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US Government Has Ebola 'Do Not Fly List' Of Exposed People: Report

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posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 11:29 AM

originally posted by: jadedANDcynical
a reply to: boohoo

Well, they could put this into use:

The sensors may be configured to identify particular strains of the flu, the Ebola virus, tuberculosis, hemorrhagic fever, and/or any other contagion.

Do you mean the broad category of devices known as "trace detection machines"?

These kinds of systems have been researched for many decades, with the intention of replacing bomb detection dogs, but with VERY little success to date. The best ones at the prototype stage are 60% as accurate as a trained dog handler team (under controlled conditions). I understand your point, but the dog handler teams, while expensive to train and maintain, gives far better accuracy than any equipment that can be made today. Another option which I did not mention is rats, which have been used as a cheaper alternative to detection dogs at Airports in Israel.

FYI, the costs to install something like this in an airport is VERY expensive (architects, engineers and contractors need to design the space for the equipment to be placed in and services rerouted until the construction is complete), the equipment also needs user training for existing or new staff and become obsolete which can require MANDATED replacement cycles.

Avoiding the installation of ANYTHING in airports is the best route. Dog handler teams are mobile and can be sent anywhere needed (rat handler teams, even more so).
edit on 17-10-2014 by boohoo because: (no reason given)

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