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Why are people in the Western World Clueless as to what is going on in this World?

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posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 08:02 AM
I was on yahoo news this morning and reading an article for AFP. The title is:

Crime-fighting London Jews claim model for Muslim cooperation

Crime Fighting London Jews

So I read the article:

The unusual sight of crime-fighting Orthodox Jews pounding the streets of a tough London neighbourhood after dark has captured the attention of grateful locals, but their ongoing protection of local Muslims has seen their profile go global.

Sounded ok. And it reminded me of the time when Jews, Muslims and Christians lived together in harmony in Palestine before the Zionists came along. In the comments section I thought I would mention that fact. Do you know how many thumbs down I got for even mentioning that there was peace between Jews and Muslims in Palestine? A heap. Then I saw the comments from the red thumber downers!

When are the Muslims going to protect Jews & their Synagogues?

Never. Don't forget, anyone who's not muslim are "infidels", the Jews will soon realise this when the muslims turn on this Country, and they will.

That's not very nice!

Might the answer to the Muslims be that they have brains but no minds?

Then I said: "When is the West going to stop bombing Muslim Women and Children?" I got 13 red thumbs down for that one!

how about showing some concern for those that the Muslims butcher in the name of their God. The Muslims started this and they must reap what they have sown. There are no innocents in this, Muslim children are being shown how to build bombs, shown how to fire guns. I don't care if every Muslim in the Middle East is killed, they must be stopped.


they all read from the same comic. which by the way catagorically states kill all non-believers.

There are a lot of racial hatred comments of yahoo news. As soon as yahoo run a story that features Muslims and or ISIS the hatred for Muslims comes flowing out in some of the most vile comments.

Why are people so easily programmed by Propaganda to HATE the Muslim community? It's disgusting.

People in the US and UK seem to put Muslims in the Terrorist category where in actual fact it's the Zionists that are fuelling the Terrorism around the world mainly in the Middle East. ISIS are not all Muslims. They are mixed International Mercenaries. They are not slaughtering people in the name of Islam. They are doing it for Israel. For the "Greater Israel" project.

The mendacity and ignorance coming from people is shocking.

I work with Muslims. Apart from their strange Religious beliefs they are great and friendly people. And I'm an Atheistic Scotsman!

What is wrong with Western people?

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 08:08 AM
Even here in ATS I've seen people get numerous stars for Racism and for stating that the Middle East should be turned into Glass...

It's not just the Western World...
Read the comments section on Jeruselam Post or Haaretz...

Zionists are disgusting with their vitriol and this site is no exception...

Some are aware...
Mainly the Moderaters who actually have brain cells and common sense...

The zeitgeist right now is Islamophobia...

Sad people with no lives...
Or at least no educational merit about Islam!!!

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 08:09 AM
This site leans conservative/Republican. As a result, anyone that comes out anywhere near the middle/moderate/liberal end of the conversation will be hammered.

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 08:15 AM
So far so good. Waiting for the hammerers.

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 08:28 AM
a reply to: Tedgoat

Jews and Muslims don't get along, some ISIS members are Muslim extremist and you dislike Westerns. Is one scenario any better than another? Really?

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 08:30 AM
a reply to: Tedgoat

Poor education, binary polarization, and massive propaganda. Almost no one is capable of thinking outside their narrow worldview. The stuff with Reza Aslan (on the good side) and Bill Maher/Sam Harris (on the ignorant side) on mainstream media lately is infuriating. Apparently generalizing with Muslims is fine but not with other groups.

For instance if I say that every Muslim hates women I would be applauded. If I say all Christians hate women I'd be told I'm retarded for overgeneralizing. If I said all Jews oppress women I'd be called an anti Semite. Examples of all religions oppressing women are really easy to find.

Islam is reviled for historic reasons but more importantly based on modern propaganda needed to maintain public support for oil based war.

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 08:49 AM

originally posted by: Staroth
a reply to: Tedgoat

Jews and Muslims don't get along, some ISIS members are Muslim extremist and you dislike Westerns. Is one scenario any better than another? Really?

Well actually Jews and Muslims do get along unless they are in Israel then it's Fascist Zionist Jews hating Muslims because the won't get off the land the Zionists are taking over. (Remember the leader of ISIS is a Jew!)

And by the way I am a Western person. I'm Scottish. Or maybe that makes me North Western!!?

I hate Racism, Fascism, Nazism and Zionism. Yes I know too many ism's.
edit on 13-10-2014 by Tedgoat because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 08:56 AM
Good post. Thanks.

One, I think that the controlled mainstream media is mostly to blame. The gov/media/special interests limit people's understanding of the world so that they are compliant. They also demonize groups such as Muslims or Arabs right now because it is conducive to public support for our current geo-political objectives.

As to the Muslim issue, I am in agreeance with you.

People who only see violence of some Muslims and then stereotype all Muslims, while ignoring the countless military excursions started by the United States and "Christian" leaders and soldiers, are clearly hypocritical and at best, ignorant.

Yes, there are extremist Muslims. However, the vast majority factually are not. I have worked and travelled in Muslim countries, from Egypt to Bangladesh. I also have Muslim friends here in the States. Not one that I know personally is an extremist. They are all pretty normal.

Yes, there may be some problematic texts in the Koran and also some violence back in the day as well as now.

Well, you have no right to talk about that unless you also talk about Western aggression over the last 2000 years, including the Crusades and George Bush invading Iraq. Before you guys talk about the thousands of people Muslim terrorists have killed, look at the fact that Bush Jr.'s Iraq War II resulted in approximately 200,000 dead Iraqi civilians. He was "Christian" president. Look at Vietnam, also executed by "Christian" presidents and nations. Also an illegal war. Resulted if I am correct in more around a million dead. Look at colonialism, wherein European nations factually justified the taking of African, Asian, and American lands from indigenous populations because "Europeans are better" and because all of those peoples were savage heathens. They enslaved, tortured, or force converted hundreds of thousands or millions. How, pray tell, can you only call out the Muslims for being violent or for wanting to establish a universal caliphate when the Europeans and Catholic Church were trying to do this for hundreds of years?

AND, the Old Testament is filled with very violent and genocidal actions by the Israelites, so therefore once again if you point one finger at Islam, "four are pointing back."

The basic facts are over time, that "Christians" have killed and oppressed more Muslims worldwide than vice versa. The West has been occupying, attacking, couping, and manipulating the country borders of ME countries for several hundred years. Have the Muslims been doing so recently to Europe or the US? NO.

This is why critical thinking is hard for most people. They can't look honestly at their own culture and religion because to do so would raise too many difficult questions, such as "is my religion really showing the fruits of the spirit," or "is America the best and most free country on Earth."

Now, what is acceptable is to call out orthodox and organized religion in both circumstances and their seeming inability to produce the "fruits of the spirit" and awareness that they purport to do, that seemingly massive atrocities have been committed by often the most fervent believers, of BOTH Christianity and Islam. That there is something missing.

I for one am not a follower of either, but do consider myself spiritual.

originally posted by: Tedgoat
I was on yahoo news this morning and reading an article for AFP. The title is:

Crime-fighting London Jews claim model for Muslim cooperation

Crime Fighting London Jews

So I read the article:

The unusual sight of crime-fighting Orthodox Jews pounding the streets of a tough London neighbourhood after dark has captured the attention of grateful locals, but their ongoing protection of local Muslims has seen their profile go global.

Sounded ok. And it reminded me of the time when Jews, Muslims and Christians lived together in harmony in Palestine before the Zionists came along. In the comments section I thought I would mention that fact. Do you know how many thumbs down I got for even mentioning that there was peace between Jews and Muslims in Palestine? A heap. Then I saw the comments from the red thumber downers!

When are the Muslims going to protect Jews & their Synagogues?

Never. Don't forget, anyone who's not muslim are "infidels", the Jews will soon realise this when the muslims turn on this Country, and they will.

That's not very nice!

Might the answer to the Muslims be that they have brains but no minds?

Then I said: "When is the West going to stop bombing Muslim Women and Children?" I got 13 red thumbs down for that one!

how about showing some concern for those that the Muslims butcher in the name of their God. The Muslims started this and they must reap what they have sown. There are no innocents in this, Muslim children are being shown how to build bombs, shown how to fire guns. I don't care if every Muslim in the Middle East is killed, they must be stopped.


they all read from the same comic. which by the way catagorically states kill all non-believers.

There are a lot of racial hatred comments of yahoo news. As soon as yahoo run a story that features Muslims and or ISIS the hatred for Muslims comes flowing out in some of the most vile comments.

Why are people so easily programmed by Propaganda to HATE the Muslim community? It's disgusting.

People in the US and UK seem to put Muslims in the Terrorist category where in actual fact it's the Zionists that are fuelling the Terrorism around the world mainly in the Middle East. ISIS are not all Muslims. They are mixed International Mercenaries. They are not slaughtering people in the name of Islam. They are doing it for Israel. For the "Greater Israel" project.

The mendacity and ignorance coming from people is shocking.

I work with Muslims. Apart from their strange Religious beliefs they are great and friendly people. And I'm an Atheistic Scotsman!

What is wrong with Western people?

edit on 13-10-2014 by Quetzalcoatl14 because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-10-2014 by Quetzalcoatl14 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 08:59 AM
Media consolidation and propaganda is a large part of influencing the public in towards supporting conflict and war. Project Mockingbird has been one successful CIA operation to help control the media industry and manage public opinion. If there was not so much public hate and ignorance then it would be a lot harder to justify all the spending, resources and tactics of current foreign policy.

Hopefully in time the diversity of the internet does build a more balanced and informed view. In the mean time and with respect towards self determination, people do have the right to be mean and stupid as they over simplify a complex situation.

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 09:28 AM
I think one of the problems people have is they don't want to focus their attention on the horror that is the middle east. People like my mom can't handle or understand all the killing and hatred so they stick their head in the sand.

If you have a safe happy life in the west surrounded by family then why would you want to focus your attention on the terrible things happening around the world? I understand my mom and those like her.
edit on 2014/10/13 by Metallicus because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 09:29 AM
Bisexual liberal pacifist Christian here....let's have some fun.

1.) Yes, there is a comic "all" have read. It's called "Let's create a villain for erryone to hate ; Mooslim Edition" Just look at our entertainment : our shows and movies heavily feature "Islamic" terroristas, our nightly "news" shows hot! video of balaclave-clad ISIS bogeymen waving rifles and beheading folks left, right and center...great mother of Murgatroyd it's like a Muslim Murderfest out there...if you believe the hype.

2.) It's long been a policy of the thrice sainted US Government of Gawd that we poor sheep need a bogeyman to fear. Dirty Commies(tm), sex freaks, bin Laden/Hussein/that scary brown dude..all are the fear critters designed to keep us scared - and buying stuff (usually the scaremongers latest line of fertilizer)

3. Muslims are weird. true fact. They don't look like US(tm), therefore weird. And we must stamp out that which is different. (King's Rule #1 of horror : Watch thou for the mutant.)

4. This fear is brought to you by McDonald's. Try our new Islamophobic Shake today!

5. Finally, sadly, when the Moral Minority married the Republican Party back in the 80's, Zionism won out over reason, compassion and actual Christian doctrine.

Sorry for the snark. I'm just getting awfully tired of all this Bravo Sierra and would kinda like an out break of peace, compassion and a remembrance that ALL men - Christian, Jew and Muslim - are created in the image and likeness of God and are fellow travellers of this mudball we call Earth. Just my two cents.

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 09:47 AM
a reply to: Tedgoat

The only thing I hate about the human race, is humans who hate based on an inability to see their own shortcomings, and an over abundance of ability to see the faults in others.

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: Tedgoat

Respectfully...your entire you...could...and may be considered "propaganda" by the very nature, wording, tone and intent here. You can see that, rt?

I noticed that the minute I began reading...tho I'm assuming that wasn't your intent...still

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 11:04 AM
a reply to: kwakakev

Doesn't look like it. The internet has mostly just allowed people to reinforce their worldview by finding the same sort of people. No one knows how to listen to others or think outside themselves. Empathy is notably absent in sociopaths and subdued in narcissists. That's why it's so rare now. Most Westerners are one or the other to some degree.

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: Tedgoat


Whenever someone tells me look how bad muslims are, look at ISIS

I say, US funded Syrian Rebels who became ISIS.

And the other person goes, What ?

Ignorance, will one day kill us all

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 05:30 PM
a reply to: Staroth

He never said that he dislikes westerners. Did I miss that?

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 02:53 AM

originally posted by: poloblack
a reply to: Staroth

He never said that he dislikes westerners. Did I miss that?

Yes exactly! For one thing I am classed as a Westerner. I live in the West, was born in the West, married to a westerner but I work in the middle east.

If I dislike Westerners then I dislike myself and my family. Yes sounds a bit screwed up.

Someone didn't read my post properly.

And in reply to: mysterioustranger

No it's not Propaganda. That's the Media's job. It's a rant about the lack of humility in this world towards other Human Beings basically!

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 03:53 AM
a reply to: Tedgoat

The brainwashing goes so deep that trying to balance the propaganda scales at all makes you a hater. If you were on a mainstream news channel getting interviewed you'd get called a terrorist or secret Muslim. Isn't it fun trying to enlighten people Tedgoat?

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 07:24 AM
a reply to: tavi45

I feel sorry you feel that way. Have you thought about what this world would be like if the internet did not exist? Then how much more brainwashed would we be as all we have is filtered tv, newspapers and radio? At least here there is a freedom of idea's, thought and discussion. The only thing that I have found the same everywhere is diversity.

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