power to depopulate.

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 08:10 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Completely agree with you, rickymouse, but i believe we are dealing with true organized evil here.

Although people do get sick there from bad sanitation and malnutrition, and doctors from abroad comes over to help, Ebola and other mass sicknesses in Africa always follows after foreign aid workers give people vaccines and other medical care. Also people get sick from industrial waste runoff of overseas corporations, which locals have complained about to no avail (like everything else).

I think all these companies are implicit. Negative media will not deter the cash flow at all; they have gotten bad press about faulty drugs that end up harming or killing people, and these companies still end up well financed without a hitch in their step.

I do support anybody going over there to help with anything, but physicians under the direction of the WHO or ed cross must realize that there is a possibility that they are tasked with making things worse.

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 08:18 PM

originally posted by: DJW001
a reply to: bigman88

The Observer is no different than the Enquirer: it has no editorial supervision and no fact checking. The article is probably a hoax. There are no names or dates, but an alleged admission that an exact number of people have been trained to poison wells. Why put formaldehyde in wells, when you could spread a real disease like ebola? Utter rubbish.

Edit to add:

The spokesman for the Liberia National Police (LNP), Sam Collins, has described reports of well poisoning in communities across the country as “false, misleading and lacking in substance”.

[Edit for brevity. --DJW001]

“LNP would like to challenge anyone in this community and other parts of Liberia to provide evidence of anyone putting poison into wells. Since we received this rumor, we have gathered no evidence from the public, community or individuals but the public continues to provide false information.”

[Edit for brevity. --DJW001]

He claimed that the well in question is currently being used by residents of the community, which he described as a clear indication of the "false and misleading information" coming from the public.
He said people were endangering the lives of others by spreading false information and rumors that have the propensity to create additional stress and confusion for the nation already plagued with the Ebola epidemic.

Please move this thread to [HOAX!]

Liberia is a US owned colony, and everything from it's officials to it's media is controlled by foreign powers. Some official down there saying it aint true is the same as the US saying it int true.

How are they to provide evidence? The wells being sealed off by police, the suspect being detained, evidence from where? There are the government sanctioned reports in Liberia, controlled by the US, and then the independent sources.

I side with the people.

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 09:05 PM
So when naming this event someone asked what shall we call this bold lie? Another answered aboldlie and that became eboli.

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 09:10 PM
a reply to: bigman88

Amazing: not one word of your post had anything to do with reality. Prove me wrong.

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 09:11 PM
a reply to: grandmakdw

New thread please.

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 11:53 PM
a reply to: DJW001

Reality is beholden to some of us; no matter what has happened and what is happening, it will not be perceived as it really is in the eyes of some people. Shame.

To which post are you referring to.

posted on Oct, 18 2014 @ 05:26 AM
a reply to: bigman88

To which post are you referring to.

The Obama bashing does not belong here. If someone wants to discuss the "Ebola Czar," that should be a separate thread. You, on the other hand, need to provide a source for the story you tell about Liberia being an American colony with police sealing off the wells.

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 09:38 PM
a reply to: DJW001

For starters.

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 04:05 AM
a reply to: bigman88

Where does the article you linked to say that Liberia is owned by the United States? Where does it claim that the wells are sealed off by the police? If the media are all foreign controlled, why would the Observer print the article in the OP.

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