posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 03:38 AM
It all comes down to perception again. I think I wrote this very same thing in another thread but I guess I will type it again.
People in this generation, and from my generation have the same perception when it comes to arithmetic, or any job that requires mathematics:
They picture a calculator....
At least most people in my age group can picture themselves being tied down to a calculator for most things... or staring endlessly at black and white
screens talking about fixing parse errors.
They don't find it interesting, or fun.
When it comes to engineers?
Most of us picture ourselves being put in a factory putting together cars or other machines. Then trying to repair them without actually creating
something new.
So once again it is our perception of these jobs that keeps us from getting degree's in those fields.
Another problem is how people deal with problems in their cars. they just buy buy and buy new parts. They aren't interested in fixing their cars
anymore. They would much rather just buy a replacement part and not have to deal with any more BS.
That is why most of our kids are not interested in it at all. They are more interested in creating, playing, and modeling stuff for video games.