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So lets break it down.

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posted on May, 31 2003 @ 08:10 AM
The New World Order is soon to be in effect if not already, and it's really a plan from the grey aliens, who live underground. They also have a dark pact with the goverments of the world, and they claim to be us from the future even. Yet they work for the Dracos who are shape shifting lizard aliens that were dropped off in our universe over a billion years ago with "hyper drive" technology. Planet X is going to be close to the earth soon which is the home planet of the ones who created us the ELOHIM, Man is "LU". But its root meaning is not "human being"; it is "worker, servant". We are the slaves of these Sumerian gods, those that came from Planet Niburu. Supposedly they split into 2 factions, one the "good" faction under Prince Ea, and the "evil" faction, the serpent faction... Yet I thought they were dropped off here a billion years ago by an unkown force and locked into our dimension. Then there are those who say all aliens are extra-dimensional beings here to harm us, on the other hand those that claim to be I think they call themselves "starchilds" say there is a federation of alien races who watch the happenings on earth, and Earth will be the center of a confortation among them all, and that is the end of the world "as we know it" in Revelation. There is a group who claims to in telepathic contact with aliens who tell them Planet X is coming and it will destroy most of the worlds population not it's inhabitants but it's gravitation pull will cause natural disasters. Oh but there is more, there are those who think there are no aliens on earth and that we've never made any contact with them and that the NWO is just a bunch of High ranking Free Masons, Illuminati members and other secret organizations which make up the power elite, yet this can tie back into the reptoid paranoia, being that the power elite are in fact of the reptoid bloodline and are shape shifting demons/extra-dimensional beings.

So what's the truth? Who knows really, perhaps none of it is true at all, it's just a product of over active minds. Some people say they'd rebel against a NWO but if it's already in effect that seems like a futile thing to mention. Humans are in their routine of life they don't want anything to change it. So have we been sold out by our own govt to supernatural beings, or aliens, or have they infiltrated our civilization or have they created it and we are just their pawns to play with as they please?

What do you think?
Does it really matter?
This is basically life for an American, you are born, you go to school, you graduate, you might go to college you might go to a trade school, or you might lead a life of crime, but most likely you will work unless you are born into a rich family or win the lottery or become your own boss yet, you will probably work, and work until you are old, spending your money on things you really don't need, but want, so you work harder to buy more relics and then you die. Some will enjoy their existances, others might despise theirs, and some are directly in the middle.

edit: typos, i probably missed a lot more.

[Edited on 31-5-2003 by Lysergic]

posted on May, 31 2003 @ 10:50 AM
I have a sizeable collection of writings of 33d degree Freemasons.

According to this bunch, almost everything in your post is true.

According to them our planet is run by psychic control from Sirius. The aliens who control us are incapable of taking physical form, but can "overshadow" a human who voluntarily performs rituals meant to open "chakras". These rituals are known as Freemasonry.

The end result of all this is supposed to be one world government with one world religion, run by The King Of The World, AKA Sanat Kumara.

Nothing in there about Grays, underground bases, etc. That doesn't mean it isn't true, it just means they did not choose to commit what they know to paper.

I have condensed the most interesting bits of my vast library to a file about 33K long. 19 sheets when printed. If anyone knows where I can post this, please speak up. Available on Word Perfect 8, Microsoft Word, HTML and .txt


posted on May, 31 2003 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by Lysergic
What do you think?
Does it really matter?
This is basically life for an American, you are born, you go to school, you graduate, you might go to college you might go to a trade school, or you might lead a life or crime, but most likely you will work unless you are born into a rich family or win the lottery or become your own boss yet, you will probably work, and work until you are old, spending your money on things you really don't need, but want, so you work harder to buy more relics and then you die. Some will enjoy their existances, others might despise theirs, and some are directly in the middle.

I've been thinking about this a lot lately. Since so few people actually care enough to think of the possiblities, why should I bother. It's a helluva lot easier to just live my life and be content in my own life, instead of worrying about some giant picture that nobody can see.

posted on May, 31 2003 @ 11:33 AM
As they say, "Ignorance is bliss." so to be blissfully unaware must be a wonderful thing. I am not sure what I believe or disbelieve I try to remain a skeptic but I want to believe sometimes.


posted on May, 31 2003 @ 11:53 AM
Anything is possible. I am excited to see how it all plays out; if these theories are true, or if things really are how they seem.

If all the theories, religions, beliefs, sightings and conspiracies on this board were true, what a chaotic world it would be...

posted on Jun, 1 2003 @ 12:46 PM
NWO from grey aliens?

No, I think it a system and a school of thought to make the masses easier to govorn. Its the age old question, how to have populaions of servants that wont revolt, will let you rule them with a brutal fist and have them love you in return?

The NWO is ppolitical correctness, unitarianism, human mental and emotional and spiritual castration.

NWO is the dehumanization of humanity.

No aliens required, just the inhumanity of the human creature.

Besides, I think aliens visit for other purposes. Curiosity? To learn? Maybe aliens planted human life here as an experiemnt? Who knows? I dont believe anything the Masons say, they are a bunch of sneaky liars. But then again, u never know. I need more data and evidence aliens are trying to impose NWO before i make a final judgement.

posted on Jun, 1 2003 @ 01:28 PM
I u2u'd researcher about hosting his files for him but no response so get a page and put them up, please. I'd like to read then, just to see what is in it is all.

Sometimes I feel like we make up our own reality there is one we are all connected to but it affects everyone differently. Sort of a placebo effect?

posted on Jun, 2 2003 @ 01:20 PM
Any chance of posting those, Researcher?

posted on Jun, 2 2003 @ 02:34 PM
Lysergic - I can't post here from work - servers get twitchy when they see Top Secret. Can't access sites with Sussex, Middlesex in the name either - they panic at the mention of sex. Or the word Constituent, for some reason
. I'll get with you shortly, after I do whatever it is they pay me to do.

posted on Jun, 3 2003 @ 02:20 AM
LoL that's hillarious, I'm possessed by aliens.

Where's your proof? Some paper written by no ones, or forgery.

Come on get real here. LOL

Researcher...*sighs* but I must respect your beliefs...but you should start coming out of the clouds.

posted on Jun, 3 2003 @ 08:26 AM
I wonder if being a Pseudo Mason is any worse?

posted on Jun, 3 2003 @ 02:08 PM

just fer pseudomason

[Edited on 3-6-2003 by Lysergic]

posted on Jun, 4 2003 @ 12:23 AM
Oh I see, when you can't back something up with facts, you just resort to attacking the poster. Hillarious.

Well I am a Mason and I doubt any of the brethren here have a problem with that.

Your calling me a "pseudo mason" is much like me calling you a homosexual.

If you can prove you are not a homosexual, I'll no longer think of you as one.

But until then, I guess we'll just have to avoid eachother.

posted on Jun, 4 2003 @ 07:14 AM
Do try harder Hkot, your pathetic attempt to flame me wasn't even worth reading.
"If you can prove you are not a homosexual, I'll no longer think of you as one. "

I didn't realise you had such a crush on me.

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 12:24 PM
If the NWO is such a secret do so many people know so much about them...leader, thier origin, etc...i cant even find my underwear from yesterday......maybe those NWO Bastards stole it

I think anyone who knew anything would have been killed by now.

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 12:28 PM
wait.......IF NWO stole my UNDERWEAR.....that must mean that leader of NWO..must be "JOE BOXER"

Thier gonna take over the world using underwear.....oh wearing some right now

posted on Jun, 8 2003 @ 02:05 AM

Originally posted by ZeroDeep
wait.......IF NWO stole my UNDERWEAR.....that must mean that leader of NWO..must be "JOE BOXER"

Thier gonna take over the world using underwear.....oh wearing some right now

sweet, I'm wearing Victoria's Secret right now. does that make me a member of the resistance?

posted on Jun, 8 2003 @ 02:16 AM
you can count yourself far its just me you and jay leno, and a monkey from the zoo..but if we stick together and stop that damn monkey stops pooping his pants, we can beat them!

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