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Heroic Kurds Abandoned by Puny US efforts and the snake in the grass Erdogan of Turkey

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posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 11:58 AM
More proof is coming forth that the US and their measly wimpy coalition to stop the Nazi like ISIS onslaught is but a scam to raid Syria and overthrow Assad…

"Kobani is about to fall," Erdogan told Syrian refugees in the Turkish town of Gaziantep, near the border. "We asked for three things: one, for a no-fly zone to be created; two, for a secure zone parallel to the region to be declared; and for the moderate opposition in Syria and Iraq to be trained and equipped."

These things the snake in the grass Erdogan asks for have NOTHING to do with eliminating ISIS, since they have no air force. And his call for arming the so called Syrian “moderates’ is obviously a situation where he has made a deal with the US, since it is the US who is running this scam to aid and arm a non existent Army called Syrian “ moderates”

Erdogan’s ONLY desire is to eliminate his Kurdish enemies and Assad of Syria not to fight ISIS.
Indeed his Army merely watches as the savages of ISIS are trying to exterminate the heroic Kurds who are the only troops putting up a valiant effort against ISIS…

"We are besieged by Turkey, it is not something new," said Ismet Sheikh Hassan, the Kurdish defense chief for the Kobani region.

"Despite Erdogan's dire assessment, Kurdish forces managed to push Islamic State militants out of most of the eastern part of Kobani on Monday, hours after the extremists stormed into neighborhoods on the edge of town, according to the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights."

Its may be coming clear that the West and Turkey are merely inching into Syria to create an incident where they can overthrow Assad, since his puny air strikes aren’t remotely succeeding in halting ISIS who not only are on the brink of taking this Syrian city but are in Iraq very near to attacking Baghdad.

Hopefully Russia and Iran will arm and defend Syria against this international scam and sinister plot...

What will Obama, the Neville Chamberlain of this era, and this puny coalition effort do when we see a real genocide before our eyes and these cowards and traitors in NATO and Turkey have huge armies and armaments that could ELIMINATE ISIS IN A GODDAMN WEEK IF THEY SO CHOOSE TO DO SO?

Instead Obama is bombing oil refineries and a few Toyota trucks abandoned in the desert!

The ONLY solution to this world menace ISIS is an army of 1000,000 troops from an international expeditionary UN force going in Syria and Iraq and eliminating these murderous criminals and warlords from the face of the earth forever…
Any of them that remain should be executed forthwith…

But of course we won't see that since all the PTB will give us is another cowboy and Indians phony murder fest of our young men and woman.

What a Globalist puppet, Leon Panetta, calls a "thirty years war"

Against a few thousand lunatics running around in the desert ps.html

edit on 7-10-2014 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-10-2014 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-10-2014 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 12:07 PM
I have to agree. Obama's approach to stopping ISIS is not only political (in order to pacify voters until after he's out of office)...but absolutely PATHETIC in nature.
Even though I voted against him...I apologize to the Kurdish people for our absolutely ridiculous and self-serving President.

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 12:14 PM
a reply to: Willtell

And to top it the US have labeled Kurdistan terrorists. Thanks for taking our money and fighting our creations (ISIS) for all your hard work you can be the US next enemy. lysis%2Fon-kurds-and-terror-lists%2F222-on-kurds-and-terror-lists.html&ei=nB80VPuvOdO-ggTXkIGICg&usg=AFQjCNEwAzSHXCmsz77rt8hMFScHJbGMNg&sig2=7HmFUZABK zXykr2fzwTAiA&bvm=bv.76943099,d.eXY

edit on 7-10-2014 by MGaddafi because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 12:15 PM
It should be perfectly clear that the objective is NOT to destroy ISIS at all. They are not going to wipe out their investment, it's all talk and theatre. Even Israel, despite it's bleating and whining, shot down a Syrian jet attacking ISIS along the Golan border. That sure shows who''s side they are on!

That jumped up Kebab wagon employee Erdogan is so full of crap, the presidential crapper must have got backed up long ago and Dyno-Rod probably cancelled the contract due to stress.

Let us not forget that the Kurds have always been attacked by Turkey too, so Turkish forces will line up along the border and watch the Kurds get wiped out and do nothing to help.

As for the proposed No-Fly zone, who the hell does Erdogan think he is, trying to dictate what can and cannot fly in another sovereign states airspace? Maybe he's afraid his own expensive aircraft might come a cropper if he tries sending them into Syria.

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 12:21 PM
You just wonder where they get the sick minds of the people who plot and plan this.

It reminds me of the movie Minority Report where they had those psychics immersed in water running the show behind the scenes in crime detection.

There must be a similar group doing sinister plots like this one in deep politics...

Only their swimming in human blood

I guess we’ll find out about it one day like we found out about the MK ultra and similar black projects.

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: Willtell

Turkey is playing a pretty dangerous game, IMO. They have tacitly approved of ISIS by allowing men and materials to pass through it's border to ISIS and they haven't done much in the way of hitting ISIS at all. For a Nato Ally to act like that is disconcerting to say the least.

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: Willtell

The ones planning all this wear expensive suits, reside in plush boardrooms and offices and bought the politicians a long time ago!

Decades of their wars have killed and maimed many more than any of the evil dictators we learn about in school.

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: pavil

It's certainly not disconcerting to those who, along with Turkey, created, funded, trained and armed ISIS in the first place. The NATO leadership knows this too and is in on the act. I mean, lets face it, NATO is nothing more than an extension of the US military, whether the governments who are members acknowledge it or not.

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 12:34 PM
I think what should be clear is that nobody in the area is doing anything, nor have they done anything in response to ISIS which is how they have gotten so powerful so quickly. What should be clear is that this is NOT USA's fight and we are only there to help protect OUR interests. What should be clear is that, while others whine and complain that we are there then when we leave they want us back because they can't handle anything on their own. You can't have your cake and eat it too.....either you want help or don't. If not, then don't complain. If so then be happy with what you get instead of complaining it isn't enough.

My thought has been the same since the the whole area....sure plenty of innocent people will die, but it sure will put a stop to any "reign of terror" very quickly. I am over this ISIS crap personally.

People can complain and whine about the US all they want, but the fact of the matter is that this kind of organization does not happen here......its called being civilized.

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 12:39 PM

And to top it the US have labeled Kurdistan terrorists. Thanks for taking our money and fighting our creations (ISIS) for all your hard work you can be the US next enemy.

a reply to: MGaddafi

The link doesn't work. Do you have another link? I haven't been following lately. I can't believe they'd label the Kurds as the T word. They are nothing of the like from just about every source out of the region. They are about the only ones who have any sense of decency as far as most can tell.

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 12:42 PM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

"NOT USA's Fight"?
They were the ones primarily behind the whole "uprising" to begin with, along with Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. You had US personnel training these guys in Turkey and Jordan, were shipping fighters and weapons in from Libya and running the show from day 1.

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 12:44 PM

originally posted by: Britguy
a reply to: pavil

It's certainly not disconcerting to those who, along with Turkey, created, funded, trained and armed ISIS in the first place. The NATO leadership knows this too and is in on the act. I mean, lets face it, NATO is nothing more than an extension of the US military, whether the governments who are members acknowledge it or not.

And you know what’s so hard to accept are the young people who keep joining these murder squads and want to fight in these phony wars.

Those in the high places you speak of just laugh at them.

People who they fight wars for so they, the elite, can have bigger and better golf courses and more sleek and fancy yachts.

I actually tell young people this when I hear them saying their going in the Armed forces.

It’s like the youth you join this ISIS murder and rape squad; they are the lowest consciousness in the earth…

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 12:58 PM
Never has the efficacy of one thousand pound bomb to one terrorist, plus the cost, surely the old piston driven skyraiders would have been more use against the IS? Or the British rocket firing Typhoons?

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 01:10 PM
Hard to accept, because it's hard to understand I guess. Hard to understand how you can allow a religion to consume your life so much that you will be willing to die for it. The mentality is totally foreign to Westerners as we have been raised with predominantly Christian values.

There are a number of young men who have not tried integrating into Western society simply because they would prefer to be seen as the victims.

Muslims have been killing each other with their sectarian violence for centuries, so the excuse the hate preachers use regarding the West killing Muslims is lost on most of the suckers who join their call for Jihad. Most have nothing going for them, they are complete losers, but with a promise of 7 virgins in Paradise, well, that's more than they will ever get in this life.
edit on 7/10/14 by Cobaltic1978 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 01:29 PM

originally posted by: boncho

And to top it the US have labeled Kurdistan terrorists. Thanks for taking our money and fighting our creations (ISIS) for all your hard work you can be the US next enemy.

a reply to: MGaddafi

The link doesn't work. Do you have another link? I haven't been following lately. I can't believe they'd label the Kurds as the T word. They are nothing of the like from just about every source out of the region. They are about the only ones who have any sense of decency as far as most can tell.

The Kurdistan Worker's Party (PKK) have been labelled a terrorist organisation and as a consequence, the Turks will not help the Kurds in Kobani. The Kurdish fighters have my utmost respect and I feel the people of Kobani have been sold down the river here.

The M.E is a complete train wreck and the Geo politics is astounding.
edit on 7/10/14 by Cobaltic1978 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2014 @ 06:16 AM
There should be an international outcry against Turkey for their looking away at the ISIL attack on the Syrian Kurds.

Turkey should be castigated severely for their selfish inaction

Possible consider an international boycott against this country similar to the one against Israel.

This won’t happen unless the people do it since the very existence of ISIL is to use by US-NATO and Turkey to take care of their problems in the Mideast such as the Kurds for Turkey and the Assad government for US-NATO and Turkey.

The real question is why isn’t ISIL threatening Turkey?

Are they afraid of Turkey’s because it is a NATO member?

Why is Turkey willing to let a terrorist entity exist on their border?

I think this is more proof that ISIL is being used by Turkey and NATO for their sinister geopolitical reasons.

Only by Turkey getting in the mix and routing ISIL will they prove this post wrong. And I doubt they will do that.

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