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Patient Zero - How Many?!

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posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 06:11 AM
What's the probability we have multiple patient zero's throughout USA?!

All it takes is one unrecognized carrier to spread to multiple people for this to get out of control.

This morning we hear another healthcare worker is infected, besides the "meticulous" nurse who is infected.

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 06:22 AM
Approaching 100%
But I'm not going to get into the semantics of "patient zero"

Fact: the true number of people exposed in Dallas remains unknown to everyone. Not just us

Fact: secondary exposures have happened (see nurses boyfriend)

Fact: no real plan to prevent more people just like the original patient zero from flying in

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 06:23 AM
a reply to: Biotech2024

meh, up to know there are 3 confirmed cases in america.
Hardly a reason to panic.
now Ebola should be taken seriously, of course, but we are no where near the levels of panic that MSM and certain ATS posts talk about.
If 3 people is such a cause for alarm, the tens of thousands that die from the common flue should be treated as a sign of the apocalypse.
Of course, there is an incubation period and some people might not know they have it yet, that's why we need to be vigilant.
But, especially at ATS we should dial down the panic. it's almost up to 11.

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 06:24 AM
a reply to: Biotech2024

I'm not sure How we would find out about it if so, i fully believe That What we are being told is a scripted version of what is actually happening. I really don't think the government would be fully truthful even if the endgame came into play. I've thought about this a lot, there is only so much we, as individuals, can do. The way we are being told lies, anything is possible!!!

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 06:27 AM
a reply to: nukedog

CDC is a bunch of assclowns!!

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 06:31 AM

originally posted by: IShotMyLastMuse
a reply to: Biotech2024

meh, up to know there are 3 confirmed cases in america.
Hardly a reason to panic.
now Ebola should be taken seriously, of course, but we are no where near the levels of panic that MSM and certain ATS posts talk about.
If 3 people is such a cause for alarm, the tens of thousands that die from the common flue should be treated as a sign of the apocalypse.
Of course, there is an incubation period and some people might not know they have it yet, that's why we need to be vigilant.
But, especially at ATS we should dial down the panic. it's almost up to 11.

Ebola has 70-90% mortality .. Bringing low mortality infectious agents into the discussion doesn't mitigate the seriousness of the situation.

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 06:34 AM
a reply to: IShotMyLastMuse

The idea of my son catching a flu doesn't concern me. I'm prepared to roll the dice there and I'm sure he will be fine.

The idea of my son having his insides liquified by a virus that only takes one of itself to enter a body, (through unknown methods of infection) terrorizes the living crap out of me.

I can't help but feel a little patronized but I appreciate the concern.
edit on 15-10-2014 by nukedog because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 06:42 AM

originally posted by: IShotMyLastMuse
a reply to: Biotech2024

meh, up to know there are 3 confirmed cases in america.
Hardly a reason to panic.
now Ebola should be taken seriously, of course, but we are no where near the levels of panic that MSM and certain ATS posts talk about.
If 3 people is such a cause for alarm, the tens of thousands that die from the common flue should be treated as a sign of the apocalypse.
Of course, there is an incubation period and some people might not know they have it yet, that's why we need to be vigilant.
But, especially at ATS we should dial down the panic. it's almost up to 11.

yes we should not panic afterall the CDC has it all under control remember they are prepared!..

oh wait the nurse caring for him now has it ... but how can this be surely they have the pinnacle of the CDC's methods of containment at their finger tips.. oh wait now a second healthcare worker has it ....

So i put it to you if they can't ensure the people trained and supposedly fully equipped to deal with this situation don't catch it, what chance has the average joe got?

remember their is no such thing as paranoia its just being completely aware of all your surroundings. i have no problem setting the panic dial up a couple of notches, the laughable way this situation is being handled warrants it imho.


posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 06:57 AM
a reply to: Quantum_Squirrel
On the general point we agree, we have to be careful, and make sure we get clear information from the people "in charge", i just don't personally like the over-hyping that people tend to do. it causes panic, paranoia, irrational behavior...all things not good to properly deal with something so dangerous.
From the posts i have been reading, it seems most people are getting ready for end times. that the country is doomed, when big chance is this will be all over in no time.
What i would like is more focus, instead of jumping to OMG PANIC!!1!! mode. like the tone of the majority of posts clearly indicates. if it didn't sound (almost) crazy i would say people WANT this virus to go...viral.
as for the CDC, yep i am on your side, more than success i am just hoping for the smallest possible number of f#$k ups

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 07:03 AM
I don't want it to go viral. I just use this place as a sounding board. You see, I don't have the luxury of sitting somewhere like, idk, Iceland, and watching this play out. I'm right here in the "hot zone," as it were.

In the future when people ask a question searching for an opinion I will be sure and call them crazy and remind them to take their blue pill.

Moar calm please. Week two case three (that we know of.)

This is going awesome.

edit on 15-10-2014 by nukedog because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 07:08 AM
a reply to: IShotMyLastMuse

thanks for the reply

it is my opinion that the information we are being told is NOT trutful, this is due to them not wanting to create panic , i understand this,

remember only in 1918 spanish flu killed 50 MILLION people on this planet so i do think something like this could easily happen again.

and you dont sound crazy i bet secretly some people want the worst case so they can say i told you so!! begging for this doom porn to be correct for a change..

I said on the very first thread, and multiple times after that....

Stock up

be prepared for a lock-down, if this doesn't happen then no harm done , you can use the supplies in case of earthquake, flood, rolling blackouts due to energy problems .. etc etc

it won't hurt to be prepared... end of the world I doubt it, life always finds a way... we have 3 camps here at ats this moment

1. OMGZ the world is ending
2. quiet level headed people saying take precautions
3. OMGZ its all a hoax/ manufactured government plot etc etc

i sit at 2 and althoughI have told people to prepare have not said much in this last week , until confirmed cases arise as everyone who sneezes at the moment is probably suspect.

whatever happens be safe and don't believe everything ANYONE tells you !


posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 07:36 AM
a reply to: Quantum_Squirrel
you are welcome

see, yours is the level headed approach that is much needed and appreciated.
Be safe, hope for sunshine but prepare for rain, just don't allow it to get to you too much.
it's this doomsday talk i cannot stand, that too be fair, has little to do with OP, he's just trying to gather information. i just don't want people that are uninformed (at this point, most of us) to be fed bad intel.
As for not giving full disclosure to the public, that's a double edged sword i guess. i understand you don't want the population to panic, but you also don't want them to be careless. i mean what if I am the one taking it too superficially? that could cause more damage than good.
But either way, i don't expect much help from the "most transparent administration in history" :/

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 08:26 AM

originally posted by: Biotech2024

originally posted by: IShotMyLastMuse
a reply to: Biotech2024

meh, up to know there are 3 confirmed cases in america.
Hardly a reason to panic.
now Ebola should be taken seriously, of course, but we are no where near the levels of panic that MSM and certain ATS posts talk about.
If 3 people is such a cause for alarm, the tens of thousands that die from the common flue should be treated as a sign of the apocalypse.
Of course, there is an incubation period and some people might not know they have it yet, that's why we need to be vigilant.
But, especially at ATS we should dial down the panic. it's almost up to 11.

Ebola has 70-90% mortality .. Bringing low mortality infectious agents into the discussion doesn't mitigate the seriousness of the situation.

Agreed. The influenza references are getting old.
I have had influenza. We all know people that have had it and lived.
Ebola is very different.

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 08:36 AM
a reply to: IShotMyLastMuse

Prepping is crucial, and it's important for security of your family. A few months ago I bought 6 months supply of baby formula. Guess what, it's all gone. Having a mini grocery store in your home is very convenient.

I'm a father and husband, I need to do what I feel is needed based on what I'm witnessing in the world. Panic and irrational fears is counterproductive. But yet I have scientific medical background, I did countless hours of research on this topic. What I found troubles me regarding EBOV.

When I mean research it's going through tons of pubmed articles about Ebola. Our healthcare system is not prepared. At what point should one truly panic?

If the Ebola exponential curve keeps pace for the next 3 months than I would start to look at creating decon zone for your home before entering your home. Research what decontamination procedures are and what equipment is needed. It's pretty simple and everything can be obtained at your big box store for under 500 bucks.

Trust me, as a father I don't want to see this spread, my children are everything to me.


posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 08:57 AM

originally posted by: IShotMyLastMuse
a reply to: Biotech2024

meh, up to know there are 3 confirmed cases in america.
Hardly a reason to panic.
now Ebola should be taken seriously, of course, but we are no where near the levels of panic that MSM and certain ATS posts talk about.
If 3 people is such a cause for alarm, the tens of thousands that die from the common flue should be treated as a sign of the apocalypse.
Of course, there is an incubation period and some people might not know they have it yet, that's why we need to be vigilant.
But, especially at ATS we should dial down the panic. it's almost up to 11.

Up until those 3 there were none, so I would say that is reason enough to panic a bit. No worries, this is how it all started over in Africa as well....we have it under can't spread.....

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 09:00 AM
a reply to: IShotMyLastMuse

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 09:01 AM
a reply to: Biotech2024
I hope this isn't just ramping up. According to my (admittedly poor) Ebola Math, it's time to buy water and Vienna sausages.

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 09:25 AM

originally posted by: IShotMyLastMuse
a reply to: Biotech2024

meh, up to know there are 3 confirmed cases in america.
Hardly a reason to panic.
now Ebola should be taken seriously, of course, but we are no where near the levels of panic that MSM and certain ATS posts talk about.
If 3 people is such a cause for alarm, the tens of thousands that die from the common flue should be treated as a sign of the apocalypse.
Of course, there is an incubation period and some people might not know they have it yet, that's why we need to be vigilant.
But, especially at ATS we should dial down the panic. it's almost up to 11.

I totally understand and agree with what you are saying. However, I don't think its right to compare the flu to Ebola. The flu usually kills the very young, old and weak. Ebola kills both healthy and weak, young and old. And rather quickly too. Also, you don't get the flu by just touching someone.

Also, the flu has something like a 10% mortality, while Ebola is at the very least 50%...or more.

That said, I don't think Ebola is going anywhere anytime soon. Unless something is the next 59 days (as per the UN).

I remember when the news first broke, and members on here weren't worried one bit, saying it'll kill itself off. I'm pretty sure those are some of the same members saying it's now a hoax. People are dying.

Im using the mobile site, otherwise I'd implant the videos directly from YouTube. They are worth watching for some perspective. Also look up PBS Frontline Ebola outbreak 2014 on their website. They took down the video on YouTube.

Vice News - Monkey meat and the Ebola outbreak in Liberia

A Recent History of Liberia - Don't $#!t where you eat

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 09:35 AM
We know people show signs of contracting the virus within 29 days but I read a claim that 50 percent show symptoms within 5.5 days. If this true we will most likely be seeing more and most outbreaks within every 5 to 6 days from now on. Not good.

It's getting harder for me to deny how bad this could get really fast.
edit on 15-10-2014 by TheLieWeLive because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 11:10 AM

originally posted by: TheLieWeLive
We know people show signs of contracting the virus within 29 days but I read a claim that 50 percent show symptoms within 5.5 days. If this true we will most likely be seeing more and most outbreaks within every 5 to 6 days from now on. Not good.

It's getting harder for me to deny how bad this could get really fast.

Duncan entered end of September so all cases should emerge by end of October.. If you have more cases pop up in November that's when warning bells go off and containment failure has occurred.

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