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Dallas Ebola Victims Careworker Stepdaughter careworker told she can go back to work!!!!!

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posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 06:00 AM
link l

If this is true its utter imcompetence on the part of the authorities - Pleased however to see that the lady has no intention of going back to work, but the quarantine period is not up yet - will all of the family be allowed home now ?

Just one mistake after another in this tragic story. And all of it from Mr Duncans initial contact to his travel to US, to being turned away from hospital, to the ridiculous CDC quarantine, to the follow up of contacts and now this .... it beggars belief

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 06:05 AM
From the OPs source -

The stepdaughter of Texas Ebola victim, Thomas Duncan, who called 911 and rode in the ambulance with the man she calls 'Daddy' has been told she can return to work, MailOnline can reveal. Nursing assistant Youngor Jallah, 35, has been in 'quarantine' in her small Dallas apartment along with her husband, Aaron Yah, 43, and their four children ages 2 to 11 since Thomas Duncan's devastating diagnosis last Monday. MailOnline has reported that Mr Yah, also a nursing assistant, had been told he could return to work at the end of last week

Reading the full article it states that this person has decided to keep herself self-quarantined for the full three week incubation period even though she's been given the 'okay' to go back to work. It this story is true, that makes her smarter than the authorities and MUCH smarter than the ebola patient himself who traveled the world while infected.

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 06:20 AM
Absolutely agree, she's the smartest person I've come across in all this reporting, She was the one who first diagnosed him, and went with him to the hospital, informing the physicians that he was from West Africa, She was the one who decided with her husband to quarantine herself and her family - no help was offered from CDC, and now she has decided to continue their self-quarantine until the 21 days are up. Give her a job at the CDC I say.

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 06:43 AM
If my parents worked at the CDC, I'd be so ashamed.

Shame on them.

What the god damn hell are they doing? People's lives are at stake here, yet what are they doing? Bugger all. As others have said, this woman clearly shows way more competence in her actions and the path to take. She could be doing a better job running the CDC from her self imposed isolation. Jebus.

*Angrily baffled to the point of hitting something emoticon goes here.

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 07:21 AM
a reply to: Qumulys

the chance of an ebola outbreak is very low (obama's words) we have to increase the chance!! (probably what he is thinking!)

at least this family has enough sense not to listen to the cdc.

we have terrorists all over the word who hate us for our freedom (be afraid, be very afraid!!) but we leave our borders wide open!
and we have a danger of this deadly disease called ebola (be afraid, be very afraid!!) but then we are letting them come in from ebola stricken countries for nice vacations...

we should be great buddies to the terrorists real soon since we won't have any freedoms for them to hate us for once the cdc and the great ebola scare gets done with us!!

really we either elect the dumbest and most incompetent people into office or they for some reason think that they are immune to all this danger they seem to think we are all in. otherwise they'd be way too afraid to have such lax security when it comes to people coming into the country!

I kind of think there really isn't that much danger from either and what we really should be afraid of are those in charge who for some reason want us to feel threatened..

edit on 7-10-2014 by dawnstar because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 08:40 AM
I'm not sure if they worked here, but if they did, it reinforces the need for a 21 day isolation. I have no idea why they have been released when there is documented direct contact with Mr. Duncan while he was exhibiting severe symptoms.

Dallas Senior Center Workers Quarantined After Ebola Exposure

CBS 11 News has learned that two of the four acquaintances closest to Ebola victim Thomas Eric Duncan are employed at a North Dallas residence facility.

A letter from managers at the Windsor Senior Living Center informed residents and staff that two employees were quarantined, because of their close association with Duncan. The letter went on to stress that there is no risk to anyone at the center.

To Windsor Residents and Employees,

As you may know from news accounts, an individual in the Dallas area has been identified as having the Ebola virus.  We are writing to inform you that two members of our staff are now in quarantine after coming in contact with this individual.

Dallas County Health and Human Services has told us that community residents, staff members and guests are at no risk for Ebola from these quarantined staff members.

 It is important that you know that the staff members—who are valued members of our team—have not shown any symptoms of the virus.  However, protocol designed by the CDC, and underscored by local authorities, requires quarantine in their homes for a total of 21 days.

Can someone please go help the CDC learn to count to 21.


In every Ebola thread, it is the patient/those in quarantine trying to do the right thing, while the experts continue to make mis-step after mis-step. What are they thinking?

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 09:08 AM
Well at least someone has a brain. Just think how bad this wouldn't have gotten if she never stepped in.

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 10:40 AM
The key is she cares. She doesn't want this to spread to people she knows or loves.

The CDC doesn't give af

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 12:55 PM
21 days people! Is a 4th grade understanding of simple arithmetic too much to ask of our keepers? Watch her employers fire her for not returning to work.

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 06:44 PM

originally posted by: britchik l

If this is true its utter imcompetence on the part of the authorities - Pleased however to see that the lady has no intention of going back to work, but the quarantine period is not up yet - will all of the family be allowed home now ?

Just one mistake after another in this tragic story. And all of it from Mr Duncans initial contact to his travel to US, to being turned away from hospital, to the ridiculous CDC quarantine, to the follow up of contacts and now this .... it beggars belief

Worse still, her husband works as a nurse's assistant as well at her job and HE was given permission to go back to work as well!!!!


posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 06:48 PM

originally posted by: Iamthatbish
The key is she cares. She doesn't want this to spread to people she knows or loves.

The CDC doesn't give af

Her husband as well. The CDC gave him the all clear to return to work too. He decided to stay home and help his wife care for their 4 kids. Quote, "family is more important."

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 07:44 PM
a reply to: Anyafaj
I would expect a national organization to think more big picture than they are. I'm very glad this family is able to do this in their stead.

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 08:23 PM
The US Healthcare system, laughingly called "the best healthcare in the world" is proven to be woefully inadequate with even ONE case of Ebola. It's been reported that staff at this hospital had only just gone through "extensive training" on Ebola quarantining and decontamination procedures, and managed to even get the basic diagnosis wrong, despite the patient telling them he recently came from an Ebola affected area, and felt sick.

Hospitals are putting profit before treatment. The USA isn't going to know what hit it if Ebola breaks out for real. Just being a first world country isn't enough to protect against Ebola, which doctors in Western Africa are saying spreads through the air, despite the fact that Western media are for some reason saying it doesn't.

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