posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 08:18 PM
It's definitely a glitch, probably closer to the starbox explanation than I can imagine.
If I had to guess, defunct feedback features were counted as stars at some point. There used to be lots of weird stuff on ATS- WATS votes that you
never knew anything about unless you won the Way Above medal, up and down voting of news stories, different points values for posts in different
forums, 3 separate points totals for ats bts and pts, a bar that changed colors based on how many applause you had and then broke to become "the
black bar of doom" somewhere around 100 applause, and something before my time called the big black nothing.
Being a glitch recipient and thinking about what makes me different from other members I think it must be related either to high applause count, high
news participation, high politics participation, or high point value forum participation from back when debate was major points.
What do I get for my stars? Well I get to make less fortunate mods sing the ATS anthem on command (and I get to know that there is an ATS anthem) but
that's about it. J/k.
And if anyone seriously asks about whether there's really an ATS anthem they will get rickrolled, so dont believe a word I say about that.