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REVISITED: energy healing/ reiki/ distance healing experiment

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posted on Oct, 5 2014 @ 06:26 PM
a reply to: jgarcya

Thank you for the reading;it is appreciated!
While you were pretty accurate with minor issues, major concerns didn't come through. I'm guessing this is the reason:

let me start of by saying for this connection it was not the strongest for me... you came through but faintly ...less intense than others in the past....

My health is listed as 'fragile' in the medical field, so perhaps this causes a weaker signal? Just a guess.

I firmly believe it is the prayers from friends and family that have allowed me to continue living such a high quality life, so I appreciate your healing energy.

posted on Oct, 5 2014 @ 07:27 PM

you are are strong and not fragile! that is why i don't like the medical community...they are always looking to diagnosis..with that comes labels...then people are judging themselves and society judges them too.

i believe our thoughts create our reality....and each individual has the power to heal themselves...

for many stories have we heard of where people were told they would never walk again....only that the person didn't buy this diagnosis, and they refused to give up...and they are walking again.

for me my thoughts and word shape my reality..that's why i am trying to be positive every chance i get..therefore creating a positive environment and life for myself and people around me.

i have know idea why you didn't come through stronger....maybe you are right...i'm just glad we connected.
thank you again.

posted on Oct, 5 2014 @ 07:44 PM
to all:

if you read my previous experiment on here five years ago.... i remember someone then said i missed the big issue with them also...

my point in doing this experiment is not to heal the person, or tell them whats wrong with them....they should already know that.... but to merely show people that might doubt distance reiki is possible....that it is 100% possible, or how would i be able to connect with people at all....if i was guessing i would have only gotten one or two right...and not be specific at all.

i may have missed the big issues with people..but is that me or them? do they have walls up? or secrets? are they insecure about them? things like this may cause a blockage in the energy sent and may not? how am i to know?
i can only share what comes to me...what i sense.

when i do this type of thing...i am able to relate what i do, because i actually become the person energetically....for example in nugget1's case my lower right jaw was ribs were sore.....normally they are not, that is how i had to distinguish between my body and hers.

each experience i get from doing this and then get feedback saying i was right....enables me to put that sensation in my memory the next time it comes up i will know exactly what i am feeling..

for example....i never experienced a persons energy that has multiple sclerosis... so how would i know what that is to relay that to the person.... i can only imagine that maybe my muscles would tighten up or shake....but since i never experienced that energy before i have nothing to go by....there are more illnesses that i haven't experienced in energy work than i would i relate aids?

another example....once in hands on...a woman i was starting to date was laying under my hands.... i got the feeling of being weighted down...actually like my energy was being pushed to the ground....i related this to her at the moment...i said "i have never felt this before but i feel like there is a weight on me pulling me something is really weighing heavy on your chest(i was in solar plexus position)".....she failed to identify it at the moment and share with me...but the next day she relayed it.....she was keeping her feelings in about an important topic to her, about was heavy on her mind...when she shared it with me, it led to the end of our relationship.

another example.... once i was drawn to move my hand on the sides of a friends breast(not touching them)...i told her i sense something on the side of your breast, where the breast meets your body...and pointed it out to her, on me.....the energy was flowing across her chest like i never experienced before...the next day she comes to me and says "i made an appointment to have a breast exam....the exact spot you told me about has been bothering me for's painful"...i said "why didn't you share that in the session, i could have focus more energy directly to it", she was scared.....she failed to keep her appointment.

so now in each case if i feel like being weighted down..i know they are struggling with an emotional issue or a feeling of wanting to say something they cant... if i feel intense energy flowing in a breast, i know i am dealing with something serious.

in this experiment......i'm just trying to connect with people i never met, never talked to, never read anything by, a complete stranger, etc....

i am showing the whole world....that yes quantum physics is a reality....psychic powers are work is real...the power of intention is real....

if i was doing a distance healing with you all...we would have had a different experience....but im NOT doing that..
if you were under my hands you would have been feeling the energy flowing through your body....some people see colors...feel hot or cold spots...tingling....some have ideas go through their head related to life's difficulties or answers to their blockages....some have their muscles twitch...some just feel relaxed...some fall asleep.

on my end i would be seeing colors...your aura...i might have visions of your past, present or future....i would be drawn to move my hands to certain spots beyond the 7 chakras i typically work....i would be more accurately feeling your issues, physically and emotionally...and i would be relaying them to you as i go...i might even be crying.

so the fact that i may not pick up on something you think i should.....may just be because i haven't experienced it yet in my healing in order to put it to words.....

i hope this clarifies things.

posted on Oct, 6 2014 @ 05:17 AM
a reply to: jgarcya
Go ahead. Have at it.

We'll see how you do and I hope the connection is helpful for your learning process.

posted on Oct, 6 2014 @ 11:41 PM
Sassquatch........ if you are still following this thread please read your private messages.

flyersfan..... thank you for your willingness.... i had a long day and a energy session that took a lot out of me.... i will continue with your reading...i plan on doing it tomorrow evening/night time.

to all,

i realized yesterday that i really need to give back to all that volunteered for this experiment...
i decided that just a reading isn't enough..... although the reiki flows and is received during the reading, i wanna do something extra....

i decided that for all that participate, i will do a distant healing with also...i appreciate that you all trust me and open yourselves up to me...i am a giver and i want this to be not about me, but community.

all that participate will receive at least one distance reiki session..its usually about an hour of my time and this session i will send to their higher self, and for their greater good....along with concentrating on anything that i picked up on in your reading...

thanks again and blessings to all....
edit on 6-10-2014 by jgarcya because: added.... up on in

posted on Oct, 6 2014 @ 11:55 PM
Could jgarcya do reiki with me please?

I have no doubt in energy healing at a distance. I have learned that with permission it can be done anywhere. But it is not a transfer of energy but rather information on the level of Higher-selves.

I grew up Christian and Buddhist and am currently Advaita Vedanta. My Guru is Nisargadatta Maharaj

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 09:35 PM
flyersfan.... i need to postpone for a day or two... my back is going through some severe muscle pain...i wouldn't be able to focus properly in this state... sorry as soon as i can fix this issue i will continue.

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 10:10 PM

originally posted by: jgarcya
nugget1 and flyersfan

you two will be my first two...

thank you... i look forward to this...

thank you for being willing to open yourselves up to a stranger.... if you haven't read the thread please go back and do so...

still looking for the last one...

posted on Oct, 8 2014 @ 03:48 AM
a reply to: jgarcya if you are short on time, I am happy to be left out. Lets just say i have access to healing in the real world ;=)

I was particularly interested in what you may make of my health, Hence my request

posted on Oct, 8 2014 @ 06:02 AM
a reply to: jgarcya
Oh goodness ... I hope you feel better soon.
Take your time. Focus on getting well.

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 10:24 AM
greetings ats,

sorry for the long delay. what a week!! my back is feeling better, it just came out of no where.....

on top of that, i had some good news.....on wed i was offered a new career addition to my full time job of blowing glass.... it's one i can't refuse, so i took it. so last week along with the back issues, i was surviving off of 4 hours sleep a night... i also work doing glass blowing on the weekends.... i try to work seven days a week... this weekend i did get caught up on my sleep, and i woke up today feeling good, rested and ready to continue with what i started here.

on wed. i did manage to get an hour of distance work in for Nugget1.....i sent to your higher self and for your greater good...and targeted some of the spots that i reported on... i hope it was received well.

thank you flyers fan for your patience! i just woke gonna have my first cup of coffee, and some homemade banana bread, that a friend shared with me, and then i am going to meditate on flyersfan...and report back.

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 11:59 AM

thank you for allowing me to do this.... i hope we connected.

first thing that came to me was anxiety.... associated with quick short breaths.

then i felt something in my left cheek bone just below the eye...which turned into a slight pressure in left eye. something with the left eye...i can't nail it exactly.

the left gland on your neck was slightly swollen.

asthma or breathing issues

felt a sore spot on your back just right of your spine halfway up

you may suffer from psychological issues

left knee was sore towards the top

right jaw muscle where lower jaw connects with tmj

prone to sinus issues on left side (this maybe associated to what i felt with pressure in left eye)

the arch in your left foot...came to me as i write this.

i hope we connected...please copy and paste my list in you reply, and next to each one say accurate or not accurate..
you can put in more detail below each one if you wish.

i look forward to your response...and like nugget1 i will send you distance reiki at a later date to address some of the things i hit upon, if any.


posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 12:29 PM
You did great ...

first thing that came to me was anxiety.... associated with quick short breaths.

HIT. I have Sjogrens autoimmune so I have tight chest and breathing is hard at times. I also have Sjogrens related anxiety issues and have had a lot this week due to the Sjogrens AND having my first root canal four days ago. Also am still nervous about me running a low grade fever at this time and finishing it up with getting a cap in a week or so ...

then i felt something in my left cheek bone just below the eye...which turned into a slight pressure in left eye. something with the left eye...i can't nail it exactly.

HIT (sort of) .. the left side of my face is swollen and in pain from the root canal I had four days ago. As for my eyes, I have high eye pressure and are 'glaucoma suspect' for both eyes. Monitoring my eye pressure ...

the left gland on your neck was slightly swollen.

HIT. The left side of my face along the jawline is swollen and in pain.
Also - The gland in the RIGHT side of my neck has been swollen and 'weird' for years.
The gland in the right side that's messed up makes swallowing hard at times.

asthma or breathing issues

HIT. The sjogrens makes breathing tight AND I have autonomic neurological issues that effect breathing, heart rhythm etc.

felt a sore spot on your back just right of your spine halfway up

I'll give it 1/2 ... I have degenerative disc disease but no sore spot there.
My sore spot is the back of my neck.
Feels like the bone is gritty and sandy and hurts ..

you may suffer from psychological issues

HIT. Yep. I think so ...

left knee was sore towards the top

HIT. Both knees sore towards the top.

right jaw muscle where lower jaw connects with tmj

HIT. I dont know what's wrong with it but the right side of my jaw in the exact spot you said will sometimes get nailed with a sharp pain while chewing and then it's hard to move the jaw for a while (sometimes minutes .. sometimes even days)

prone to sinus issues on left side (this maybe associated to what i felt with pressure in left eye)

HIT - at this moment the SJogrens has left a big open ulcer on the left side of my sinus in my nose.

the arch in your left foot...came to me as i write this.


All things considered, I'd say you did great!
Your reading was excellent. Thank you.

originally posted by: jgarcya
i will send you distance reiki at a later date to address some of the things i hit upon, if any.

Good .. the anxiety issues are really a pain in the neck.

edit on 10/13/2014 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 02:52 PM
thank you flyersfan! for your openness and your honesty....

out of the ten things that i reported give me an 8.5 out of 10...or an 85% accuracy rate...

for any skeptics : there is no way that with such high accuracy rate, as demonstrated by the two examples so far that this is just coincidental.

i am curious about the pain along your right side of your spine?? for me it was such a strong sensation....i know it wasn't my issue b/c my pain is associated with the exact opposite side.... but i will not doubt know your body better than anyone..i accept your 1/2 hit.

i am doing this, not because i am special, but because i want to show all of you on ATS and in the world the possibility of your human potential.... this is a conspiracy of the greatest conspiracies of mankind is and continues to be the suppression of the potential of the human.....we are all capable of doing this and countless other psychic gifts....but the knowledge that was once common in the ancient societies is being kept from us ( the vatican..religions ..secret societies.. governments and western psychology).... now we must have interest and search it out, instead of being taught it from birth...

i only became able to do this....not by being taught, but by meditating...and shutting off my brain...and listening to my inner trusting myself and believing in the power of intention...

i hope that all of you following this will learn that you are have powers beyond your "known capabilities" and that each of us can tap into them, and heal ourselves...

for me i have been meditating since a young teen...27 years so far...i devote myself to compassion and helping others..i just have been blessed enough to tap into this ability, recognize it, and run with it.

ELOmen you are next.....i will do it in a few days.... i am incredibly busy with work and currently working on a two hundred piece order, at least 100 hours of my new job...i will do my best and make it as soon as i am able.

love,light,blessings to you all!!!!!

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 05:10 PM
Thats fine. Whenever your ready.a reply to: jgarcya

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 05:14 PM
If anyone wants to do some reiki with me -- that'd be awesome, I could certainly use it.

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 05:19 PM

originally posted by: jgarcya
i am curious about the pain along your right side of your spine?? for me it was such a strong sensation...

I have degenerative disc disease. I have back pain in the back of the neck - center. It's like it's sandy and gritty and it hurts. I have some in the back in between my shoulders. It's not to the left nor the right. But not along the spine on the right side. So I"m giving it a half. All in all you really nailed it very well.

posted on Oct, 21 2014 @ 01:00 AM

thank you for allowing me to connect with you and to share this here.

the first thing that came to me was a pain on your left side, just below the ribs, near the front and where the side meet.

i felt a pain in your right hip and along the pelvis or groin

i had labored breathing

heart burn

the outside of your right thigh was sore...near the middle moving down to the top of your knee. of forehead(frontal lobe)

slight pressure in left eye

something with your heart...i wanna say irregular heart beat

sleep apnea

pain in left side of neck

sore left shoulder more in the front

right outside wrist was sore..almost like arthritis

something with your left ear canal...possibly Eustachian tube

lower left shoulder blade soreness part closest towards the spine

numbness up outside of left palm, going into pinky

something with the left side of the bridge of your it was broken or deviated septum

as with the others, if you can copy and paste the list and put accurate/not accurate, hit or miss, next to each one....underneath you may elaborate if you like.

thank you, and i look forward to your reply....sorry for the delay.

posted on Oct, 21 2014 @ 10:06 AM
the first thing that came to me was a pain on your left side, just below the ribs, near the front and where the side meet.
//Direct Hit! you just sunk my battleship! Im having digestion issues in this area and other problems that are really bothering me.

i felt a pain in your right hip and along the pelvis or groin

i had labored breathing
//Hit. My respiratory system is not at its best right now.

heart burn
//Hit. Been hitting the spicy foods hard recently.

the outside of your right thigh was sore...near the middle moving down to the top of your knee.
//miss of forehead(frontal lobe).
//Hit. not to often but get them once in a while.

slight pressure in left eye

something with your heart...i wanna say irregular heart beat

sleep apnea

pain in left side of neck

sore left shoulder more in the front

right outside wrist was sore..almost like arthritis

something with your left ear canal...possibly Eustachian tube

lower left shoulder blade soreness part closest towards the spine

numbness up outside of left palm, going into pinky

something with the left side of the bridge of your it was broken or deviated septum
Most problems i have are all linked to one main problem affecting the others. Im surprised you didnt mention my throat. In the throat or stomach is where my main problem lies, im working on it though.
Thank you for sharing your time and energy with me here.

You did a lot better than my doctor

posted on Oct, 22 2014 @ 03:07 PM

would you do reiki with me? have some health problems currently, any idea how i can fix them?

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