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Abduction or Dream.

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posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 01:52 AM
Hey ATS well I been here for about and month now and I think I am comfortable enough to share my story, after all I'm sure there is a reason the majority of us are here is because of some past happening.
Now look I wasn't sleepy or on drugs.

Well in April 1995 I was at watching television and I herd
music coming from ouside the wierd thing was that it wasn't anything I've herd before since it was like calling me a voice the music was like a whistling type talk, it's really hard to describe but the music was talking.

Well I got up and looked outside but seen noone then I looked up to the sky and across the street there was a Church and just to the left in the sky I seen what was a circular disk (U.F.O) now I live in Chicago,Il and this is a highly populated area, well anyhow as I was looking at the object hover I had this strange feeling that the time was still; since I didn't see anyone or any planes in the sky nothing it was dead still, we'll looking at this object was the last thing I recall for the I went blank don't recall anything else except the next morning my brother was telling my mother that he had several beings small beings trying to take him and that he was fighting them off,kicking and screaming at them.

Now I didn't mention anything about what I'd seen to them prior because it I was just scared to confirm the possibility that it could be real.

And even if I told them they would've made a big deal and maybe people were gonna conclude we were crazy or making it up since this is Chicago, com'on who's gonna belive it so I just stood shut, shut for over 10 years now.

Now my mom also claimed that she couldn't move but there was a being overlooking her and my sighting and thier expierance all collaborated somehow, but I can't recall anything so I'm not sure if it happened but even now I am to belive that they didn't even say what they did, like I doubt it, so I ask them on occasions to repeat what they seen or felt and it's always the same story so it has to be true.

Now I don't recall anything but I feel like I need to do something important and that alot of people depend on whatever I need to do, but I'm not sure because it is nothing obvious.

But I have this phrase that stood with me(Guradian of Destiny) not sure where it came from but the conterpart would be (Guardian of Destruction)
Good and evil....

Did anyone have a similar expierance??????

This was indeed my secret to you all

[edit on 8-12-2004 by 2ndSEED]

[edit on 8-12-2004 by John bull 1]

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 04:28 AM
Your stoty is amazing , but makes no sense. How about thinking it over again?

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 05:29 AM
what do you base that on Vertu?

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 05:36 AM

Originally posted by GrOuNd_ZeRo
what do you base that on Vertu?

I know the person who is behind this thread. I think, it's enough proof and evidence only for me. On the other hand, the story is too choppy. So let's assume that he is a real contactee... there would be too many questions regarding the story (not evidence and proof).

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 09:29 AM
I know the person who is behind this thread. I think, it's enough proof and evidence only for me. On the other hand, the story is too choppy. So let's assume that he is a real contactee... there would be too many questions regarding the story (not evidence and proof).

Do you know him out of this website, in person. Or just the posts you've seen him do? His story is interesting. I'm not saying I believe him or not, i just would like to know why you discredit the story.
I thought if you really did know him in *person* it'd be more convincing on why you dismiss it is all. I just am even more interested as I live right out side Chicago, IL as well.


posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 09:42 AM
I think this is a dream. I had one too I think it was in 98. I was home alone and was not sleeping. Sudently there were 4 aliens trying to kill me. I did try to run but they did come after me. I tryed to kick them but then my mom come home, When she came in the door I did look at her and sudently they was gone. I promes you it was so real, but I know it was a dream, I did dream while i was awake. It was my mind that was playing whit me. I have never tryed drugs so I wasent high

I belive that everyone that said that thay have been abucted had one og this "dream"

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 09:59 AM
When I was five i had a dream that Aliens were abducting my entire neighborhood. I went outside and started throwing rocks at them. Funny thing is, next morning there were rocks on the other side fo the street (where the aliens had been) guess i should have asked other people if they had the same dream, huh?


posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 10:57 AM
I youst did see a televison prog about people that think they have been abucted by aliens, and why tehy think so was that the brain was in a.... (Hm i doen know what it is on english but Magnetic field???? Like the stell ting whit North and South. ) And then the brain began to fail and they see strange things. And the moste of the people that have been abucted has been hit by the light (Tunder and light) or got much eletric power in him. After that tha brain began to make this eletic things that make you see strange things and feel it, youst like it was real. The program was on Descovery Sience Chanel.

For you that claim to be abucted have you been hit by the light or got much eletric power in you before you was abucted? Or do you live near a power station or somthin that make magnetic field?

Sorry for my bad English

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by diana
I know the person who is behind this thread. I think, it's enough proof and evidence only for me. On the other hand, the story is too choppy. So let's assume that he is a real contactee... there would be too many questions regarding the story (not evidence and proof).

Do you know him out of this website, in person. Or just the posts you've seen him do? His story is interesting. I'm not saying I believe him or not, i just would like to know why you discredit the story.
I thought if you really did know him in *person* it'd be more convincing on why you dismiss it is all. I just am even more interested as I live right out side Chicago, IL as well.


posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 02:01 PM


Yes Him? Isn't it a him? Or oops, my bad is it a she? I'm not saying I believe this person he or she or not. I'm asking why you don't. I can't say either way. Although the story sounds great, it does sound a tad unrealistic...

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 11:10 PM

Originally posted by Vertu
Your stoty is amazing , but makes no sense. How about thinking it over again?

Thats exactlly why I did'nt tell anyone because it's just wierd period!!!!
All I know is that through out my life no memory is more cleared than hearing that song but it wasn't a song it was more like talking and yet it was like whistling a combination of these three things.

Now if I was abducted along with my family I am not sure but out of curiosity I'll ask my family to give me thier detail again.

You see I'm actually scared to find out it really occur because the question would be why and theres a feeling I have all the time that I'm missing something, in other words I need to find out something something is calling for my attention and its a big burden on me I tend to brudh off and let go of the thought but trust me I'm as unsure as you.

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by GrOuNd_ZeRo
what do you base that on Vertu?

I guess if your refering to the Guardians I think it (them) wanted me to belive that they were good guardians and I need not to worry.

But here the thing I didn't see them I herd them calling me through that music or whistle whatever it was it was calling me.
Although my younger brother did say he seen them, I'll post whatever he shares with me, soon.

Its been 10 years and it still not all too clear to me.

I wish you would be more foward with your questions.....

[edit on 8-12-2004 by 2ndSEED]

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 11:21 PM

Originally posted by Vertu

Originally posted by GrOuNd_ZeRo
what do you base that on Vertu?

I know the person who is behind this thread. I think, it's enough proof and evidence only for me. On the other hand, the story is too choppy. So let's assume that he is a real contactee... there would be too many questions regarding the story (not evidence and proof).

Well I'm not sure if he knows me or not but he did it would be nice we could talk about this in other places.

But put it this way I have neglected this epiosode. And I tried deeply to forget it but I can't. Belive me or not it doen't matter it's notlike ran to geraldo rivera with the story so attention is not my motive.

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 11:26 PM

Originally posted by Xon

For you that claim to be abucted have you been hit by the light or got much eletric power in you before you was abucted? Or do you live near a power station or somthin that make magnetic field?

Sorry for my bad English

Your english pretty fair, good. Power lines? LOL well good idea but u see what I'm saying is that all 3 of us had diffrent expierances that night I seen the ship and herd the music or whistle and my brother had seen them and my mother was paralized and wasn't able to move, can power lines cause a simulation as this?


posted on Dec, 9 2004 @ 09:07 AM
hm I doent think so if it was at the same night. I doent know much about this, but for me it hears like a dream, funny that all had the same dream.

[edit on 9-12-2004 by Xon]

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