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Should the Government Give Away Free Money ?

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posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 06:53 PM
a reply to: stumason

Its a little more serious than that surely?

Even a total dunderhead would realise that my favourite example of these over spends, courtesy of HMRC is totally ridiculous and out of proportion...

You go to the store, and purchase a computer mouse. You pay £15.00 .
HMRC purchase one from the catalogue they have to use (contractually obligated to use Mapeley to purchase all equipment, supplies, and infrastructural services from them). They pay £68.99 . Even a total bloody moron who has not even purchased his own MILK for ten years knows better than that!

posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 06:54 PM
They limit the number of people who can bid on the job and the administrators are not bound to electing the cheapest one. Often, these contracts are handed out as favors.

To the people complaining about foreign aide. Money is simple and uncomplicated and our government currently has a monopoly license on the world reserve currency. We can always print more money, so that unlimited resource buys us more power and goods and services without actually costing us any tangible material resources. It is an amazing system for the people living in the U.S. and our allies, especially considering we are no longer the most innovative or productive country on earth.

We export ink and linen and the world gladly sends us its hard earned stuff. If we have to send out a few billion in foreign aide to prop up some dictator to keep the flow of goods going, it seems like a small price to pay for me.

The real reason we should end the system of global currency and foreign aide is to liberate the world so that the people who produce a good can be the same people who benefit most from it. This is a system of slavery and it is truly unfair to the people who are supplying us with their wholesale goods.

posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 07:04 PM
How can it be considered 'free' or 'money' when it can be, and is, conjured up out of thin air from digits on a screen?

What you are actually proposing is the Zeitgeist Movement's main proposition, that everyone be given the basics of life; food, shelter, education, medical care, travel opportunities, at no cost.

The control over it all is based on what the planet can sustain and what resources are truly available and not burning through 'growth' for the sake of propping up a capitalist system gone wild, and making sure everyone's needs are met, not everyone's wants...

Sure, some people would just sit around doing nothing**, but the social impetus would be to use the freed up time to be productive in ways that truly helped the person themselves, and society.

What would you do if any profession, any avocation, wasn't dependent on money for education, false credentialism, or being forced to work at something you didn't like because you had bills to pay?

How many different careers could you have in a lifetime if pay-as-you-go wasn't a necessity, and you could easily switch to something new in short order?

How much more healthy would society be if the emphasis wasn't on what you owned, but what you knew and did, how much you learned, what a good person you were?

What if we were truly civilized and stopped lying to ourselves about political differences and religious fairy tales?

** and how much Hollywood crapola would be produced if money were not the object, but art and education was?

posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 07:47 PM
a reply to: AlienView

Remove the trickle up banking system and imprison all the leechers at the highest top and there would not be any problem. As long as you do not allow trickle up and frankly pay fairly for what things are worth everybody will have what they need.

You will never have enough money in a trickle up monopoly game because the debt based system will always take more and more of the cake removing purchasing power from the system.

Feudal Robber barons exist still today but they have smarted up and bought the media so that people do not write crap about them.

posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 07:59 PM
a reply to: yorkshirelad

Right. The US is highly right-wing. I wonder if that's the reason for endless, unenforced immigration, and the current puppet obama?

Honestly, it has nothing to do with right-wing, left-wing division.

You know what's ingrained in the average US, UK citizen? Two-party distraction, divide and conquer pettiness that keeps people from uniting against the true rulers.

The US "won" WWII, only to end up with a nazi government. The UK is still worshiping the inbred celebrities known as the monarchy. Regardless of whether or not the citizens are given money, forced to work for it, or given a bowl of rice a day we're still slaves. And the illusion of freedom that having excess money creates is just that, an illusion.

I say the US should give money to students in debt who aren't employed, families losing their homes, small businesses being overshadowed by Walmart, the pensioner who worked for 40 years only to have his money end up in the hands of some guy who refuses to work, the veterans forced on the street.

Anything but making the citizens dependent, complacent and apathetic. When all problems are conveniently erased are we more aware? Or are we led further into bondage?

posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 08:02 PM
a reply to: signalfire

Sorry, double post. But since all money eventually goes back to TPTB, since most if not all corporations are essentially traced back to the same groups.....then how is it free money? How is it even the recipient's money?

When I take out the green slips I know it's probably not backed up by anything physical, it's a created, rigged system. In this modern world, money is essentially paper and numbers on a computer.

This isn't the day of tea bricks and fish hooks as currency. The actual value isn't in our hands and we never even see it. To be honest, I think it's all a big fraud. Hoarding cash and eventually it can only buy you an inch of bread. It's manufactured, like entertainment, money, wealth is a big distraction.

posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 08:10 PM
I doubt money will ever be entirely free but I think a tsunami of cash would be a good thing, it would be a great equalizer as well as undermine the PTB and float the world out of this awful hole it has sunk itself into.

posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 08:36 PM
a reply to: Shema

That's why it won't happen under our current system. The only way it'll ever happen is if they've already worked out all the bugs, eliminated all the possible negative consequences towards them. If it happens it'll be so the rich get richer and in the end the poor and the world will still be enslaved unfortunately.

posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 08:42 PM
a reply to: Yeahkeepwatchingme

Anything but making the citizens dependent, complacent and apathetic. When all problems are conveniently erased are we more aware? Or are we led further into bondage?

No real freedom - not socialism, not so-called free enterprise, no matter how you manage the world all are enslaved to some extent by money - from this there is probably no escape. But what I was trying to say in starting this post is that 'IF' government gave out money with less strings attached and less governmental agencies involved, the money would be better spent and more of it would be fed back to the people who would make best use of it and in the long run all segments of the economy would benefit.

edit on 2-10-2014 by AlienView because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-10-2014 by AlienView because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 09:18 PM
Giving people cash with no strings attached is being tested out as we speak in Africa. So far it's wildly wildly successful with the only problems being a bit of jealousy from those who got nothing and some people wasting it.

The majority of people who receive no strings cash use it intelligently and responsibly based on their needs in ways that are often completely unexpected.

I don't wanna elaborate too much. I'd rather you research it yourself. Here's a link to an article to start you off.

posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 10:07 PM
a reply to: AlienView

Money is not free there are always strings attached. Stop all foreign aid would be a good start.

posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 10:20 PM
Giving money to spend on what the system gives us won't solve the problems we're facing. It might help ease things like poverty, hunger, poor healthcare but it won't eradicate them.

Giving money doesn't really do anything. There's personal accountability, responsibility and maturity that is needed. I can see people being happy with the amount they're given at first. Then becoming ungrateful and asking for more. Then for homes, for cars/transportation. Good food, someone to walk the dog, etc.

Currently the world is set up so everybody has to "contribute" if they want to "consume". We could have a utopia, sitting around all day, eating caviar or whatever is seen as the current symbols of the good life....but the current system would not allow it. The slaves, peasants work for the very few who control the world. They don't want people with free time.

Free time means your mind starts to wander. You begin to question your life, existence, everything. Comfort turns to curiosity. Bliss turns to an inquisitive hunger to seek out anything beyond what you have.

They would not allow free time, free people, not contributing, being happy. Misery, debt, servitude.

If the time comes where the world is given money and told to do what they want with it, then we know something is seriously up.

posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 10:36 PM
They do it every day... even though they have no money. A push of a button is all it takes.

posted on Oct, 3 2014 @ 09:00 AM
a reply to: AlienView

Those on Wall St would scream bloody murder if this was ever considered- because then the value of the dollar would depreciate, the exchange rates would even out, the stock prices would fall, mice would start eating cats...

posted on Oct, 3 2014 @ 01:32 PM
Think about it; All the money spent on the recent wars could've been given to Americans to stimulate the economy. People would spend it on electronics, furniture, food, automobiles, etc., etc.. Then, the economy would boom and you would have a happy people. That then would produce culture and all that. But instead, the gov would rather give trillions to other countries and spend trillions on wars all while people are enslaved in debt by banks. A pound of flesh. It's just a matter of time before people revolt against the politicians and bankers.

posted on Oct, 3 2014 @ 02:19 PM
Our government is like King Kong. Yeah...hang in for this one.

In King Kong, all the villagers worked constantly to feed this god-like beast. That was their religion, their purpose in life. Sacrifice everything to feed the beast...even your own people. That is what government design. The United States government exists for the purpose of supporting and growing itself. still does an extremely small amount of good through old programs, but it's goal is to pay itself and it's minions and grow. It wants to be god-like in power and size over all the people, using us to feed itself and then stepping on us when we think of over-turning it.

But yeah...your idea isn't bad. Better would be to erase our government and rebuild from scratch. Sure, the next government will eventually grow into the same beast...we just have to tear it back down on a regular basis. Government can not ever be a permanent fixture. It must be torn down and re-established on a regular basis to keep it from becoming a King Kong.

posted on Oct, 3 2014 @ 02:20 PM

originally posted by: Fylgje
Think about it; All the money spent on the recent wars could've been given to Americans to stimulate the economy. People would spend it on electronics, furniture, food, automobiles, etc., etc.. Then, the economy would boom and you would have a happy people. That then would produce culture and all that. But instead, the gov would rather give trillions to other countries and spend trillions on wars all while people are enslaved in debt by banks. A pound of flesh. It's just a matter of time before people revolt against the politicians and bankers.

Or better yet...the money could have NEVER BEEN TAKEN!

posted on Oct, 3 2014 @ 02:26 PM
a reply to: WeAreAWAKE
True, and good point. But still, what better way to stimulate our own economy than giving money to people who will buy stuff instead of investing it.

posted on Oct, 3 2014 @ 03:10 PM
a reply to: Yeahkeepwatchingme

So you ignored my post about Give Directly because it merely helps poverty. You sir need an attitude change. The system is broken but you seem to think that means we should hide our heads in the sand. For shame. You are very reasonable and very correct about things. Most of your posts talk about the same things i talk about. The difference is you sound like your depressed and have given up. Attitude makes the difference. Stop being an ostrich.

posted on Oct, 3 2014 @ 03:19 PM
a reply to: tavi45

Listen, instead of hypothesizing about who/what/how I am, maybe you should just quit before you really start insulting people.

Enough saying my head's in the sand, I'm defeatist, blah, blah. Calm down, and stop trying to drag your assumptions about who I am into discussions.

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