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Scientific Study Reveals Conspiracy Theorists The Most Sane Of All!

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posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 12:14 PM
a reply to: Astyanax

To say that people seeking the truth propagate lies? When
that's likely all you believe from your government and sold
out media? Is truly unconscionable.

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: randyvs

Show me a source for the acoustic evidence 'debunking' being debunked.

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 12:26 PM

originally posted by: Astyanax
a reply to: randyvs

Show me a source for the acoustic evidence 'debunking' being debunked.

Show me a rebuttal for my "claims".

I mean you asked the question, what, dont you like the answer?

Shall I give you some more to dwell on?

Iran-Contra, Watergate, the 1993 bombing of the WTC, the british government using a version of the MMR vaccine that was banned in Canada for causing meningitis, knowingly given to people in the UK and still being given to people in the third world, because its cheaper. The release of poisonous chemicals and biological agents by the military onto the unknowing public just to see what happens. USS Liberty, Gulf of Tonkin, Pearl Harbour, Bay of Pigs. Thalidomide, the burning of the reichstag, Operation Northwoods.

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: Astyanax

Find it yourself. It won't change the findings of the committee
investigations. That's the same thing as your precious government
saying, Ok it was a conspiracy. And you even know it was, I mean you
just have to know that much. Do you really believe these people
aren't evil basturds? Take off the rose colored glasses amigo.

edit on Rpm102414v012014u13 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 12:45 PM

originally posted by: TheLaughingGod
a reply to: Jenisiz
And I don't care how crazy a person is, objects levitating and stuff like that is not supposed to happen according to the prevailing paradigm

Haven't you ever heard of magnetism?

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 12:50 PM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t

originally posted by: TheLaughingGod
a reply to: Jenisiz
And I don't care how crazy a person is, objects levitating and stuff like that is not supposed to happen according to the prevailing paradigm

Haven't you ever heard of magnetism?

Or this..

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to: OneManArmy

the 1993 bombing of the WTC,

How can people defend these child molesting, morally
bankrupt, greedy, wicked, people? And then turn and call
those who point to the truth of the matter, liars?

Thread totally vindicated!

edit on Rpm102414v08201400000017 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 01:08 PM

originally posted by: randyvs
a reply to: OneManArmy

the 1993 bombing of the WTC,

Exactly, if he didnt record the phone calls this would be just another conspiracy "theory".

TPTB take us for idiots, and they are mostly right.

But the internet is changing everything.

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 01:34 PM
a reply to: OneManArmy

I would have left your post alone, but OrionsGem's rather offensive reply demands that I address it.

Elite paedophile rings.

I agree with you (see my earlier reply) that

some very powerful and influential people are active paedophiles, and many of them are in a position to prosecute their crimes, as well as to cover them up and protect their associates

However, no conspiracy theorists pointed fingers at any of the scandals you mention until their existence was common knowledge. Furthermore, the attempts to connect paedophilia with some sort of world-dominating cabal or Satanic group are all pure fantasy. It's just people doing nasty things in secret. Which has happened just about for ever. Have you heard of Gilles de Rais?

The Hillsborough Disaster was not a conspiracy theory. The people seeking evidence about it were not conspiracy theorists, they were people connected with the victims. The police did not cause the disaster (although their incompetence contributed to it). Covering your ass is hardly a grade-one conspiracy, is it? Above all, there was no intention. That's why it's called the Hillsborough Disaster, not the Hillsborough Massacre.

Likewise, the Stephen Lawrence case never qualified as a conspiracy theory. There was an outcry against the verdicts from the beginning, led by Lawrence's parents and backed by high-profile world figures like Nelson Mandela.

MK Ultra was an example of what happens when paranoiacs get to implement (not make) public policy. It has absolutely zero to do with people who believe that the government is controlling their minds. Governments cannot control their citizens' minds; if they could, their jobs would be a great deal easier than they are in reality.

The EU set up to create a European superstate? Is that supposed to be some secret conspiracy? I thought it was public knowledge ever since the Treaty of Rome was published in 1957?

Bilderberg was 'denied for decades'? What was denied? That a bunch of influential people get together every year in a hotel somewhere? It wasn't denied, just never publicized — Bilderberg is a private club, so why should it tell the world what it is doing? As for all the other allegations, they're just fantasy.

The IRS 'conspiracy'? The right of governments to levy taxes on constituents has been recognized since time immemorial. It is part of the bargain the state makes with citizens: we will protect you and provide you with certain services, which you will pay for by way of taxation. Actually, the bargain antedates even the existence of states as such; it began when hunter-gatherer bands started having chiefs.

Or the conspiracy of banks to rig the currency markets

What? Do you understand how international currency trading works? It's shark eat shark out there. Temporary alliances may exist, just as they do in a game of Monopoly (and for the same reasons), but in the end everybody's playing against everybody else.

Or the fact that the gold standard doesnt exist any more.

The gold standard doesn't exist any more because it doesn't work any more. Not that it ever did. Find out how the Spanish economy collapsed in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

The financial system is one giant Ponzi scheme

Really? Explain to me how bank loans or bank deposit accounts are a Ponzi scheme.

I'm sorry, but in none of these cases do you have any evidence to support your allegations.

edit on 24/10/14 by Astyanax because: of *** all.

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 01:40 PM
a reply to: OneManArmy

Iran-Contra was another conspiracy uncovered, not a conspiracy theory that was proven true.

Can't you tell the difference? It's basic.

Watergate: same thing. WTC 1993: the only conspiracy theory was the one put forward by American officials after the fact suggesting that the Iraqi government was somehow involved. MMR vaccine: fantastic bollocks. Experimental release of biological and chemical agents: more fantastic bollocks.

The rest of your examples are the same. Either conspiracies uncovered — not conspiracy theories proven correct — or else pure fantasy.


edit on 24/10/14 by Astyanax because: of more *** all.

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: Astyanax

NSA spying was a wildly held conspiracy theory until Snowden proved it to everyone. So there is that.

Though I do agree with you. Most conspiracy theories that we know about are because we learned about them after the fact, not because the people involved had bad record keeping and loose lips. Those types of conspiracies don't pan out since once everyone knows, it stops working as a behind the scenes thing.
edit on 24-10-2014 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 01:47 PM
a reply to: randyvs

Find it yourself.

No, that's your job. If you want to be taken seriously by anyone but the faithful.

It won't change the findings of the committee investigations.

Which have not been accepted by any official body as fact. Even a third of the committee dissented from it. The Warren Commission verdict still stands. No-one has ever proved a conspiracy behind JFK's assassination, far less identified the conspirators.

Let's not lose track here. You are supposed to be disproving my statement that not a single conspiracy theory has ever been proven true. Your score so far: 00.00. You can keep playing if you want to, but you'd better raise your game.


edit on 24/10/14 by Astyanax because: of yet more... you guessed it.

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 01:58 PM
a reply to: Krazysh0t

NSA spying was a wildly held conspiracy theory until Snowden proved it to everyone. So there is that.

Sure, there is. Though the fact that governments collect information on their citizens, often covertly, is well known; the existence of spy stories shows just how well.

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 02:00 PM
a reply to: Astyanax

Yeah. It was more just a good logical deduction mixed with a bit of paranoia (that all conspiracy theorists have in spades), rather than the result of loose lips and whistle blowers (that is until Snowden).

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 02:15 PM

originally posted by: Astyanax

Furthermore, the attempts to connect paedophilia with some sort of world-dominating cabal or Satanic group are all pure fantasy. It's just people doing nasty things in secret.

Where did I do that? Or are you building a straw man to destroy?
I simply shared what is accepted right now regarding and elite paedophile ring in Westmister, since when did Westmister rule the world?, and its been theorized about for decades. And so was Jimmy Savile.

The Hillsborough Disaster was not a conspiracy theory. The people seeking evidence about were not conspiracy theorists, they were people connected with the victims. The police did not cause the disaster (although their incompetence contributed to it). Covering your ass is hardly a grade-one conspiracy, is it? Above all, there was no intention. That's why it's called the Hillsborough Disaster, not the Hillsborough Massacre.

The police failings caused the deaths. And to add insult to injury the police tried blaming the dead for the loss of their lives.

And this...

Former judge tells Hillsborough families to drop 'conspiracy theories'
• Sir Oliver Popplewell says families should move on
• Comments spark anger among campaigners and families

A retired judge has sparked fury by calling on the Hillsborough families to drop their "conspiracy theories" and behave more like the relatives of victims of the Bradford City stadium disaster.
He wrote: "The citizens of Bradford behaved with quiet dignity and great courage. They did not harbour conspiracy theories. They did not seek endless further inquiries. They buried their dead, comforted the bereaved and succoured the injured. They organised a sensible compensation scheme and moved on.

Source - The Guardian

Not conspiracy theories? Really?

Likewise, the Stephen Lawrence case never qualified as a conspiracy theory. There was an outcry against the verdicts from the beginning, led by Lawrence's parents and backed by high-profile world figures like Nelson Mandela.


But, in the words of one local woman interviewed, it was 'obviously them' and 'everyone knew it. People couldn't understand why there was no conviction'. But rather than explaining this as product of a catalogue of official errors flowing from that first disaster, the documentary suggests that this bizarre outcome can only be the result of some sort of conspiracy.

Source - 2006

MK Ultra was an example of what happens when paranoiacs get to implement (not make) public policy. It has absolutely zero to do with people who believe that the government is controlling their minds. Governments cannot control their citizens' minds; if they could, their jobs would be a great deal easier than they are in reality.

You really need to open your eyes if you dont think social engineering exists, and by its very definition, it is the control of the opinions and ideas of the "masses". Its the whole reason television exists. Its the whole reason we now have homosexual marriage. Changing peoples perceptions one small increment at a time through repeated messages delivered by the media.

The EU set up to create a European superstate? Is that supposed to be some secret conspiracy? I thought it was public knowledge ever since the Treaty of Rome was published in 1957?

No it was not public knowledge, we were always told it was simply a free trade agreement.

Bilderberg was 'denied for decades'? What was denied? That a bunch of influential people get together every year in a hotel somewhere? It wasn't denied, just never publicized — Bilderberg is a private club, so why should it tell the world what it is doing? As for all the other allegations, they're just fantasy.

Oh look, a denial. Sounds like you.

The IRS 'conspiracy'? The right of governments to levy taxes on constituents has been recognized since time immemorial. It is part of the bargain the state makes with citizens: we will protect you and provide you with certain services, which you will pay for by way of taxation. Actually, the bargain antedates even the existence of states as such; it began when hunter-gatherer bands started having chiefs.

Show me the law that states that paying income tax in the USA is a legal requirement.

What? Do you understand how international currency trading works? It's shark eat shark out there. Temporary alliances may exist, just as they do in a game of Monopoly (and for the same reasons), but in the end everybody's playing against everybody else.

They are not temporary alliances, they are cartels. Energy cartels, drug cartels, banking cartels. Its not a game, it really is a Monopoly. They are working together against everybody else.

Really? Explain to me how bank loans or bank deposit accounts are a Ponzi scheme.

I'm sorry, but in none of these cases do you have any evidence to support your allegations.

Every time you get a loan it creates money out of thin air, adding to the banks "reserves". Which then adds to the money in circulation, reducing the value of the money, 10X the "loan" or deposit can then be re-lent to another bank, who can then lend 10x their own reserves, which makes a run on the bank such a disaster. Money is debt. The only thing that gives money its value is the fact that people believe it has any value. It has none. MORTgages are designed to put the property into the hands of the banksters, with boom bust cycles that slowly but surely put the material wealth(bricks and mortar, land) into the hands of the banksters. Its a grand "own everything" scheme, and we can see that they have been very successful simply by the fact that hardly anyone that caused the 2008 global economic collapse has been punished for their crimes. Not only were hardly any of them punished, we threw extortionate sums of money at the very criminals that caused the problem. That simply kicks the problems into the long grass for our children and their children to suffer with in the future.
Now, if a fox kills one of you chickens, do you then give the fox the rest of your chickens?
When a robber steals your jewellery, do you contact them to give them the jewels they left behind?

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 02:24 PM

originally posted by: Astyanax
a reply to: OneManArmy

Iran-Contra was another conspiracy uncovered, not a conspiracy theory that was proven true.

Can't you tell the difference? It's basic.

Watergate: same thing. WTC 1993: the only conspiracy theory was the one put forward by American officials after the fact suggesting that the Iraqi government was somehow involved.

A simple fact, nothing gets uncovered unless people ask questions.

MMR vaccine: fantastic bollocks.

Really? lol

Experimental release of biological and chemical agents: more fantastic bollocks.

Haha, your grasp on reality is very limited.

The Ministry of Defence turned large parts of the country into a giant laboratory to conduct a series of secret germ warfare tests on the public.
A government report just released provides for the first time a comprehensive official history of Britain's biological weapons trials between 1940 and 1979.

Many of these tests involved releasing potentially dangerous chemicals and micro-organisms over vast swaths of the population without the public being told.


Its admitted. Lol.

Every past conspiracy is proof that vigilance is required at all times, if you cannot see that simple fact then I feel sorry for you.

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 02:59 PM
a reply to: OneManArmy

Where did I do that? Or are you building a straw man to destroy?

I didn't say you did it. I spoke of widely held conspiracy theories connected with paedophilia. Whether you, personally, credit them or not is beside the point.

Former judge tells Hillsborough families to drop 'conspiracy theories'

One retired judge's opinion is not that of the generality of the population nor even that of the Establishment, as the linked article itself proves.

But, in the words of one local woman interviewed, it was 'obviously them' and 'everyone knew it. People couldn't understand why there was no conviction'. But rather than explaining this as product of a catalogue of official errors flowing from that first disaster, the documentary suggests that this bizarre outcome can only be the result of some sort of conspiracy.

Read it again. Try to understand it this time.

About Bilderberg: I have better things to do with five minutes than watch a YouTube video. How does it refute my point?

Show me the law that states that paying income tax in the USA is a legal requirement.

Show me the law that says that air is free to breathe. Please don't expect me to argue crackpot financial theories with you. There is a limit to my patience.

Every time you get a loan it creates money...

Perhaps you should look up the exact definition of a Ponzi scheme.

The only thing that gives money its value is the fact that people believe it has any value. It has none.

Do you realize that this is a blatant contradiction in terms? But see above.

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 03:21 PM
a reply to: OneManArmy

Oh no, not again...

Nothing gets uncovered unless people ask questions.

Conspiracy theorists don't ask questions, they supply answers. Wrong answers.

On the MMR vaccine, you linked me to a study abstract showing there was effectively no real risk to the vaccine tested and that it is safe to use. Perhaps you didn't understand what was being said?

As to the Guardian article you posted, it's dated 2002. What has become of the story since then? Nothing. Why? Because no actual harm has been shown to have arisen from these 'weapons' tests. Do you seriously think the British government, which spends squillions of pounds on healthcare, would deliberately try to make its citizens sick? That really is crazy.

Every past conspiracy is proof that vigilance is required at all times, if you cannot see that simple fact then I feel sorry for you.

Save your sympathy. I learnt that many years ago, in the far more memorable words of Harold Laski: 'the price of liberty is eternal vigilance'. Yet again, you are failing to recognize the difference between conspiracy theories and conspiracies, and between conspiracy theorists and alert observers of current affairs. Conspiracy theorists don't guard the public weal; they make up imaginary monsters and divert everyone's attention from the real threats by crying 'wolf, wolf!'

edit on 24/10/14 by Astyanax because: of immemorabilia.

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 03:22 PM

originally posted by: Astyanax
Conspiracy theorists don't ask questions, they supply answers. Wrong answers.

I wanted to quote this because I think is the truest thing I've read today.

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 07:16 PM

originally posted by: Astyanax
a reply to: OneManArmy

Oh no, not again...

Nothing gets uncovered unless people ask questions.

Conspiracy theorists don't ask questions, they supply answers. Wrong answers.

No they provide theories. And by definition NOT proven.
Truth seekers and conspiracy theorists are not the same thing, but yet they get tarred with the same brush.

On the MMR vaccine, you linked me to a study abstract showing there was effectively no real risk to the vaccine tested and that it is safe to use. Perhaps you didn't understand what was being said?

No, it wasnt safe, they knew it wasnt safe, and still introduced it. Because it was cheaper.
And I presume because some politicians back pockets were filled with silver.

As to the Guardian article you posted, it's dated 2002. What has become of the story since then? Nothing. Why? Because no actual harm has been shown to have arisen from these 'weapons' tests. Do you seriously think the British government, which spends squillions of pounds on healthcare, would deliberately try to make its citizens sick? That really is crazy.

Yes it is crazy, its really crazy, what makes it crazy is that its true. Of course they are going to say no harm came to anybody. As if any meaningful long term study was EVER done to even find out. The "squillions" of pounds spent on healthcare gets siphoned off by tiers upon tiers upon tiers of middle management, whats left after that gets squandered on extortionate prices of new pharmaceuticals & extortionate profits for staffing agencies. The "public service NHS" is a cash cow for private companies. We have scandal after scandal. Yes, its crazy. Thats my point.

Every past conspiracy is proof that vigilance is required at all times, if you cannot see that simple fact then I feel sorry for you.

Save your sympathy. I learnt that many years ago, in the far more memorable words of Harold Laski: 'the price of liberty is eternal vigilance'. Yet again, you are failing to recognize the difference between conspiracy theories and conspiracies, and between conspiracy theorists and alert observers of current affairs. Conspiracy theorists don't guard the public weal; they make up imaginary monsters and divert everyone's attention from the real threats by crying 'wolf, wolf!'

Im not confusing conspiracy theorists and conspiracies, Im just saying many times the theories turn out to be founded in poorly covered up truths.

If you think conspiracy theorists are the "protectors" of anything then again, Im sorry.

As far as I know a theory is a work in progress until proven wrong or right?

Until either is true its simply an interesting possibility.
To base important life decisions on speculation is just stupid.

We have a super massive entertainment and sports industry created specifically to "divert our attention away from the real threats".

edit on 201410America/Chicago10pm10pmFri, 24 Oct 2014 19:19:48 -05001014 by OneManArmy because: (no reason given)

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