posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 11:44 AM
A few days ago I asked a question concerning issues I had with my Mac. I appreciate all who replied. It got me to thinking about similar problems I
had even before I had a Mac. I've been hearing and reading lately about others having problems with slow internet service. I've been using one of
the large wireless providers for a few years whose name starts with a V. Thinking back, it seems that about a year or so after I get a new internet
device from V I start having problems. When I contact V about my problems I'm told, "Oh, you're due for an "update." So, I go in, get a new
internet device and sign A NEW 2 YEAR CONTRACT. Suddenly, my internet problems are solved! Am I just over thinking this or does this sound familiar
to you? Is this just what they do to keep people under contract? I'm not tech savvy enough to know any better.