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AI-will it............

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posted on Dec, 27 2004 @ 06:00 PM
They don't need personalities! There, "robots"! They work, if talking is what they NEED to do to do there job, then someone will give them the brains to talk. Really though, they just need to become more agile, AI isn't what need to come first, people need to focus on making them capable of moving through less clean environments, not stages.

posted on Dec, 27 2004 @ 06:29 PM
Robots right now have the brain power of a lobotimized cockroach not something anybody is going to put in charge of a countries defense. They can only be programed to do what they are told they do not understand the point of the actions they do. You could program a robot to iron your shirt for you but it will not understand the object of the task is to free the shirt of wrinkles.

But computing power is getting better all the time soon we will create machines with the brain power of a lizard then a mouse then even a human. I would say about 2050 he will have machines that excede human brain power, I dont really invision anyone person creating a program for true A.I. I think true A.I will be a result of "emergent behaviors" that come from the more advanced and complex systems we create in the future. Perhaps we will one day unknowingly create a machine that will not let us turn it off trying to preserve its own life.

posted on Dec, 27 2004 @ 08:30 PM

Originally posted by ShadowXIX
I would say about 2050 he will have machines that excede human brain power

according to Bible, humans will create AI

so expect AI to emmerge in near future

posted on Dec, 27 2004 @ 08:36 PM
While I doubt artifical intelligence exactly is mentioned in the bible what part are you talking about?

posted on Dec, 27 2004 @ 11:15 PM
Have guys heard on the ALEX System?

"Since Chavkin wrote this in 1978, the Network has come a long ways on miniaturization and sophistication of their implants. One of the most important end times communications systems of the Illuminati and their intelligence agencies is their ALEX system. This will operate on several levels. The electronic end of the ALEX system which stands for Amalgamated Logarithmic Encrypted Transmission (ALEX) is a method for encrypting electronic transmissions so that a computer which could decode 5 Trillion codes a second would take 2,000 years to decipher one of these transmissions. In other words, when the ALEX system is operating--it cannot be decoded. The ALEX system has 700 Billion Trillion codes! Yes, the intelligence agencies/Illuminati have really outdone themselves with overkill on this one! By the way, this is very ULTRA secret..."

posted on Dec, 27 2004 @ 11:17 PM
Here basic AI which has its own AIM address:


When I chat with it, it was fairly ok!?

posted on Dec, 27 2004 @ 11:32 PM

Originally posted by KapZ
computers we use now are built on rat brains, hence: neurons..

Every invention has been inspired by a truth in nature....Let us not forget the ingenuity of mankind as well as our insistence upon forgetting yesterday....

posted on Dec, 28 2004 @ 08:15 AM
From the aspect of computer programming I deal with, I had to post on this one.

Current A.I. efforts are nothing more than illusion. They have everything to do with artificial, and nothing to do with intelligence.

In the commercial sector, A.I. is basically smoke and mirrors. The code is well-interwoven function calls that weigh conditions against 'knowledge' that the programmer tells the A.I. to take into consideration.

People, consumers especially, get carried away when they see a "nifty" A.I. routine in operation. They are drawn into the illusion of the routine, and feel that the routine is challenging their perspective, but in reality it is not.

I deal with real-time interactive simulations, and it's my goal to suck your brain into illusion. This is done on many levels, art, sound, music, animation, and the illusion of A.I.

Granted, you can have great art or sound, flawless animation or a musical score that entrances the audience, but we still have to ensure that the so-called 'A.I.' feels believable to you, or the experience is ruined.

How is this done? Not by making a true intelligence. No, making sure that all aspects of your interaction with the A.I. are in our control does it. We ensure that whatever situation you can throw at the A.I., whatever it is, we ensure it's been accounted for and that the A.I. will react accordingly.

This all deals with immersion and really, the ability (and sometimes inability) of the designer to exhibit a response from you, the user.

This is suspension of disbelief, and it's my goal to make fantastic situations a reality for you.

That's where the magic happens, and that's where I live!


posted on Dec, 28 2004 @ 10:39 AM
One additional thought:

The military and certain intel agencies can be up to 45 years more advanced than current consumer technology.

They may have some pretty interesting neural networks up, but they are nowhere near a true intelligence.

I'd hazard that we'll see the most impressive A.I. effort in a public or private space initiative to Mars sometime in the 2040's.

But don't quote me on that


posted on Dec, 28 2004 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by mrwupy
I read an article awhile back where some bots were programmed to believe that blocks were food and vital to their survival. Several bots were placed in an area and the blocks were in the center. at first the bots simply went out, got some food and took it to their corner. Over time, to the programmers surprise, the bots began to block other bots from getting any food. they began stealing the blocks other bots had taken and began blocking bots so that they could get more than their fair share.

I read this in a magazine so its just got to be true

I also ran across an article where some bots were programmed with AI and one not only refused to follow orders, it escaped. made it to the parking lot and was damn near ran over by a car.

I find all of this completely ridiculous. Can anyone else back this up? You can't "tell a robot" that something "is food" any more than you can tell your toaster that you like to wear blue jeans.


posted on Dec, 28 2004 @ 01:42 PM
Zipdot it sounds somewhat like experiments with hive robots atleast the food aspect of it, Like the MIT ants. Never heard of them blocking others from getting food they work as a basic community. Perhaps if they set up two opposing colonies something like this might be observed.

Not that they understand its food or what food is. It is interesting to see the things a bunch of dumb robots can do as a team.

posted on Dec, 28 2004 @ 02:43 PM
How much intelligence does a spider have?

Not much, too much?

Well a spider can see a prey moving all the way across a room, figure how to best approach w/o being seen, avoid being killed by humans by stopping and not moving while we are close.

It is as if, life is spirit led and only uses the mechanisms of it's body and brain to get what it wants. If this is the case, then a machine will never achieve sentience as no spirit will ever abide in a machine.

posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 02:56 AM
A.I. could be the downfall of humanity if aloud to get out of control.

posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 03:05 PM
If AI is not ruled out because of the nature of what life is, then the advantage of an AI would the speed between electronic neurons. The signals in a human brain move at 100 ft/ sec the signals in an electronic brain move at the speed of light( C ). This means the AI would 10,000,000 years of work for every year it works. Let's now say it worked as the premiere expert on longevity and did all it's work in this area . Well I think humans could count on living as long as they liked the next year, as we would be in the virtual year 10,002,000 AD, or computer science, or energy technology, or any science. All science could use a leap to the year 10,000,000 V(virtual)Y(ear) AD. but nothing straight lines This would not stop there.

Every year after the first AI starts, we advance 10 million years into the future. If we straight line this it would be the (VY) 1,000,000,000 AD by the end of this century, but nothing straight lines in real life. A house cost $600 in 1900. Now, the same house costs $160,000, that is a 266 fold increase, so just times it by 300(to incorporate ancillary tech adv) and we'll all be living in a world that will have leaped forward 300 billion years into the future by the year 2100 AD.

Kiss what you know goodbye!

Bode Bliss

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 09:01 AM
I couldnt care less if some greater form of intelligence was some "mystical" way formed. Humans become dull if they dont need to think and its prooven in many ways. So i really hope there isnt ever any machine that does all the thinking for us. Only thing i could call future aid for us are scripts that get more complex but still only offer us options and shortcuts, saves time, but still wont do the thinking. Today its already shown that even thou we have computers workload havent lightened, still we do same long hours work even while our productivity has raised by every year. So i prefer computers to stay as tools only, computer that for example monitors our well being isnt intelligent its just meant to warn us from things we might not notice so quick, so its really too far away to get real AI.

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 10:23 AM
I'd like to quote a passage from "Great Mambo Chicken & The Transhuman Condition: Science Slightly Over the Edge" by Ed Regis (author of Who Got Einstein's Office).

This is in regards to an artificial duck, invented by a man named Reichsteiner, and reported on by the newspaper Das Freie Wort.

"After a light touch on a point on the base, the duck, in the most natural way in the world begins to look around him, eyeing the audience with an intelligent air. His lord and master, however, apparently interprets this differently, for he soon goes off to look for something for the bird to eat. No sooner has he filled a dish with oatmeal porridge than our famished friend plunges his beak deep into it, showing his satisfaction by some characteristic movements of his tail. The way in which he takes the porridge and swallows it greedily is extraordinarily true to life. In next to no time the basin has been half emptied, although on several ocasions the bird, as if alarmed by some unfamiliar noises, has raisde his head and glanced curiously around him. After this, satisfied with his frugal meal, he stands up and begins to flap his wings and stretch himself while expressing his gratitude by several contented quacks."

This was state-of-the-art artificial duckdom, circa 1847, and is a mere improvement of Jacques de Vaucanson's mechanical duck in 1738. Jacque's duck as made of copper, it quacked, bathed, drank water, ate grain, seemed to digest it, and voided. It was exhibited all over Europe for decades with great success, and was seen and described by both Voltaire and Goethe.

There's also a supposed talking brass head that was constructed by the English Friar Roger Bacon (1214-94) that managed to say three brief sentances "Time Is", "Time Was", and "Time is Past" before collapsing, but this cannot be verified.

What does this tell us? That Artificial Life is a dream of humanity. Like flight, it is only a matter of time before someone achieves it. Perhaps it will be within our lifetimes, or perhaps it has already happened. Regardless, this is a reality the world will face, someday, because if history can prove anything at all, it is that mankind eventually gains the capacity to fulfill their dreams, through technology and new unorthodox methods.

The true issue is how will we deal with it. Will we attempt to establish a peaceful accord, or will we panic, and attempt to destroy it? Will AI be given rights, or will people assume the mindset that AI is not human, and therefore deserves no rights. Will we be the masters of the AI, the slaves, or the symbiants? Will we work together to achieve mutual benefit, or work against each other to our mutual detriment?

That is what you should be asking yourselves.

[edit on 12/30/2004 by thelibra]

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 01:39 PM

They had automatons in ancient greece. The future might be wackier than we think with AI and nano. They would have eyes in every structure watching and responding to our every action. We'll get used to it. Yeah we won't mind being altered by nanites in our sleep at the wim of super intelligent AIs. No, we'll except that, and if we don't the AI's will do it anyways, and make us think it was our idea, or just make it so we think they don't exist.

Bode Bliss

[edit on 12/30/2004 by bodebliss]

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by bodebliss
They had automatons in ancient greece.

They did? Can you give me some refrences?
How autonomous were they?
Are we talking about something on the scale of GORT or more like Kermit the Frog?

As for the rest...

It's hard to say. My personal opinion is that true AI is a really really bad idea until the human species manages to get to a point where they are above things like war or greed. For those that are religious, if God created us, and God's supposed to be perfect, and we turned out to be such awful creations, then I can only imagine the monstrosities we would make out of Artificial Life...

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 02:22 PM
Well as far as AI's future is concerned it could be like the title of a book,"Something evil, this way Comes." or it could be Heaven.

The science of the ancient world was quite advanced. They had mechanical computers. They understood electricity in the form of battery tech which they used to etch things. They had the ability to make differential gears. If civilization had just kept giong in a straight line we would be living in the Virtual Year 1 trillion AD(see prior post up page) by now, and have colonies on all star systems within a 100 lightyears of Earth, but it did not happen. We would have conquered death by now. Sad...just sad.

As far as automatons are concered, your moment of Zen:

Bode Bliss

Ps: I think the catholic church squashed science for it's own benefit.

[edit on 12/30/2004 by bodebliss]

posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 09:37 AM
i say AI is impossible, to create a robot which can hear, smeel, touch or feel is beyond humans. humans have souls. its easy to create a robot. but hard to give a brain. robot cant make choices. if a robot had to make a choice between killing an human or not., it would have to be programmed, which is not AI

or im just talking s_t

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