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10,000 new Ebola cases per week could be seen, WHO warns

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posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 10:37 AM

West Africa could see up to 10,000 new Ebola cases a week within two months, the World Health Organization said Tuesday, also confirming the death rate in the current outbreak has risen to 70 percent.

WHO assistant director-general Dr. Bruce Aylward gave the figures during a news conference in Geneva. Previously, WHO had estimated the Ebola mortality rate was at around 50 percent.

Aylward said the new rate confirmed it was "a high mortality disease," and that the U.N. health agency was still focused on trying to get sick people isolated and provide treatment as early as possible.

10,000 new Ebola cases per week could be seen, WHO warns

Well those are certainly some chilling new numbers.

the Mortality rate has risen to 70 percent...Meaning 7 out of 10 people who contract Ebola will die...

on top of that this guy is saying we could see some 10,000 new Ebola cases per week, starting as soon as December...

So much for the director of the CDC's announcement that we Americans are to fixated on Ebola and not enough on other current health threats.

Tow thoughts here the first being if we do see start to see some 7,000 people dying in Africa per week... there will be a huge mass exodus of people fleeing this epidemic. Already many of them are going to Spain, Greece and Brazil... economics is driving them now but how long before the pandemic overrides all?

My second dealy-O is Ebola has been around for 40 years now... I want to remind you all that it is precisely because this virus first showed up in a poor nation, doctors and pharmacons ignored it's threat because there was no money to be made in it's cure... They still can't and when I hear officials say they want to contain it there in Africa... I have to assume that is again an economics consideration rather than a health issue.
edit on 14-10-2014 by HardCorps because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 10:44 AM
I read an article from Dr jeffrey shaman 2 months ago when this was just Africa saying that by the 19th of october there would be a worst case scenario of 15000 cases in africa or else a still worryingly number of cases at 7000 predicted for this date the 19th oct. We have over 4000 deaths alone in africa nevermind cases that we know of...

Does anyone know the figures for africa to date?

All I see is new cases being reported everywhere else now which is not africa.

so whats happening over there and how much worse are the figures at now?
edit on 14-10-2014 by Vaxellion because: .

remember at this point the figures where only around 1000 or so I think it was?
edit on 14-10-2014 by Vaxellion because: .

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 10:45 AM
a reply to: HardCorps

Already posted this:

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 10:49 AM

originally posted by: bludragin
a reply to: HardCorps

Already posted this:

Sorry to step on your thread... I guess we were both found it at the same time but you beat me to the post...
I'll ask the mods to close mine out...

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 10:56 AM
I would say stack your canned food, bottled water and medicine, buy wooden boards to place at your windows and doors when the first signs come near your towns. Shelter your family carpentry your windows.. And stay there for at least three months till every thing has calm down because imo this virus will turn whole countries into zombism..

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 10:57 AM
a reply to: HardCorps

Just wondering… do they make these numbers up the way they do the numbers of ISIS?

!0,000 this and 10,000 that. Nice round figure.

If this thing gets into a big city we'll see fast replication bigger than 10,000 per week.

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 11:06 AM
a reply to: 0bserver1

Remember the duct tape scare? We were supposed to buy plastic and duct tape after 911 because of the Anthrax that got mailed to people.

Problem with that is once you are sealed into your room, you can't breathe very well.

The other thing is even if you stored oxygen to last three months or whatever, when you come out you could still get it from dead corpses and the animals or insects that feed on them. Ebola is out of Pandoras box now and is with us for the foreseeable future. Unless they develop and make enough vaccine to give to everyone. Thats billions of doses.

The outbreaks in Africa are sufficient that it won't be completely snuffed out there any time soon. It will keep recurring and jumping around.

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 11:22 AM
a reply to: intrptr

I wonder could it come to that point where the army is going to bomb whole cities and kill everyone . So that the virus cant spread?

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 11:28 AM
a reply to: HardCorps

...when I hear officials say they want to contain it there in Africa... I have to assume that is again an economics consideration rather than a health issue.

Not really. If we don't contain the epidemic in West Africa we will all NEED vaccines. The epidemic still can be stopped in West Africa - with enough manpower and resources to identify, isolate and treat victims, and to track, monitor and isolate contacts. ....The less resources put into the epidemic now, the longer (and farther) it spreads - and the more we all will have to rely on vaccines and medical technology.

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 11:49 AM
This thing is definitely taking off......West Africa is the place to get the handle on it, and its NOT happening.......
Its only a matter of a short month or two and the world will see this everywhere.....
The PTB are putting way too little resources into the fight.....
Feeding the beast piecemeal batches of health care workers isn't going to fix anything.
edit on 14-10-2014 by stirling because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 11:55 AM

originally posted by: 0bserver1
a reply to: intrptr

I wonder could it come to that point where the army is going to bomb whole cities and kill everyone . So that the virus cant spread?

You mean like in Outbreak? Or Aliens?

Wouldn't work. The corpses (with or without Ebola) would still be there. They nuked entire cities in Japan and there were survivors. Lots of survivors.

Kind of self defeating. I understand your concern, though. The US still thinks bombing people is working, why shouldn't we?

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 12:03 PM
a reply to: soficrow

The less resources put into the epidemic now, the longer (and farther) it spreads - and the more we all will have to rely on vaccines and medical technology.

He's right though about economic concerns, initially. In the beginning of an outbreak they are not as concerned about it as they are when it is overwhelming. The money spent is tiered to the perceived threat, not the eventual one.

We saw that same problem with the two cases in Dallas. They turned him away the first time and a nurse has it now because they weren't taking it serious enough in the beginning.

Same with incoming flights into America. They won't swallow the economic loss and declare Ebola NO Fly Zones until its too late.

Playing catch up is dancing to Ebola's tune.

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 12:08 PM
a reply to: intrptr

I think they were referring to the ill-fated Raccoon City in the Resident Evil 2 movie...
not that it helped anything... By the time they got to the third movie the T virus had already spread globally...
of course no zombies with Ebola but the damage it can cause to a nations infrastructure is right up there on the top ten of bad things no one wants to ever see happen

Spoiler alert... they plan to get rid of Milla Jovovich for this next movie... said she's getting to old...

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 12:15 PM
a reply to: HardCorps

You've got class. You have a good discussion going here, and I don't own this story. So let the mods make the call. I'm not competitive that way. Also, your post is in a different forum, and so more may be able to read it if it's left here. Namaste.

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: bludragin

Naw you beat me fair and square...

tell you what, we'll share... Hey everyone go check this thread out too

give me a sec and Ill go post something there myself k?

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 12:20 PM
a reply to: HardCorps

of course no zombies with Ebola but the damage it can cause to a nations infrastructure is right up there on the top ten of bad things no one wants to ever see happen.

Imagine entire cities in tact. All those goodies and nobody to guard them. In one scenario anyway.

Eyes turn red with Ebola. People wander listlessly looking for help, throwing up blood on everything.

In an extreme amplification event in a large city for instance, that would be very scary. The thing about Ebola Zombies is they don't really want hurt anyone, they just want help. The virus in them wants to eat you bad, however.

It sees cities as huge reservoirs of red meat.

Happy Halloween…

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: HardCorps

Ok. I'm adding you as a friend now. You are simply swell.

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 12:34 PM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: HardCorps

of course no zombies with Ebola but the damage it can cause to a nations infrastructure is right up there on the top ten of bad things no one wants to ever see happen.

Imagine entire cities in tact. All those goodies and nobody to guard them. In one scenario anyway.

Eyes turn red with Ebola. People wander listlessly looking for help, throwing up blood on everything.

In an extreme amplification event in a large city for instance, that would be very scary. The thing about Ebola Zombies is they don't really want hurt anyone, they just want help. The virus in them wants to eat you bad, however.

It sees cities as huge reservoirs of red meat.

Happy Halloween…

Creepy way of putting it... lol

The non listening and un prepared could be in for a rude awakening I reckon, although I am still unsure how vicious this is all going to get but im leaning more to the "very" side of things...
edit on 14-10-2014 by Vaxellion because: .

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 12:42 PM
a reply to: HardCorps

CIDRIP announces that they believe the Ebola virus could go airborne:

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 12:55 PM

originally posted by: Vaxellion

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: HardCorps

of course no zombies with Ebola but the damage it can cause to a nations infrastructure is right up there on the top ten of bad things no one wants to ever see happen.

Imagine entire cities in tact. All those goodies and nobody to guard them. In one scenario anyway.

Eyes turn red with Ebola. People wander listlessly looking for help, throwing up blood on everything.

In an extreme amplification event in a large city for instance, that would be very scary. The thing about Ebola Zombies is they don't really want hurt anyone, they just want help. The virus in them wants to eat you bad, however.

It sees cities as huge reservoirs of red meat.

Happy Halloween…

The non listening and un prepared could be in for a rude awakening I reckon, although I am still unsure how vicious this is all going to get but I'm leaning more to the "very" side of things...

Not here, not yet. The events in Dallas were a wake up call that the industry is not prepared. They will be now.

The problem ongoing with more cases arriving is where the future rubber meets the road. I hope they will remain serious and keep us informed.

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