posted on May, 31 2003 @ 12:42 PM
~spooky, oooo~ It was probably just a side effect of the huhge storm last night, but around 7:30 my friend noticed a strange green glow in the sky. It
looked like a thick, upside-down U trying to close up at the top. This was in Lombard, a Chicago suburb. I'm not going to say it was a UFO, it could
have been a burning out light... But where was the lamp post? It was too high. I was thinking Bat Signal. Ne? It stood out quite well against the
storm while behind a few clouds, bluring it. After a few minutes it slowly began to fade, not blow away or anything, so you could tell it was a light
in the sky, not a cloud. Just wondering if anyone could have seen it, perhaps from a different angle or the one who set it up... I'm skeptical about
it being anything otherworldly.