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Could the Ebola be Russians?

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posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 07:29 AM
Russia made Ebola too. Since 1970s. They never found and stopped the soviet unions bioweapons manufacture and research.
It started in Liberia which had been western for many years. Diamonds!
It was done near USA bioweapons lab. Takes the focus of the other virus tweaker in the world.
Just play iPad game pandemic.
USA calling for calm. Usually they hype things up.
Russia had done nothing in past few years as it had been surrounded and choked.
Here's the kicker, Russia has the vaccine soon they recon. Fancy that. Russia will save the world.
America does not have vaccine yet for Russian version. They are drastically looking at it. Trying to figure how it was made so they can defeat it.

It is definitely time for a one world government. We cannot go on as sperate countries against each others..... Not with our current technology. We could erase 99% of all humans within months, not years.

I say bring on the #ing prophecy. Bring in the anti Christ to rule the planet as one. At least we will be not be at war killing each other with blister popping virus popping blood viruses.

One world government!!! Which other humans do you not wish to share a common goal with?

edit on 17-10-2014 by REalBEL because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 07:34 AM
a reply to: REalBEL

It is definitely time for a one world government. We cannot go on as sperate countries against each others…..

Its been tried many times and has never been fulfilled.

One anything is a pipe dream (google Empire). As long as there are two people in the world their views will be individual.

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 07:40 AM
The stupid hurts sooo bad

The Ebolas...

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 07:41 AM
That is crazy that cnn video. That guy is basically begging, no one panic or go crazy.

You know it's bad when they say don't panic.
But they didn't just say it, they demanded it. a reply to: REalBEL

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 07:41 AM
a reply to: REalBEL
Yes, yes... let the hate flow through you

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 07:47 AM
Its all going to stop once the antichrist provides the vaccine for the world. In return for obedience.

A leader needs obedience. Once a leader had obedience, they can then decide on which direction to grow and toil and build and survive in a sustainable way and economic system. One with less work. Work three days a week and you double enjoyment. Can you survive on three days a week work. If farms could increase yield, food could become cheaper. Reduce house size.a reply to: sn0rch

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 07:50 AM

originally posted by: REalBEL

One world government!!! Which other humans do you not wish to share a common goal with?

I do not wish to share this planet with you ... my ancestors spent their days and lives, escaping you and your kind. Moving to some utter remote places on this earth, for the mere purpose of being able to live a decent life ... away from your kind.

The problem is, this planet is too small ... it's too small for the both of us.

I may not go about and kill you now, but I assure you ... we will go at it sometime later. Either our children, or our childrens children ... they don't want to be your slaves, anymore than my ancestors did. And no matter how many bibles you write, or how many times you rewrite history to make it sound good ... they'll eventually get it, that they'll never be anything, but your slaves.

So, sooner or later ... we'll kill each other. It's not a question of if, it's merely a question of when ... and if there is a one world government. We will make that, look biblical ... you don't have exclusive rights of using the bible to make yourself heard. We'll send out the Angels' of Death in the disguis of Assassins ... and wipe out, this one world government.

Because Ultimately ... we moved away from our home. We ran away from Africa, because we wanted to escape vermin and live in peace ... and SECLUSIVE.

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 07:51 AM
Well, seems kind of like a coincidence that Russia is being isolated from the world at the time the Ebola is being spread around by air travel. So are the sanctions we are putting on Russia a good thing for their people? I don't think Russia is the one who started this virus myself, I think some stupid chemicals they brought to Africa caused it to mutate on it's own. When you start introducing pesticides and other chemicals into the environment, it changes the biodome and this changes the microbia including the viruses.

Now, I haven't been studying this subject long, but I probably have more research on this than is taught in a four year regular college degree. That by no means makes me an expert in this subject. Someone with an open mind who specializes in this subject is needed to tell us the possible implications.

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 07:53 AM

I say bring on the #ing prophecy. Bring in the anti Christ to rule the planet as one. At least we will be not be at war killing each other......

Didn't you see the Hunger Games, we will kill each other for sport.

........ with blister popping virus popping blood viruses. 

We can sit around the campfire holding hands and singing songs about rainbows and unicorns while we wait for meds. That's only if your town/city is on the list to get help if not I guess your SOL.

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 07:55 AM
Dude... I played the game... Pandemic... IPad, about making deadly virus to write out world. Play it and you will teach yourself. Like clock worka reply to: rickymouse

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 08:02 AM
Do you consider your dog you slave. You are it's master. Can a master love it's follower? Do you love your dog. I am not sperate from whoever your kind is, but say your kind wins, won't your kind start a one world government in your name. This is the way into space my friend. You got two options. Fight the current rullers of the world or work with them. Die or or stop resisting them. The world may be better when we don't need to spend resources on metal war machines.

The only other, is the demons in the mind.
a reply to: bjarneorn

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 08:04 AM
a reply to: REalBEL

Its all going to stop once the antichrist provides the vaccine for the world. In return for obedience. 

Who said you would be one of the lucky ones?

A leader needs obedience. Once a leader had obedience, they can then decide on which direction to grow and toil and build and survive in a sustainable way and economic system.

Sounds to me you would perfur this almighty gooberment to tell you how to live. I choose my own path.

One with less work. Work three days a week and you double enjoyment. Can you survive on three days a week work. If farms could increase yield, food could become cheaper. Reduce house size.

So what if I want OT for some extra change?

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 08:05 AM
a reply to: REalBEL

I think Russia has its own problems at the moment. And it's proven that Putin is a traitor to the cabal. Now if that's to put his own style cabal in place who's to say but so far he done a lot to throw a wrench in the TPTB plan for world centralization.

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 08:09 AM
The hungers games is a game of propaganda. People will respect life and work a fair and honest day.

You have to understand, as a common group of 7 billion followers, we will have a little say over how we want this planet run. There could be compromises. Less working hours, more free time. More Jobs, better food better health, focus healthy souls. Add that with all our new entertainment technology, new fuel capabilities. Free energy. Alien integration. Space travel. Virtual reality. Then we just have to ask our planetary master, you give us these things, we will work for you. What shall will build?
a reply to: hillbilly4rent

edit on 17-10-2014 by REalBEL because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 08:10 AM
a reply to: REalBEL

There will never be a time for a one world government.

The effort to create such a thing has been part of the problem thus far on this planet, and will never be a part of the solution. Only once peace, freedom, and respect between all persons on this world have ALREADY come to pass, will their ever be a situation where one government could work, and even then, it would not be a power structure of the sort with which we would be familiar. If there was ever to be a one world government, there would be no leader, and no representatives, but a fully inclusive system of distributed democracy, in which all people vote on the issues, rather than for parties, and also set agendas by voting to choose what problems are dealt with and over what time scale.

There would be no elections, there would be no parties, no parliament, just the people, voting to enact their will on the affairs of the day.

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 08:14 AM

Dude... I played the game... Pandemic... IPad, about making deadly virus to write out world. Play it and you will teach yourself. Like clock work

a reply to: REalBEL

Sorry I stopped taking this thread seriously after that......... Have a good day.

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 08:17 AM
Agreed on voting. And how easy would mass voting be able to do with today's technology. Votes could occur daily. Emotions can be analysed through mass social media computations and instead of extorted, they can be fixed. Strive to satisfy every soul..a reply to: TrueBrit

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 08:19 AM
Sigh, i will miss you.a reply to: hillbilly4rent

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 09:14 AM
a reply to: REalBEL

Liberia has been an American colony since the American Colonization Society started 'relocating' free slaves there in 1816.

The Founding of Liberia

The rest is just speculation or worse.
edit on -05:00amFri, 17 Oct 2014 09:18:42 -0500am1020141817AM10 by ParanoidAmerican because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 10:24 AM
A country is just a idea the reality is we are a world.

Anyone who thinks in terms of country's is already a slave and will end up fighting and dying for a idea.

A idea that came about because of all our ancestors hunger for power.

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