posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 10:55 PM
Freaking wow. "But body cameras are too expensive!".
So before everyone flips out, no, not all of those are going to be settlements for police misconduct. The article does a good job being fair about
As Gothamist pointed out, these settlements aren't all the result of basic misconduct by cops. For example, the largest payout, $11.5 million,
went to Google engineer Sasha Blair-Goldensohn, who was nearly killed in 2009 when a tree branch fell on him in Central Park.
Still, there are more than 10,000 cases (average settlement: $33,875) listed on the document provided to MuckRock, and it seems likely that most
are about what you'd expect.
This is a massive problem.
We need more accountability, and those that are unfit to perform their duties without violating citizen's rights need to be let go. They also need
to be held accountable. I'm not sure how we could actually do that.
One thought I've had is making police officers hold a sort of insurance similar to malpractice insurance that doctors hold. Give discounts for
wearing a body cam etc. No insurance, no work available as a cop. Harsh? Yeah. Reasonable? I think so. I don't think the taxpayers should
continually fund police criminality or abuse.
That is an INSANE amount of money being doled out, paid for by us.
If you want to check out the FOIA