These kinds of threads ar dumnb to me. All I see are rocks and pixels and graphical effects applied to things to make them stand out.
A few things below have always been on my mind that don't feel satisfactorily answered to me. I am NOT a scientist or a Phage. But these're the things
which I still wonder about:
1) Is the sky really red? Is there a NASA agenda to make the images red or blurry, starting with the Viking images?
2) Arthur C. Clarke said the giant plant-like patterns were maybe 97% likely signatures of life. He apparently had been communicating with somebody
who relayed this to him. Of course, NASA doesn't agree, and these "plants" are I think near the polar icecap(s). IF they're at the icecap(s) (I'm not
completely sure on this), how could they possibly survive in that environment, if they're alive? And they're also about a kilometer or larger in
3) How much liquid water is on Mars? What I've read says it's very very rare and only comes out in briny spurts, typically near craters and ridges,
and quickly "boils" to nothing. Is NASA purposely downplaying it?
4) Is there an agenda, as has been suggested by Chandra Wickramasinghem, in space exploration to deny life on nearby planets in order to: reduce costs
of space missions on other planets which are tied to protecting against potential biological contamination or harm, keep the purpose of searching for
life elsewhere artificially high, Are there other reasons?
5) Is there anything at all to the claims intelligent life might be covered up because it might destroy or harm Earth's cultures or institutions, as
alluded to in the Brookings Report in 1960?
I inherenlty mistrust any powerful organization such as NASA. Power corrupts, or tends to. It's too easy to abuse it. On the other hand, any kind of
effort to explore space is going to involve power structures. Power structures, like governments or corporate hierchy or even famlies, are probably
inescapable. If we can't trust power structures, what can we trust? So I guess to some extent my distrust of power structures is misguided, and
possibly mentally deranged?
edit on 7-10-2014 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)