posted on Oct, 10 2014 @ 02:02 PM
a reply to:
Though I can't testify to the accuracy of yahoo news after having seen so many CGI videos, I can speculate that perhaps it's a trickle down agenda
made to soften the blow of alien acknowledgement. Hell, after reading ATS and public reports of the like, it really wouldn't surprise me if they DID
make such an announcement. Whether it fundamentally changes our existence or not though is another question.
What good is knowledge of alien life if there's no known way of contacting them other than waving nakedly on your roof in the middle of the night
yelling 'take me, take me!' while you have pink floyd playing loudly on a boombox? And no, that's not from personal experience... Either they're
extremely shy, higher ups don't want them to reveal themselves, or they're simply observing everything for some cosmic reason. Maybe they're scared
of catching a cold. If war of the worlds (and the current ebola outbreak) have taught us anything, it's that earth diseases evolved over ages can be
quite dangerous.