posted on Oct, 4 2014 @ 08:58 PM
a reply to:
You can travel to the future then back to the past. For instance you make some of the human species capable for long distance space flights, lets say
a trip to another solar system or even galaxy, now when you send them there they would be going forward in time. And by the time they come back, they
could be going back in time, simply because its likely that the original species which sent them across the cosmos have destroyed themselfs and
rebuilt themselves a thousand times over in the few short hundred thousands of years, or million of years, it took them to take there trip across the
cosmos. They the original species could have colonized hundreds of planets, but by the time they get back from such a trip, the original species could
be back to the stone age, or who knows what. So technically when they get back they would have traveled back to there past.
I know, I know, technicalities that's not traveling back in time.
In all time does not necessarily exist in and of itself, and also it is not something that just came to be, although that time is a function of this
existence and dimension it was created. Like duh! And here is the kicker, not all species or beings subscribe to believing in this thing called time.
So if your question is are they time travelers or extra terrestrials? I would say that "they" whoever "they" are, well between those two choices,
then there likely some sort of time traveling extra terrestrials.
edit on 9pmSaturdaypm042014f6pmSat, 04 Oct 2014 21:03:16 -0500 by galadofwarthethird because: (no reason given)