Hello, as someone that had a terrible case of OCD filled with guilt just a year ago, I hope to be able to help you here.
I'm familiar with transpersonal psychology as also with gestalt. I found a psychologist that helped me greatly this way for some months during last
year, yet what truly helped me leave the bottomless pit was the Dharma way (Buddhism) and zazen meditation. Now, I won't go as far as to
recommend you meditation since this practice has different results in every single of us, and is better to start along a qualified teacher that can
guide you. But what I can tell you, is a series of advice.
There's no way you can stop horrible thoughts to spring from your mind. Actually, every single human creates such electricity manifesting in these
things. Remember Inception? "If they tell you to not think about pink elephants, it is the very first thing you'll think about". So this is
what happens exactly here. OCD or PTSD among others simply change the way the mind is acting, in the sense that you start perceiving what would
otherwise be subconscious thoughts. It's scary yeah, but you don't have to suffer about it! Think of the thoughts as clouds in the sky, don't
judge them just observe them pass through your sky.
Law of attraction as also Eastern philosophies tell you to be wary of your thoughts. However, the latter do not mean that whatever you think, that
will manifest physically. It is not about what you think, but how you react to the things you think. If a thought appears, do not judge it!
do not try to give it a rational solution! just observe it, and concentrate in something else. The overthought ideas have become obsessions
that seem impossible to take way from mind, yet after a while of not interacting with them they will start disappearing (because you're no longer
giving them a trigger response)
When they say to be careful with what you think because that will manifest, they originally meant to be careful with the interaction you have with
such thoughts. In this way they will of course manifest, example:
A person feels a huge anger against someone, the idea to destroy (kill) him appears in his mind. Now, take into account that the thought
hasn't killed anyone yet. HOWEVER, if the thought combined with anger and most importantly an agreement by the individual (remember it''s up to
your free will) then of course it will manifest through motion.
Last but not least, I suggest you to investigate some things that might be helpful to you:
1) Mindful meditation. A good western beginner's guide is that by Jon Kabat Zinn.
2) FLOW psychology. This is has been written by Mihaily Cziszimentahily (think wrote it wrong sorry) his psychological theory could be well
considered a shallow layer of mindfulness. Yet it helps great to help you resume a healthy life.
www.youtube.com... I recommend you to visit this channel. Dude has got some great videos that helped me greatly
I wish you the best, remember you have the inner tools to surpass this!
edit on 11-10-2014 by Catontheroof because: (no reason given)