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Still Think the World is Waking up to the Conspiracy?

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posted on Oct, 10 2014 @ 09:08 PM
a reply to: Tedgoat

Umm, btw, the CNN reporter you refer to, is Jamie McIntyre. What you REFUSE to show is the transcript of his report. Which, is here

The part that you quote mine is this...

"MCINTYRE: You know, it might have appeared that way, but from my close-up inspection, there's no evidence of a plane having crashed anywhere near the Pentagon."

What people like you FAIL to do, is look at the question he was asked. Which is this...

"WOODRUFF: Jamie, Aaron was talking earlier -- or one of our correspondence was talking earlier -- I think -- actually, it was Bob Franken -- with an eyewitness who said it appeared that that Boeing 757, the American jet, American Airline jet, landed short of the Pentagon.

Can you give us any better idea of how much of the plane actually impacted the building? "

Judy Woodruff, is talking about a witness that reported the plane hit the GROUND first before it hit the building, and McIntyre is saying that there is no evidence the PLANE HIT THE GROUND first.

And then, there is the rest of his answer...

"The only site is the actual site of the building that's crashed in, and as I said, the only pieces left that you can see are small enough that you can pick up in your hand. There are no large tail sections, wing sections, fuselage, nothing like that anywhere around, which would indicate that the entire plane crashed into the side of the Pentagon and then caused the side to collapse."

Then of course, there is the first part of the segment in which he says...

". I could see parts of the airplane that crashed into the building, very small pieces of the plane on the heliport outside the building. The biggest piece I saw was about three feet long, it was silver and had been painted green and red, but I could not see any identifying markings on the plane. I also saw a large piece of shattered glass. It appeared to be a cockpit windshield or other window from the plane. "

Tedgoat, people like you are easy for conspiracy theorists to fool because you rarely look for the full story.

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 01:09 AM
a reply to: cardinalfan0596

Ok whatever!

No point in discussing 9/11. Because the truth will never come out. The sheeple are controlled by the Mainstream Media who in turn are controlled by the Zionist Filth who continue to murder people in other countries and their own with False Flag attacks and covert operations. And the goal of that is world dominance and resources. 9/11 was created to take more freedoms away in the US, invade Afghanistan and Iraq under false pretences and lies and to create the now obvious Fake War on Terror!

9/11 was planned ages ago. Any idiot can see that especially with the evidence for it's pre planning well in advance. How they did it was very clever. But as usual there are loop holes that can be seen through. To cover them up they have the Mainstream Media Propaganda, Shills, Actors, Liars.

Remember 1 important fact. False Flags are usually preceded by drills and rehearsals. 9/11 and 7/7 had drills going on before and during the apparent attacks. Even Sandy Hook and the Boston Bombings were drills at the same time as the apparent attacks!

But one thing is for sure. Witnesses to these ghastly events are the best source for the truth and no matter how much you rattle on about the official story you cannot dismiss the witnesses especially on 9/11. Barry Jennings was the main and most important witness for WTC-7 even though it was an obvious demolition. And Barry Jennings said as much in the interviews before he mysteriously died.

The Rescue crews and Fire Fighters were the best witnesses for the 2 Towers and they said it was explosives! Their interviews are also very telling of what really happened that day.

The Pentagon witnesses who walked out of the hole before the roof collapsed were the best and only credible witnesses for what happened to the Pentagon. They said there was no plane.

The Shanksville excuse was just Stupid. Aluminium planes cannot bury themselves. Not even in soft sand.

A lot of the stories and explanations for 9/11 by the US Government and FEMA seemed to aimed and the incredibly stupid, ignorant, juvenile and very gullible people.

Their explanations and so called evidence defy the laws of physics. And some explanations are just plain dumb! But it keeps the Liars, Propagandists and Shills going. And looking at the discussion this morning I'm thinking......What's the point?

These discussions go round and round where it stops nobody knows.

I believe the witnesses I referenced above. They were there! They KNOW what went down and how. I was not! All I can produce like everyone else here is someone else's opinions and research!

The New World Order, Illuminati, Zionist Filth, whatever you want to call them are making headway in the creation of their One World Government system and centralisation of power. And we are blabbing away about an obvious deceptive False Flag attack.

Time to get our priorities right and do something about THEM!!

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 08:37 AM
a reply to: Tedgoat

Every post you make, you rely on long debunked stories. "Employees walking out of the hole at the Pentagon"= April Gallop...long ago shown to be lying about her story. Firefighters hearing explosions at the WTC...which happens in EVERY large fire...there are a MILLION and ONE things in an office building that will explode during a fire and NONE of them are actual "explosives". And I have YET to talk to an actual member of the FDNY that was there that day who thinks there were bombs....most of them get pretty pissy when you start talking bombs actually. Shanksville...just shows how little you understand about aircraft accidents. There are PLENTY of them that show aircraft creating craters...all depends on speed and angle of impact.

You are right, it is senseless to discuss 9/11/01 with you, until you actually become informed and quit reading moronic conspiracy sites.

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 09:00 AM
To get this thread back on topic I will say this

The op claims are false as my stats show on page one

He uses Google trends to try and back his claim

The truth is that as more and more people have woken up there is less need to Google 911

When u learn that the government committed 911 u remember that fact and therefore u no longer need to Google it.

What the ops and my polls show is a large waking of people (56 million or so in 6 years) and as those people woke up they had no need to Google 911 anymore

And as there are a finite number of people as the number of people learn of the truth there are only so many people left to Google 911 to learn the truth

As one goes up the other goes down. It's that simple

The op claims are false and his own op proves it

That's oser thinking at its finest
edit on am1020143109America/ChicagoSat, 11 Oct 2014 09:03:25 -0500_10u by Another_Nut because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 10:23 AM
a reply to: cardinalfan0596

Wow! You use a lot of Mainstream Disinformation and outright Lies when you say these things!


edit on 11-10-2014 by Tedgoat because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 12:10 PM
a reply to: Tedgoat

And again, you rely on lies in your post. Subject unprotected steel to a fire long enough, it will soften. Put it under extreme in trying to support a severely damaged building, it will fail. Does not need jet fuel. The Madrid Windsor Tower, the McCormack Center...there are plenty of examples of steel failing due to fire alone.

Then the Pentagon. You fail to show the 90+ foot impact area. You use a misleading picture to back you up. Again, try getting informed.

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: cardinalfan0596

Lol. I'm sorry but you accuse me of lying? Come on!

Just like 7/7. A false flag through and through.

They have managed to fool the fools!

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 12:25 PM
a reply to: Tedgoat

Yep. You have been posting lies. That, is a fact.

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 02:11 PM
a reply to: NoRulesAllowed

I assume your "woken up" is an allegory for that you all-of-a-sudden started to understand and realize some things.

Close, but not quite how I meant it. I was being overly simplistic; thanks for the opportunity to clarify. I was using "woke up" as a metaphor (not an allegory) of the all-of-a-sudden moment when I started to question some things, as opposed to understanding or realizing anything. For me it was watching talking heads on the news networks report the flight path of AA77, circling around the Pentagon before hitting the mostly empty section where construction had just been completed, without commenting on it or inquiring further. I stopped assuming that the media was giving me a full and accurate account of events, or even that they have the intellectual curiosity and/or integrity to do so. And once I took that step through the rabbit hole, and started following evidence and using some critical thinking, that's when I started to understand and realize some things.

However, I have news for you:

You didn't realize nothing,

I don't disagree.

you are not smarter than before

Definitely not.

nor did you see a truth you didn't have before.

Also true. The only truth I see is the only one I can accept given the evidence -- that I don't know, and probably can't know, what the truth really is.

In fact, odds are that you now have MORE questions and uncertainties of what to believe than you had before.

Absolutely! I totally had less questions before I started questioning things. So much easier to be certain when you don't ask questions.

Your head didn't become more clear, it got more clouded.

Yes, in a sense that's true. Blindly accepting what you're told leads to a "clear head" in a way.

The exact opposite of understanding and seeing "the truth".

And this is where I completely disagree with you.

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 03:11 PM

originally posted by: Another_Nut
To get this thread back on topic I will say this

The op claims are false as my stats show on page one

He uses Google trends to try and back his claim

The truth is that as more and more people have woken up there is less need to Google 911

When u learn that the government committed 911 u remember that fact and therefore u no longer need to Google it.

What the ops and my polls show is a large waking of people (56 million or so in 6 years) and as those people woke up they had no need to Google 911 anymore

And as there are a finite number of people as the number of people learn of the truth there are only so many people left to Google 911 to learn the truth

As one goes up the other goes down. It's that simple

The op claims are false and his own op proves it

That's oser thinking at its finest

That is so true!

It would be like gauging Facebook's success by the number of new members, when eventually you start running out of people on the planet to add to their membership. When FB can't get any more than 7.1 billion members, does that mean they are no longer of any interest?

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 05:29 PM
Yes it is

But what do I know I'm just another_nut

I await any so bold as to refute my claim

A claim that totally and without a doubt debunks Sam's op

And with that, if there are no other questions about the op

I'm outta here

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 06:17 PM

originally posted by: Tedgoat

9/11 was planned ages ago. Any idiot can see that

I agree with this.

It indeed would take an idiot....

posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 08:06 AM
Yup! Whatever. Disinfo agents

posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 05:22 PM
Have you noticed how few people have chimed in on this thread?
In general have you noticed how much the thread count has dropped off in the 911 section?

posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 06:44 PM
a reply to: Tedgoat

And by showing a picture of the Windsor Tower, you fatally shoot your argument. SEVENTEEN steel framed floors of the Windsor Tower, failed and collapsed....from FIRE alone. No airliner jet fuel, just FIRE fed by items on those floors. If you read the investigative report, you will find that the engineers say that ONLY the massive concrete transfer slab at the 17th floor, kept the ENTIRE building from collapsing.

Then there is the ridiculous meme stating that there wasn't any 757 wreckage found at the Pentagon. ANOTHER massive fail on your part....
edit on 12-10-2014 by cardinalfan0596 because: Forgot to mention the Pentagon.

edit on 12-10-2014 by cardinalfan0596 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 07:14 PM
a reply to: samkent

have u noticed how much of this thread is off topic

and that i debunked your op

and that u still havent answered me directly

and that u still wont answer what fueled those "fuel fed fires"

and that people are tired of arguing circles

and the the osers cant even get their story straight so they can be debunked

and that each oser has his own reasons for the collapse

and that according to the osers it is impossible to compare anything to 9/11

and that noone will produce a model of collapse

and that you debunked your own op

and the list goes on.....

edit on pm1020143108America/ChicagoSun, 12 Oct 2014 20:35:55 -0500_10000000 by Another_Nut because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 07:57 PM
a reply to: Another_Nut

You didn't "debunk" the OP. You listed two cites that you somehow think that show the belief in a 9/11 Conspiracy. And after reading the questions on the "scientific" poll, I question whether or not it was Kevin Ryan, Richard Gage, or Alex Jones who wrote the questions. The thread, drifted, because people started spewing the same old truther ideas that have been debunked time and again over the last 13 years.

But, I know, Han Solo and Chewbacca fired the Falcon's turbolasers into WTC 1 and 2, clearing the way for Luke to take out WTC 7 with his torpedos from his X-wing.

posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 08:13 PM
a reply to: cardinalfan0596

Lol Chewbacca is ded

And so is your argument

" I don't like those questions" is yiur response, thats all u have?

Please if you don't like those numbers give some of yiur own

U wont find a poll where the number of people buying into the os drops

Funny stuff




Responses: 48% No Cover-up / 42% Cover-up / 10% Not sure

and lots more polls from that wiki page show just how wrong u are

"i deny reality(polls from various sources) and insert my own(all those polls were written by os deniers)" is what u seem to be doing

typical oser response
edit on pm1020143108America/ChicagoSun, 12 Oct 2014 20:42:28 -0500_10000000 by Another_Nut because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 12:51 AM
a reply to: cardinalfan0596

. SEVENTEEN steel framed floors of the Windsor Tower, failed and collapsed....from FIRE alone.

yet the building stood

and didnt collapse into a pile no higher than twenty feet

imagine that....

now u can repeat the "it was different because of (insert excuse here)" line as always when presented with precedence.

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 01:08 AM

originally posted by: samkent
Have you noticed how few people have chimed in on this thread?
In general have you noticed how much the thread count has dropped off in the 911 section?

that is because you OP is less believable than official story ....
edit on 13-10-2014 by hopenotfeariswhatweneed because: (no reason given)

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