I know a few of you maybe wondering, "How could that be? All atheists want to destroy religion. They are our antithesis".
But this could not be farther than the truth.
There are more than a few of us that have absolutely no ill feeling towards belief in a higher power.
We just cannot see any real reasons to believe there is one.
And I will just say, I am real hesitant to speak for anyone else.
The problem you see, is that what a lot of you do not understand.
And, annoyingly enough a large number of atheists themselves do not understand or ignore.
Atheism is a unbrella term.
Just like it's mirror opposite, theism.
More or less, no one, especially not people like Dawkins or the other "Four Horsemen" of New Atheism speaks for all of us.
Personally, this atheist believes in freedom.
The right to speak and act in accordance with your own views so long as it does not infringe upon the rights of others.
Or physically harms another.
Which means:
It's fine with me if you wish me Merry Christmas/Happy Easter/etc/etc/etc/etc.
I'll take it in the spirit I hope it was meant.
Simply, that you are hoping I have a good day.
I will say it's sad however that such well wishing is only reserved for certain days.
If you want to completely cover your yard in religious iconography to the point you cannot get into your yard.
It will not bother me in the slightest.
Sure, I'll probably think it's a gaudy mess.
But that is just my opinion and it's your yard.
I will even go farther and say that religious icons on government buildings and land are ok with me.
So long as it's all inclusive.
Otherwords, if others of other religions want to put something up as well.
They should be allowed to in my opinion.
And just a small note, those antitheists/atheists that speak about religion as the one barrier to a Utopia.
Scare me just as much as they scare you.
Maybe perhaps more so.
I see attrocity in those words.
Maybe not now, but all it takes is for someone to take it into their mind they're going to "do something about it".
That's without mentioning how incredibly short sighted and wantonly ignorant I think those sentiments are.
But anyway, I just wanted to put this out there.
I am extending the courtsey, someone has to.
But if you want respect.
Give me some.
edit on 4-10-2014 by HarbingerOfShadows because: (no reason given)