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UK offshore oil rig opportunities

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posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 01:00 PM
I am sorry if this doesnt belong here guys? Pls delete/move etc if need be. You guys all seem to know your stuff about the industry and I imagine more than a few have oil careers.

Been thinking about this for ahwile and almost saved up the pennies to get a few courses done... the question is... which courses do I need in order to work on an offshore rig?

I know mandatory courses as in BOSIET, MIST and the medical is required before anything.

From which I can see is currently pricing around £750 for the 5 day course through the likes of petrafac and survivex.

Now the thing is I have no diplomas or degree's or any other high level education so am really looking for an entry level position/course.

You know like getting onto a rig as a roustabout or if there are roughneck courses. Assisting on the rug with minor things as in painting, labouring and what not. Nothing that actual requires me to have this certificate from that course and another certificate from this course etc etc.

What are my best options if anyone could guide me in the right direction please? Also are there recruitment agencies for this type of thing to make it easier getting a job without experience as a lot I look over seem to want some experience.

Or is this industry only accessible through a friend of a friend who actually works on the rigs already?

Thanks if you can help or steer me in the right direction guys.

So I want to know what I need to
edit on 13-10-2014 by Vaxellion because: spelling

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 01:06 PM
Plenty Jobs on the rigs, from Chef, (you dont need to be Michel Roux just as lons as you can fry an egg) Cleaner, Painter/Blasters...You just need to know someone. a couple of my friends have just started, one was cleaning (got made up within a couple of months) and the other butchers meat for four hours then does his chefing bit for the rest of the day...Good Money. and if you show you are keen good chance of a step up...

I dont do Helicopters of i would be up there myself.

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 01:18 PM
a reply to: Soloprotocol

Awesome buddy good to know there is jobs in this sector then and its worth time and money to invest in.

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 02:19 PM

originally posted by: Vaxellion
a reply to: Soloprotocol

Awesome buddy good to know there is jobs in this sector then and its worth time and money to invest in.

It's certainly a worthwhile investment...IF, you secure a Job. Find out the names of the companies, recruiters and fire off some emails first.

I'll ask around. and get back to you.

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 02:28 PM

originally posted by: Soloprotocol

originally posted by: Vaxellion
a reply to: Soloprotocol

Awesome buddy good to know there is jobs in this sector then and its worth time and money to invest in.

It's certainly a worthwhile investment...IF, you secure a Job. Find out the names of the companies, recruiters and fire off some emails first.

I'll ask around. and get back to you.

Big thanks bro.


to the 45!

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 02:58 PM
In booking mine for in a months time I'm doing slinger signalling , rigging level 1 and a few others . Need to get on real bad but it's high risk I think , but I have to roll the dice .

I'm in the same boat

edit on 13-10-2014 by Denoli because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 04:29 PM
Yeah its a lot of money I hear ya mate.. dont want to end up taking the wrong courses and not being able to get any work after paying for them all.
edit on 13-10-2014 by Vaxellion because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 05:16 PM

originally posted by: Vaxellion
Yeah its a lot of money I hear ya mate.. dont want to end up taking the wrong courses and not being able to get any work after paying for them all.

I'm hoping to get away in the next 6 months , I'm booking my bosiet in the next week or so . Just need some luck to get a start , there's a lot more from hull getting on now so fingers crossed .
Hope it goes ok for you mate .

edit on 13-10-2014 by Denoli because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 12:37 AM
Yeah ive got a couple people I know but dont really know from like back in school etc that work up north think I might contact them once I get my courses sorted.

I wish u all the best as well buddy hope it works out for you too.

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 01:11 AM

originally posted by: Vaxellion
Yeah ive got a couple people I know but dont really know from like back in school etc that work up north think I might contact them once I get my courses sorted.

I wish u all the best as well buddy hope it works out for you too.

Check back and I'll let u know what info I get , same here , I know people on but not enough to stick there neck out due to them been just old school mates ,but I've got 4 kids now just been made redundant and there isn't any good paying jobs so just need a break

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 08:27 AM
No problem I will report back here also and let u know how I get on and any info I get in regards to it cheers buddy

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 08:27 AM
No problem I will report back here also and let u know how I get on and any info I get in regards to it cheers buddy

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