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Next Level BS #12: The Pandemic of Ebola Madness: FearBola!!!

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posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 12:28 AM
Pretty safe way to present the "positive outlook" case on Ebola. If you're wrong, nobody's gonna be around to say, "I told you so."

Here's a bottom line up front: Ebola is a Class IV pathogen. Implemented protocols for containment are Class II (at best).

You don't wear a paper mask at Class III. You wear a respirator. At class IV, you breathe from an independent (delivered ... not ambient) air source. Now I'm not saying Ebola is airborne ... never have. I'm trying to help everyone establish a visual reference for control protocol. Either the protocols for a Class IV pathogen are being followed ... or they are NOT.

The R nought ... does ... not ... lie. Above a 1 (one), it will spread. Everyone ... and I mean EVERYONE ... agrees that the R nought for this current epidemic strain is a minimum of 1.2 (I personally believe it is much closer to 2). You either isolate any **potential** carrier from the general population ... or it will continue to propogate.

Clear enough??

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 12:42 AM
Sorry but I am not letting someone with ebola sneeze on my face. Really? Seriously? Just because something is "trendy" in the news doesn't mean it's total BS for someone to make a buck. Sure they will make some money, that cannot be denied, but it isn't because the media is lying to us.... where's the medias cut?

first it was complaining they didn't report things, and still don't... now its complaining they do report things.... wtf.
edit on 15-10-2014 by Volund because: seriously?

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 01:55 AM

originally posted by: Snarl
Pretty safe way to present the "positive outlook" case on Ebola. If you're wrong, nobody's gonna be around to say, "I told you so."

Here's a bottom line up front: Ebola is a Class IV pathogen. Implemented protocols for containment are Class II (at best).

You don't wear a paper mask at Class III. You wear a respirator. At class IV, you breathe from an independent (delivered ... not ambient) air source. Now I'm not saying Ebola is airborne ... never have. I'm trying to help everyone establish a visual reference for control protocol. Either the protocols for a Class IV pathogen are being followed ... or they are NOT.

The R nought ... does ... not ... lie. Above a 1 (one), it will spread. Everyone ... and I mean EVERYONE ... agrees that the R nought for this current epidemic strain is a minimum of 1.2 (I personally believe it is much closer to 2). You either isolate any **potential** carrier from the general population ... or it will continue to propogate.

Clear enough??

CIDRIP just published a commentary that fully supports your position. The CDC should be mandating that level 4 protective gear is used when treating Ebola patients. Currently, they recommend level 2. Now that the poor nurse contracted it, perhaps they'll revise their protocols. The CDC' s handling of this domestic Ebola threat is a joke.
Commentary here:

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 02:25 AM
a reply to: theNLBS
Good stuff, I would add though that HIV was speculated to have been man made due to the nature of the mutations that occurred so rapidly "supposedly in the wild" to then start infecting humans, in other words there was skepticism as to how AIDS originated in the wild and still to this day unanswered questions, in spite of what some authorities might imply. It was originally thought hard for such mutations to occur between species, which was how come many fought over the origin story of AIDS. Some speculated it was to cover and hide the origin.

Here's a short excerpt from Biowarfare in America by Jim Keith from 1999...

In Los Angeles Times of May 20, 1996 appeared an article titled "Report warns of Global Health Crisis," subtitled "Infectious Diseases: Despite Medical Advances, Millions are dying." The article reported that,

"Declaring a 'global crisis' and warning that 'no country is safe from infectious diseases,' the World Health Organization says in a new report that disease such as AIDS, ebola, hanta, mad cow, tuberculosis, etc. killed more than 17 million people worldwide last year, including 9 million children.

"Taken together, bacterial, viral and parasitic diseases remain the world's leading cause of premature death, accounting for one out of every three deaths, the report says. For instance, the No. 1 infectious diseases, tuberculosis, took 3.1 million lives last year, up 400,000 from WHO figures for 1993.

"The report also suggests with uncommon starkness that in today's global community, populations mix with unprecedented ease, and disease organisms have the potential to spread among countries at jet speed. Among the reasons that many infectious diseases are spreading so rapidly, the WHO report says, are growing antibiotic resistance and heavy international air travel."

Now keeping that in mind, it can take a far more ugly turn if you decide to look into man made possibilities and the history of GW and the chemical and Pharmaceutical industry. Here's where I posted a thread on the Harvard forum and some other research I did recently on Ebola....Disease Cowboys Also the direction that we maybe going with Ebola maybe to lead the public into wanting a vaccination, and to implement it in Africa and then martial law force it onto Health Care worker sin the states, which was why the soldiers are in Africa, to get training for implementing emergency protocols, maybe Connecticut will be the first state where it will start, they just declared a state of emergency over Ebola in CT yet have not had a case yet, they are prepping...a bunch of preppers! :>)

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 02:48 AM
a reply to: theNLBS

I have to ask. Could you please not fear monger and promote more doom porn than there already is on this site? It's not a pandemic yet.

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 04:17 AM

originally posted by: SkepticOverlord

originally posted by: sourcecontroller
To state in NLBS that the Ebola virus has not been confirmed to be transmitted by aerosol dispersion ignores the study discussed in my thread.

We were staying specific to what's known NOW about human infection vectors. And what's known now is that there's no evidence for airborne/aerosol vectors -- except for the speculation of a few experts on a close-proximity violent sneeze… which we mentioned.

Thanks for watching

It's known right now that 'direct contact' is anti-panic speak which interprets to : you can be infected through your skin .

Someone else's body fluids (ie sweat) - your (unbroken) skin .

It's 70% lethal ffs , just rolling out the old swine flu / vaccine conspiracy confusion won't cut the mustard . No one's panicked yet anyways !?

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 04:26 AM
Now a second worker in Dallas has tested positive, its spreading just like it has in Africa!!!

edit on 15-10-2014 by LDragonFire because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 04:35 AM
a reply to: theNLBS

Well played Joe!

I find what you said about the pharmaceutical companies not being prepared to make drugs to combat Ebola until it would give them the highest profit return interesting, as it gels with the trend that they have for not offering medicines for non infectious ailments which do not affect large numbers of people.

We all remember the ALS Ice Bucket challenge that was doing the rounds on Youtube and the web in general. ALS is an illness which currently affects WAY more people on the planet, than Ebola (although obviously, it is not an infectious disease) and yet even that disease receives relatively little attention from big pharma, who do not see it as a profitable line to earn money from.

So many things relating to medical matters, rely on interest from large companies, in order to properly address, because of the fact that the manufacture of pharmaceutical products is a business, rather than being a duty. The allegiances held by these companies are to dollars rather than to doctors, to profits not patients, and although one might say that a free market has made a great many things possible, medically speaking that would not otherwise be possible, it also has to be said that if these companies saw it as their duty to save lives, to offer drugs to prevent illness, rather than profit from less effective drug strategies which prolong recovery times, and in some cases waiting until their is a crisis of any kind, before even spending any money on research, then the outcomes for people would be better by an awfully large margin.

Ebola is not quite the bogeyman that people make it out to be, that they have been lead to believe. It is dangerous, and you do not want to get it of course, but it would be even less of a bogeyman if big pharma had gotten together and constructed a drug to stop its spread when it was affecting smaller numbers of people.

This issue highlights, more than anything else, the mercenary nature of medicine as a business, and reminds us that the pharmaceutical industry needs to come to heel, and serve the people who really pay its bills.

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 06:09 AM
a reply to: SkepticOverlord
You are still ignoring the facts. aerosol transmission is a serious concern by professionals and this piece downplays it to the point that makes it seem irrelevant when it clearly is not. See this. Aerosol transmission of Ebola virus

My thread speaks to this threat with no fear mongering just facts.

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 07:00 AM
Let's see where we are in a months time. By then there should be 10,000 cases per week with a mortality rate of at least 70%.

According to my Government there should be a handful of cases, so not too specific, so we'll say 20 with 14 deaths.

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 07:38 AM
a reply to: theNLBS>>> I remember an Ebola scare maybe 10 or 15 years ago. It was kept isolated and burnt out pretty quickly. Every few years it would appear and again would be kept isolated and be kept in check. Now its a major outbreak and the government seems to be doing everything it can to not only hype its danger( like with ISIS) but also to bring it HERE. Its like we need some major diversions to shift our attention away from something else. They're still spouting nonsense about global warming and racism, too. Trouble with Russia leading to WW3 as well. I'm thinking something MAJOR is going to fall on us and they want us in a position to be forced to depend on them not tear them to pieces for causing the problem in the first place. I think now we know why they wanted an ammo shortage while the feds stockpiled and planned for urban warfare. I'm thinking it will be a monster banking collapse bringing the stock market down with it.

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 07:59 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

Ebola is not quite the bogeyman that people make it out to be


I have a BS in Microbiology from UNC. I completed an internship in Virology under a Fellow named Dr. Sharp @ UNC. Later, I busted my butt to earn a MS in Molecular Genetics and Microbiology @ Duke. I worked in the Clinical Chemistry Department of the UNC Memorial hospital as a Hematologist until I enlisted in the Army. As stupid and contradictory as that may sound, it was what I wanted to do, and I could not be dissuaded from that pursuit. I'm glad I didn't spend my life confined to a lab.

And now? Three decades later I have a job working in a military hospital where the leadership's position of preference seems to be head buried in the sand ... ass prominently displayed to all passersby. Any sacrifice to get a passing grade during a command assignment. I just want to get back home to the farm and a big fat retirement check.

Blustering about aerosol transmission or whether or not the virus has mutated into an airborne strain is distraction. Doctors and bureaucrats argue this crap ... not scientists. Ebola presentation/infection from the human respiratory system is potential, but of limited concern. Ebola does not make a reservoir of human lung tissue. It primarily sets up in the eyes, the liver, the kidneys ... and your balls. You can worry about these details if you like, you can worry about what I said about R nought and the relentless progress TPTB have set a course for, you could even wring your hands over Orwellian fears of what's in store for the general population.

Me? I'm going to spend my time wondering if this nightmare will get an opportunity to find a natural wildlife reservoir we'll never be able to effectively eliminate on our shores ... like those bats in Africa. I'm going to forever wonder why TPTB didn't throw a net over the entire continent of Africa when they easily could have. How many corpses do you think Southern Border wildlife have already found and eaten? Must be that 'they' have already developed a solution ... and I wonder if 'us' are included.

Nothing personal.
Just wanted that off my chest, and I've already burned-up my Ebola OP opportunity.

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 08:30 AM
a reply to: theNLBS

Nice job and thanks!

Personally, I think the wtf's are a nice touch. That's what we're all wondering and there is no phrase more appropriate, atm.

Except possibly, the 'next level of BS' we've been watching since Mr. Green Shirt first appeared on stage...

Keep up the good work!

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 08:47 AM
a reply to: theNLBS

Who knows the REAL truth?

This is the question.

Because the spread sure isn't slowing down at this present time.

What I can say is that if Passengers weren't allowed to Travel to and from Infected areas, the disease wouldn't spread to other Continents/Country's! (Apart from Medical Staff).

If this is anything to do with forced Vaccinations, then they will be doing a very good job in getting people Vaccinated (whilst letting the virus spread to panic people into getting Vaccinated).

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 09:11 AM
a reply to: Snarl

Hey, I know its a dangerous virus! I would hope that the governments and organisations under their control, pull their fingers out and make proper efforts to cure, and to prevent the spread of, this disease as fast and as effectively as is possible with our current levels of medical science, and infrastructural capacity.

However, all I am saying is that as much as it is a serious threat to human health, we should deal with more sensibly than most are doing. Flailing paranoia is not going to solve the problem. It has to be said, that the man in the street can do exactly nothing to affect this issue one iota anyway, so all that the media hype does, is make everyone crap a brick about something they cannot change!

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 09:18 AM

originally posted by: scghst1
It's not a pandemic yet.

We never said it was. Did you get some other video than ours by accident?

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 09:24 AM
I can't watch the video right now, but from the responses, I have an inkling of the gist of it...

To this point, I have refused to participate in or even open Ebola threads, but I enjoy NLBS so much, I wanted to see what this was about. I believe Ebola is being used as a political tool and to create and nurture fear in the world for some nefarious purpose, probably having to do with money or politics or both. My main point: If it was as dangerous as many think, we wouldn't be hearing about it every 5 minutes on every major news network! Just that fact tells me that there's a reason behind it. Either something else is being covered up (and NOT in the news) or there's a money making scheme behind it which will be discovered later.

It's clearly fear-driven!

If it was REALLY as dangerous as many ATS members seem to think, we wouldn't be hearing about it on TV! This is a distraction, a manipulation technique! I can't believe so many here are posting about it, following the media like a puppy... It's absolutely insane, IMO. You're playing right into their hands.

Looking forward to watching!

Just got a window to watch it and LOVED it! Thanks, Joe! Fantastic work!
edit on 10/15/2014 by Benevolent Heretic because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 09:26 AM
Not that drunk after all. Never poke the bear.

Apologies to everyone who saw that.
edit on 15102014 by Snarl because: Stupidness and poor manners unbecoming a guest

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 11:42 AM
Good job Joe, as usual.

To me, there are certain 'tones' that the human/beast produces when truth/virility is at stake. Hunters develop 'calls' to lure predators, those 'calls' mimic the sounds of prey as they spend their last breath, that distinguished 'screech/tone' mean that a meal is close for the hunter if he can lure it.

How sheltering it must be to be offended by street language; middle school cussing, the virility of being young/true to one's self? There's a certain 'tone' used when a man speaks through his heart, (intent on telling truth) and it is sometimes laced with 'passionate' language. Passion is linked to truth...if she loves like she says in whisper, she will scream it from her rooftop so everyone will know?

Before this current ebola scare, news was reporting the southern border being inundated by illegal immigrants plagued with diseases (their home countries could/should have administered proper immunizations for prior)--->OMOHO. Could that be why they come, our health care offers promise?

Current news reports/doom porn is the hunter laying in wait, injecting his prey with the prospect of food, (survivability) that 'tone' that draws attention. "We finally have the cure!...only $6k per inoculation."

What kind of meat does such a hunter consume? Money is not sustenance, though it is portrayed as such...

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 11:49 AM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: xuenchen

You know the worst of it, that while is been pushed that ebola is just something we got in 1976, is not so, what scare me the most is that nobody wants to tell the origins of ebola when it was only found on certain wild animals like the bats, and even the bats were not the natural host of the virus but it never crossed species until 1976.

Ebola as we know it since 1976 to me is more than just a virus born out of nowhere, to me it was born in a lab.

But I am just a conspirator and that is my conspiracy.

Maybe this is the reason the health care bill had to pass, there a connection?
doe it have something to do with Janet Napolitano quiting for some reason what she said keeps popping into my head

The outgoing Homeland Security Secretary has a warning for her successor: A massive and “serious” cyber attack on the U.S. homeland is coming, and a natural disaster — the likes of which the nation has never seen — is also likely on its way.
So prepare, and bring “a large bottle of Advil,” Janet Napolitano told her yet-to-be-named replacement in a farewell address Tuesday morning. disaster/

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