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Repurposing the power in other's belief systems.

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posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 05:40 PM
a reply to: Utnapisjtim

Sorry, in my visions, it wasn't like that. We were the serpent fluttering about the garden and we disintegrated, one being, one mind, many aspects. I guess that is the problem with drinking from the waters of the inner world, you have no objective standard to set you straight. Also, it wasn't an apple, but a pommegranite like fruit and the seeds burst in flashes of extreme pleasure as we ate them. In my vision there is a tree of life that leads to bondage at the hands of a tyrannical force and a seed of knowledge that comes from between our eyes that can be planted at the base of the tree to unleash a fractal vine of chaos which frees us from the bondage of unity, allowing us to have the independence of the tree of knowledge. It is we, the brazen ones who can grow as mighty cedars to become something truly Aurelian. ;p Maybe I just have it all twisted around. The reason I feel terrible is that I haven't really avoided the tree of life exactly. I'm walking both paths: sephirothic and qlippothic, father and mother and epiphany. I just feel torn and lost, and while I'm trying to remain detached, the world is a seductive force, constantly reeling me back in.

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 05:47 AM

originally posted by: Nechash
a reply to: Utnapisjtim

Sorry, in my visions, it wasn't like that. We were the serpent fluttering about the garden and we disintegrated, one being, one mind, many aspects. I guess that is the problem with drinking from the waters of the inner world, you have no objective standard to set you straight.

I'm sorry to hear you seeing it that way. Like I said there was only one tree in the middle of the Garden. Just like in Kabbalah there is only the Tree of Life. It's all representations of the same tree. The ancient Norsemen also kept a tree similar to the Sephiroth tree, but with nine "Gygrer" instead of ten sephiroth, representing the nine worlds and the nine mothers of Heimdall.

Also, it wasn't an apple, but a pommegranite like fruit and the seeds burst in flashes of extreme pleasure as we ate them.

A Hashidim would probably nod to that. Speaking of the devil: According to some midrash the pomegranate has 613 seeds (well...) and that is the reason the Torah has 613 mitzvot, since the fruit of knowledge was a pomegranate.

In my vision there is a tree of life that leads to bondage at the hands of a tyrannical force and a seed of knowledge that comes from between our eyes that can be planted at the base of the tree to unleash a fractal vine of chaos which frees us from the bondage of unity, allowing us to have the independence of the tree of knowledge. It is we, the brazen ones who can grow as mighty cedars to become something truly Aurelian. ;p Maybe I just have it all twisted around. The reason I feel terrible is that I haven't really avoided the tree of life exactly. I'm walking both paths: sephirothic and qlippothic, father and mother and epiphany. I just feel torn and lost, and while I'm trying to remain detached, the world is a seductive force, constantly reeling me back in.

I'm sorry to hear that, tyranny is the fiend. Knowledge can be both the water of life and it's fruits can heal anything and make you a god and grant eternal life in bliss and joy. But knowledge can also bring about tyranny and unimaginable destruction. Daniel the prophet once had a dream about a statue. A stone was tossed at the feet of the statue and it tumbled to the ground. This stone grew into a mountain that would cover the whole world eternally. Now this stone both lead to destruction and construction. Just like that pomegranate. One stone. One tree. One life. It never ends.

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