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U.S. troops assisting in Ebola mission may be quarantined

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posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 08:52 PM

originally posted by: JIMC5499
Military medical care is usually pretty good, its the VA that drops the ball. Something to be considered is to send possibly exposed troops back by ship. Set the route up so that it takes 21 days to sail back. By the time the ship hits the pier, quarantine over.

umm... no. if one person on the ship has ebola they'll spread it to the rest. everyone has to be quarantined SEPARATELY.

posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 09:00 PM
a reply to: rockpaperhammock
According to a source (civilian worker at Ft. Campbell, KY) these troops are not volunteers. As a matter of fact, three of those who were supposed to be deployed have disappeared since they took their 6 hours of training. These troops are smart enough to know that they are not trained to handle any sort of medical emergency. They're not trained for biological warfare---they're quite well trained to rain hell and death onto the enemy from above---to build hospitals or hand out pamphlets on medical issues---not so much.
The whole thing stinks like a five-day-old fish. This division just got home from Afghanistan less than a month ago. Nobody can figure out WHY they are being deployed with 6 hours of training instead of the months and years of units who specialize in bio-warfare. Some have even gone so far as to say this was directly from Obama's mouth because he is pissed at some of the upper echelon of command at Ft. Campbell.
I've written my Congress critters to ask for an explanation. I hope all of you will do likewise.

edit on 16-10-2014 by diggindirt because: spelling

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