posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 02:54 AM
How's it goin' tonight folks? I just wanted to get a post up here to say hi hi hi from Canada. I'm hoping to find some other Canadians for sure,
but i'm looking forward to interacting with all of you no matter the stats.
I guess I could be described as a 'conspiracy theorist' because my thoughts often focus on what I perceive to be the manipulation of reality by a
'chosen' elite who hide behind the governments and royalties of the world.
I can't be called a truther tho, because i've given up on trying to inform people. There's a very valid reason the sleepers are unresponsive and
in some cases insulting, and I truly believe it's out of our hands now. If anything is going to happen, everything is in place, it doesn't matter
how many more wake up. Maybe someone can convince me otherwise, not that i'm challenging anyone to, just, open to the prospect of a new reality
tunnel given that it is a compelling reality tunnel.
I guess the main reason I came here is to find out what others think about the possibility that this material manifestation, this 'life experience',
and its resident rulers, are spawned and governed by a creative force that is, not good, to say the least, certainly not caring. Oh, it can
demonstrate goodness(positive reinforcement on a massive scale), but essentially, it's pure 'evil'. What else could possibly explain the
state of the world and the failure of 'divine intervention' to occur? I don't believe in god but I know some people do. I'd like to ask, how
much more is required, for this loving father-god concept?
And even tho I don't believe in the accepted notions of god, I am forced to admit that there is indeed something out there, watching
everything we do, and manipulating reality and us like pawns on a chessboard(sorry for the cliche, its too late to think of something
cleverer). The elite may even believe that it's them orchestrating events on behalf of whatever they believe is motivating the
universe and its inhabitants. Or, maybe they know it has nothing to do with them at all.
Whatever it is out there/in here, I don't like it one bit. I for one, am moving away from the light.
Well anyway, other than that, i'm male, approaching the big four-oh. I know I probably shouldn't but old habits die hard I guess, I know I
shouldn't, but I love movies, despite what I think is going on in Hollywood and how it relates to the global situation. My favorite is Blade Runner
but the list of my favs is long and distinguished.
Well, for now, that's me. Thanks for letting me in and sorry to be so long winded!