posted on Oct, 3 2014 @ 06:59 PM
a reply to:
I hadn't planned on posting on this topic further but I feel some of what you posted warranted a response because some of what you have pointed out
isn't completely addressing all of the circumstances.
It was almost a year later. And there was no evidence in the vacant building.
There wasn't any evidence of what? For months, the authorities could not seem to ascertain whether it was a lone wolf shooter or multiple shooters.
This is evidenced in a multitude of sources and still was not clear months into the investigation. Even now as stated in the official report, there is
third party DNA on the trigger of the firearm used to shoot Nancy Lanza and on a sealed letter addressed to the "young children of Sandy Hook" that
was found in the Lanza home but the contents of which were not mentioned in the official report.
That's just to start with, authorities do not know who this third party DNA belongs too, who decided there is no evidence left and why would you feel
like you could conclusively say so? I'm not being crass, I'm just honestly wondering.
The school HAD to come down. There is no way it could be used as a school in the future. 6, 7, 8 year old children couldn't learn in that
You're exactly right, it did HAVE to come down and there is no way it could be used as a school in the future. The problem is that it shouldn't have
been used as a school when children were reported to go there. The school was heavily saturated and infested with Asbestos and lead, so much so that
after they closed it, they posted huge warning signs on all of the doors warning of the asbestos danger. They did this while it was uninhabited after
the incident but before that it was just fine in the affluent community of Newtown?
A Youtube member by the name of Brendan Hunt or Xrayultra traveled to Sandy Hook and videoed the school from behind the giant barb wire fence the
erected around the entire property before it was demolished that clearly shows the large asbestos warning signs on all of the doors. Documents and
reports of all of this are readily available online, I'm not making this up.
They would all be distracted about the massacre and they'd be scaring each other to death saying 'there is a ghost in the bathroom' .. 'there is a
ghost under your chair' ... 'if you go into the closet a dead person will grab you'. That's how kids roll. They don't want to sit in a spot where
another kid had their brains blown out.
Yeah, I agree, no doubt that would be the case but that is all irrelevant since the structure was unfit for human habitation to begin with.
I don't blame them. Bringing down the school was the correct thing to do. It was psychologically the healthy thing to do. No evidence was destroyed.
And it wasn't brought down until almost a year later.
It was brought down almost a year later but in the interim was guarded by security cameras, a property wide barb wire fence with big signs that
threatened arrest for any violations. Combine that with non disclosure agreements by both the company that did the "clean up" and the demolition and
it adds up to seemingly be perhaps..... Not so innocent as you would like to make it sound. At the very least it's abnormal, they do any of this at
Virginia Tech? How about the Aurora Theater? You seem adamant in stating no evidence was destroyed, i'm perplexed by this repeated statement because
I fail to understand how you could know.
One last thing, where did they send the remnants of the demolition of Sandy Hook? That's extra credit.