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Obama is a failure. Failed us all. Failed his supporters

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posted on Oct, 8 2014 @ 06:32 PM

originally posted by: Xeven
a reply to: StoutBroux
"He" isn't killing anything. The congress is not letting "He" do anything at all. "He" certainly has failed to lead but the obstructionist House has built a wall against any legislation this President might sign.

Obstinate House? What about the Senate? I think more bills have come out of the Senate to pass through the House than have passed out of the House and then gone through the Senate. To me, it says the Senate is less cooperative.

posted on Oct, 8 2014 @ 08:04 PM

originally posted by: amazing

originally posted by: Battleline
Obama is doing exactly what he was installed to do...destroy America and the " shills " are doing a great job of making him look stupid...IMO

Disagree here. He didn't and isn't destroying america. I woke up, got my mail, went to work, my wife is still working, I have health insurance, my cars work, the roads were in a good state of repair, no dead bodies on the sidewalk. You may disagree with his policies but he really didn't destroy America. I live here. It's not destroyed.

Well I guess if the country revolved around YOU , all would be well, but it doesn't slick.

OPEN ! your eyes, forget about how cool you think you are and take a look around you at others, like the 95 million + that are not working.

If this is the best an Obama supporter can do then it's obvious why he is such huge FAIL !!!

edit on 8-10-2014 by Battleline because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2014 @ 09:41 PM
I completely agree with the original post. I am a hardcore unapologetic ultra leftist. I too voted for Obama twice. I mean I still think he was the better of the two choices each time. I voted for and end to wars, green energy, taxes for the wealthy, government aid, infrastructure, close gitmo, universal healthcare etc. I'm a pretty disapointed liberal. I am baffled at the right wing extremists who hate Obama for being so far left. Really? Really?! Obamacare is just forced capitalism and his human and Constitutional rights abuses are worse than Bushes. Obama is no liberal. I feel lied to and cheated.

Republicas call him a socialist. Ha. I wish.

posted on Oct, 8 2014 @ 09:45 PM

originally posted by: Battleline

originally posted by: amazing

originally posted by: Battleline
Obama is doing exactly what he was installed to do...destroy America and the " shills " are doing a great job of making him look stupid...IMO

Disagree here. He didn't and isn't destroying america. I woke up, got my mail, went to work, my wife is still working, I have health insurance, my cars work, the roads were in a good state of repair, no dead bodies on the sidewalk. You may disagree with his policies but he really didn't destroy America. I live here. It's not destroyed.

Well I guess if the country revolved around YOU , all would be well, but it doesn't slick.

OPEN ! your eyes, forget about how cool you think you are and take a look around you at others, like the 95 million + that are not working.

If this is the best an Obama supporter can do then it's obvious why he is such huge FAIL !!!

Not really an Obama supporter. I did vote for him but I've been disappointed with his leadership and some of his policies, especially regarding the environment and government transparency and a few other key points. Nice try, trying to label me though. I'm actually a registered independent. Both parties are an embarrassment to humanity. LOL

Now, I know the world does not revolve around me. But I do own a business and am active in my community and have relatives and friends all over the united states.

Again. The country was not destroyed nor is it being destroyed right now. That's just the truth. If you don't like Obama, that's fine with me, but you have to be truthful. The country is not destroyed.

Not blaming Bush here, but a global recession started during his administration and Obama inherited it. That's just simple truth. Here's some more truth bombs for you.

My business is thriving. All of my relatives and friends, have affordable healthcare and jobs or are getting benefits if they are disabled. They're doing well. That's in states such as Texas, Washington, Virginia, Maryland, Oregon, Nevada, California, Utah, Illinois and Florida. That's a pretty good representation of the US. The roads are in good repair. No riots anywhere. Nobody was put in front of an Obamacare death panel and killed. Everyone's schools are coping. All the kids are doing well in school. All my neighbors have jobs. Nobodies houses have been foreclosed in the past year. Crime is not rampant or out of control. It's just the same as it every was. I did see a stop sign over on it's side last week...maybe Obama did that. He's off to a pretty slow start if that's how he intends to destroy america.

I think you're living in some kind of pretend Rush LImbaugh induced fantasy land. The country has not been destroyed.

I'll say it again. The country has not been destroyed.

posted on Oct, 8 2014 @ 09:49 PM

originally posted by: links234
a reply to: Xeven

I reluctantly agree. Obama has been spineless since the 2010 election. I really, really like candidate Obama more than I like President Obama.

I hate to double post but gah I could not agree with that sentiment any more. That really says it all,doesn't it? Barack Obama, the great liberal savior. The man to restore progressive values and bring forth a new era of equality and social justice. To undo the Reagan propaganda of making "liberal" a four letter word. Ha, yeah, right.

posted on Oct, 8 2014 @ 10:02 PM

originally posted by: Anonex
I completely agree with the original post. I am a hardcore unapologetic ultra leftist. I too voted for Obama twice. I mean I still think he was the better of the two choices each time. I voted for and end to wars, green energy, taxes for the wealthy, government aid, infrastructure, close gitmo, universal healthcare etc. I'm a pretty disapointed liberal. I am baffled at the right wing extremists who hate Obama for being so far left. Really? Really?! Obamacare is just forced capitalism and his human and Constitutional rights abuses are worse than Bushes. Obama is no liberal. I feel lied to and cheated.

Republicas call him a socialist. Ha. I wish.

A question for you and anybody else who voted for/supported/supports Obama.

What exactly led you to believe he is/was a "Socialist" or would tend to make "Socialist" policies?

Was it a "Lack of" genuine Socialists?

posted on Oct, 8 2014 @ 10:05 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Xeven

On the contrary, Obama didn't fail me. I saw this coming a mile away, and it's precisely why I didn't vote for him either time.

Hope and change are empty words, and he let you fill in the blanks. You got suckered, you and everyone else who voted for Obama.

Do you really think Romney would have been a better option? Sorry, but I just don't make enough money to ever vote for a Republican, no matter how poor the Democratic choice may be.

Conservatives are right about one talking point though. Obama has definitely failed to lead. He should be on TV every night, screaming at the camera to the people that if they want any chance of him keeping a single campaign promise, they have GOT to give him a house and senate that he can work with.

posted on Oct, 8 2014 @ 10:14 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen

originally posted by: Anonex
I completely agree with the original post. I am a hardcore unapologetic ultra leftist. I too voted for Obama twice. I mean I still think he was the better of the two choices each time. I voted for and end to wars, green energy, taxes for the wealthy, government aid, infrastructure, close gitmo, universal healthcare etc. I'm a pretty disapointed liberal. I am baffled at the right wing extremists who hate Obama for being so far left. Really? Really?! Obamacare is just forced capitalism and his human and Constitutional rights abuses are worse than Bushes. Obama is no liberal. I feel lied to and cheated.

Republicas call him a socialist. Ha. I wish.

A question for you and anybody else who voted for/supported/supports Obama.

What exactly led you to believe he is/was a "Socialist" or would tend to make "Socialist" policies?

Was it a "Lack of" genuine Socialists?

I'll bite. Most of his campaign promises, could be very easily perceived has been at the least, socialist in nature. His "crowning achievement", the Affordable Care act, is nothing more than Bob Dole's Republican plan from the 90's. Where is the socialized medicine? Where is the taxation of the wealthy and redistribution Fox News was so afraid of? Where are the better roads, schools, and other social programs? If not 2012, then the 2008 campaign from Obama sounded VERY and apologetically socialist. His policy however, has been nothing more than a continuation of Bush at worst, and Republican-lite at best.

posted on Oct, 8 2014 @ 10:39 PM
a reply to: amazing

edit on 8-10-2014 by Battleline because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2014 @ 11:14 PM

originally posted by: Xeven
This post probably not what you think. I voted for Obama twice. Why? Well I don't believe in trickle down. It is proven not to work. In fact I support most of Obama's policies and politics. So why do I think he failed? Well, we got some tea party folks elected, enough to make sure Obama could really pass nothing in almost his entire time as president. He has had to do what little can be done with Executive orders.
Congress aint going to help him period.

So why as a supporter of Obama do I blame him? Well it is simple. He has failed to lead the party. He has tried to our dismay to lead the country instead and has failed miserably at it. What he should have done and should be doing is saying this.

If you want to realize the hope I ran for, If you want to see more income going to workers than investors then I need you to get off your rear end on election day and vote Democrat. Had I know he would cow tow to Republicans in an effort to be some middle ground guy I would not have voted for him.

I need, we the people who make less than 200k need him to go out there and stop trying to be the middle guy and tell the people who will sit home on election day to get their LAZY AZZ off the couch and get some Democrats in House an Senate so he can actually change things to give you the hope you wanted.

If you sit home and blame, if you don't tell your friends to get out there and vote then you got no right to blame "O"/ Blame yourself then blame "O" for trying to suck up to the enemy.

Go freakin vote or shut up and be poor even when your working 8 hours a day...or more.

FYI Wife and I are doing fine we are well above 200k year but...we see value in all people willing to work for 8 a day and don't mind paying in a bit more. The truth is though its not us. Its your corporation who are hurting the middle class. It's your President sitting quietly not screaming at you to get out and vote who have failed. You not my wife and I will pay dearly for letting the Republicans win the senate this year. Vote or die. Simple as that. Tell your friends too...don't let the corporations win.

BO had both the house and senate for the first two years of his first term he should have gotten every and any thing done in that time period. So this cry me a river that he has been opposed by the evil repubs is just more BS.

posted on Oct, 9 2014 @ 06:23 AM
He did not fail, he succeeded.

He succeeded in fooling all these people to believe he was working for them. He succeeded in hoodwinking the masses with his song and dance... his huge sales spiel before being elected pulled the wool over the eyes of America with "hope" and "change" but. The change he had in mind was not the same change you had in mind see, what if I were to tell you that most of not all politicians are playing a role. Have you ever watched pro wrestling ? There are people who actually think it is real or will argue some of it is real, well politics is not different. Left wing Right wing, wings of the same bird. They all answer to the same people, they are owned they are bought and paid for. Politicians. They are all golf buddies behind the scenes.

It is not what you think, it's been this way at least since Kennedy. Your entire government has been usurped and has gone rouge and has literally no oversight. Obama met his agendas, the scary thing is he is not done. The saddest thing is he will be replaced by another figurehead. Matters not if it is a Liberal or a Conservative. They too just as Obama has done with Bush's policies will adopt his policies as well. The real people in power are not in the white house, they are globalists , lobbyists , statism and fascism is the agenda.

Obama is an actor a figurehead , he is suppose to take the blame and keep all eyes on his and away from his over seers. Mccain and Palin , that ticket was suppose to fail just as Romney. Dont you see, they were meant to scare people in to voting for the other guy.

The fact you voted twice OP , I tore my ballot to shreds it was disheartening but I did but you should have seen this after his first year especially after the Bin laden thing. That he morphed in to an entire different person. He was the Trojan Horse, he is a wolf in sheeps clothing and there is a line of pawns and rooks right behind him to take his place and repeat these same 'failures" only to fool people to think they are incompetent when in fact they know just as Barry knows exactly what he is doing and meticulously. And there is nothing that you or I can do about it OP. We have yet to hit rock bottom. It will only get worse. I dont mean to sound pessimistic , I am just being brutally honest. If the whole grab ass between Romney and Obama during the debates did not make it painfully obvious "and they like to test us to see just how stupid we really are" they can do anything right in front of us. They robbed and looted us and bailed themselves out the bankers, special interests that crashed this economy and it was well orchestrated. And they did it because they can. When it comes to undermining the constitution and downgrading your rights when they pass a bill the whole floor, democrats and republicans come together with thunderous applause. Now ask yourself why is that? There is your answer.

So hit the deck OP, everyone, nothing stops this train.

edit on 9-10-2014 by DarthFazer because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-10-2014 by DarthFazer because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2014 @ 06:36 AM
a reply to: xuenchen

socialism [ ˈsōSHəˌlizəm ] noun a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.


Please get the definitions right. Having programs that benefit a society is not socialism, it's governance and it's been going on since man first grouped together.

To directly answer your query I voted for the current POTUS because I had a mariginal belief that he might just buck the status quo and reverse the absolute abomination of an economic policy that we have had since Reagan became the second coming of Christ to the conservative movement.

Corporations used to have a motivation to serve and honor their consumer base. There used to be guidelines and rules in place to oppose monopolies. Even in that environment the rich managed to stay rich. The only differences were that nobody became overnight billionaires for nothing and the middle class and poor had a fair shot at survival.

Now with each passing day Corporations take more and more of the money with less and less regard for those who utilize their goods and services.

The fun part is that when the scale finally tips too far the Waltons are going to sit around wondering why their stores are empty and their goods are rotting on the shelves. The answer will be that they finally became John Galt and got what they thought they wanted.

posted on Oct, 9 2014 @ 07:11 AM
a reply to: guitarplayer
Your right. Another example of his failure to lead the part rather than the nation.

posted on Oct, 9 2014 @ 07:18 AM
I am independent. Currently I like some of Rand Paul, Jeb Bush and Hillary's policy views. I used to be conservative but the republican party has become obstructionist. I support many of what Obama promised. He has failed to lead the people toward getting the right people elected so he could enact some of those views.

Romney would have been a step backward, McCain a step into lunacy. Obama was the only moderate choice. He has failed. I do not regret my choice. I regret the guy I supported has failed to lead us.

At this point I am tired of making excuses for Obama. He stumbles and falters at ever step. I would very much like to see Biden finish this term. I think Biden could get some of the obstructionist to work with him (Mainly cause I think their motives to obstruct are buried in racism and not policy).

I wish Obama would step down and let Biden clean up. Even Biden would send troops to destroy ISIS at this point. Biden might also be able to get some legislation done to move the country forward. It is to late for Obama.

posted on Oct, 9 2014 @ 12:12 PM

a reply to: Hefficide

Please get the definitions right. Having programs that benefit a society is not socialism, it's governance and it's been going on since man first grouped together.

Definitions vary don't they.

That's why I used "Quotes".

Many who supported/voted for Obama have different "definitions".

That was my point.

Good response.

posted on Oct, 10 2014 @ 09:10 PM
a reply to: Xeven
Didn't need to even read a comment. Obama is a f•cking failure. I voted for the useless B•stard twice.

Voting is a sick joke and needs to be addressed by every American who cares about Our Future and instead of excepting Fascism.

posted on Oct, 10 2014 @ 09:34 PM
I read through this thread and it kept reminding me of the Clinton administration. It appears that at least some people here have the opinion that republicans do doing nothing but stop democrats from achieving their goals. Its no surprise that republicans think the same thing about democrats. Then I think about when the democrats had Clinton in office and controlled congress, even by super-majority at one point. They could have passed any law they wanted yet they didn't solve our nations problems. But they did manage to wipe out the biggest budget surplus this nation has ever seen.

Obama got elected and for years we kept hearing, "Its Bush's fault", and, "...the economy I inherited". Obama didn't inherit that economy. He campaigned for it, fought for it, demanded it, and won it, based on the idea that he had the answers needed to fix it. People voted for him because they believed he could solve the problem and make changes that would have a real impact, especially on the middle class. That isn't what happened. People didn't vote for him because they thought he wouldn't solve the problem. Now people are bailing on him because he didn't.

So this side doesn't work, that side doesn't work, and the other guys will never have enough votes to make a difference. And every four or eight years we do it all over again. Something has to change.

posted on Oct, 10 2014 @ 09:42 PM
There has never been a person less qualified to be President. Mr. Soetoro is not enjoying himself.
I would never want to be President.

posted on Oct, 10 2014 @ 09:44 PM
Obama's biggest failure was strategic.

Had he focussed on the economy first, when he had a super majority, he would have built up the goodwill to do all the healthcare garbage he wanted in a second term.

Instead he bought into the rid iculous idea that his healthcare plan would also save the economy. Foolish, foolish man.
edit on 10-10-2014 by captaintyinknots because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2014 @ 09:48 PM
a reply to: Q33323

I think it was Douglas Adams who said, "Anyone who would want the job of president is exactly the kind of person who should never be allowed to have it."

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