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Stop All Flights Coming From AFRICA Now!!!!!

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posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 12:19 AM

originally posted by: hellobruce

originally posted by: Vrill
Especially if they keep a blind eye on these flights from Africa and continually let them land over here. If they will not stop the flights, then at the very least, we SHOULD be screening and quarantining all passengers that get off the plane from Africa once the plane lands on American soil. Test ALL passengers for Ebola. If none have it, hey, go on your merry way. If someone DOES have it, then every passenger needs to be IMMEDIATELY quarantined and monitored.

What is to stop someone flying from Africa to Europe, then catching a plane to the USA....

Do you then want everyone that lands in the USA screened?

I don't know when the last time you've traveled, but every country has passports which tells where they have been.

It's pretty simple with no screening involved, turn them back immediately.

posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 12:19 AM

originally posted by: hellobruce

originally posted by: Vrill
Especially if they keep a blind eye on these flights from Africa and continually let them land over here. If they will not stop the flights, then at the very least, we SHOULD be screening and quarantining all passengers that get off the plane from Africa once the plane lands on American soil. Test ALL passengers for Ebola. If none have it, hey, go on your merry way. If someone DOES have it, then every passenger needs to be IMMEDIATELY quarantined and monitored.

What is to stop someone flying from Africa to Europe, then catching a plane to the USA....

Do you then want everyone that lands in the USA screened?

Sure, why not? Especially on the heels of this foreign disease being here that does not belong here.

posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 12:22 AM

originally posted by: xstealth

originally posted by: hellobruce

originally posted by: Vrill
Especially if they keep a blind eye on these flights from Africa and continually let them land over here. If they will not stop the flights, then at the very least, we SHOULD be screening and quarantining all passengers that get off the plane from Africa once the plane lands on American soil. Test ALL passengers for Ebola. If none have it, hey, go on your merry way. If someone DOES have it, then every passenger needs to be IMMEDIATELY quarantined and monitored.

What is to stop someone flying from Africa to Europe, then catching a plane to the USA....

Do you then want everyone that lands in the USA screened?

I don't know when the last time you've traveled, but every country has passports which tells where they have been.

It's pretty simple with no screening involved, turn them back immediately.

Yep, exactly. I'd even take it a step further and prevent any landings from ALL foreign countries until further notice. Its time America started worrying about themselves, and not these other countries for a while.

posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 12:28 AM

originally posted by: xstealth
The White House said Wednesday it will not impose travel restrictions or introduce new airport screenings to prevent additional cases of Ebola from entering the United States.

Spokesman Josh Earnest said that current anti-Ebola measures, which include screenings in West African airports and observation of passengers in the United States, will be sufficient to prevent the “wide spread” of the virus.

The chances of a U.S. epidemic are “incredibly low,” he said.

This is the same white house who told us it was incredibly unlikely it would get here in the first place.

What an absolutely stupid leadership we are under.

This is just another black eye for Obama. They shouldn't be telling us things that they cannot back up with 100% certainty. It makes them look like fools in the end.

I have a hard time believing ANYTHING that comes out of the White House these days.

Hell, I'd rather have Dubya or Clinton back in office and that says a lot coming from me. Obama is too busy worrying about his next golfing retreat or his Chicago Bulls to be bothered with anything "serious". He'll sit back and watch the walls fall down here in America before he does anything practical.
edit on 2-10-2014 by Vrill because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 12:41 AM
What do some of you think will end up happening in the end? Regarding this Ebola thing? Is it here to stay now? (like some believe?)

Think we'll do anything to help prevent more cases of it from coming over here???

posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 12:44 AM

originally posted by: Vrill
THE BIG QUESTION IS THIS: Why are we (America) continuously allowing plane flights to come in from Monrovia, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea where Ebola is running rampant? This current Ebola situation in America should be raising some red flags and we need to stop ALL flights coming here from these places where Ebola is present.

Talk about playing Russian Roulette.

IF NOTHING ELSE, you would THINK we would be quarantining and screening any flights from these areas to be sure and SAFE.

Are they TRYING to infect us?


The latest Conspiracy Theory about this whole thing will be how Ebola is the new Bio-Weapon to depopulate America. With how things are going these days, that would not shock me.

I was thinking this when they first announced the ebola outbreak, but you have to realise this is a planned outbreak controlled by the powers that sleaze,
the only way of stopping these flights is to attack the owners of the planes what a sad world we live in that we have to attack super rich people in order to protect each others lives,

If an outbreak does occur near you (which it is going to) then the law of cellular biology is a virus cannot replicate in an oxygenated environment.

and the earth is not overpopulated in reply to pheonix358 its just that they will not release the free energy devices

posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 12:48 AM
a reply to: jinni73

Interesting thoughts there. I guess if we hear about another plane in the coming days from those areas "vanishing into thin air while mid flight", then we'll know that there is an underground rogue network out there taking matters into their own hands.

edit on 2-10-2014 by Vrill because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 01:02 AM
a reply to: Vrill
There are networks that have some absolutely amazing kit even the militaries won't fly over there airspace. not sure how much they get involved in our affairs though

posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 01:20 AM
a reply to: bobs_uruncle

Just a click off post Dave I think Obama's retirement hooch
is on Maui. A few campaign supporters gifted him-- that
must have hurt somewhere, the spread's quite nice.

For the thread's sake it's too deep in the footprints of
Outbreak for a loose lab animal. This thing looks
like it's toting either an incubation period like Rosemary's
Baby-- or sprung by a lot of mules at one time. I personally
side toward malice because these guys don't spend a lot of
money making toys and not use them. Couldn't help it....

I just hope it isn't some jazzed up Zaire, because it'd be
the worst of both worlds... and require nothing more than
to sit back and watch us all squirt from every available hole.
They said 2 to 21 days for incubation-- that tells me it's
really dependent on the susceptibility of the host, but it's
persistent like Khrushchev's wingtip. I expect if the hockey
stick on this graph is per other predictions (exponential)
we're looking at an R=2 God help us at an average 4 days.

Ain't this some cozy cocktail? Brand new Toyotas with
jihadists, economy like Rocky in the 14th, virtually plastic
food and radiation like Fontana at low tide, and now this.
I'm expecting some shaky clone from THX1138 to drop a pill
and take out the whole wing next door any second. Smooc

posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 01:22 AM

originally posted by: jinni73
a reply to: Vrill
There are networks that have some absolutely amazing kit even the militaries won't fly over there airspace. not sure how much they get involved in our affairs though

Not "our" affairs, it would be everyone's affair if America gets mass infected with Ebola. Canada and Britain would be two countries that would suffer as well.

posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 01:37 AM
Because stopping the flights would be great economical disaster. And Ebola has poor mechanism for spreading, you don't get it so easily from infected person. Its deadly disease, but in current form it cannot turn out pandemic. It isn't airborne, as its very fragile, but can spread with bodily fluids. But it isn't highly contagious, even when its aggressive.

posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 01:39 AM

originally posted by: xstealth
The White House said Wednesday it will not impose travel restrictions or introduce new airport screenings to prevent additional cases of Ebola from entering the United States.

Spokesman Josh Earnest said that current anti-Ebola measures, which include screenings in West African airports and observation of passengers in the United States, will be sufficient to prevent the “wide spread” of the virus.

The chances of a U.S. epidemic are “incredibly low,” he said.

This is the same white house who told us it was incredibly unlikely it would get here in the first place.

What an absolutely stupid leadership we are under.

From Manhunter / Red Dragon:
Will (Peterson, I like the first one--): "We gave him two cc's of
Sodium Amatyl. He gave us the recipe for potato chip dip.
He's a psychopath-- we didn't know what else to call him."

I believe by now a good alternative would be 'totally evil'.
That'll work fine for me, Special Agent profiler guy....

posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 01:43 AM
Did not real all 3 pages, so I hope this has not been posted.
Is my understanding that major airlines did stop flying the these African cities. The thing is the person stopped in Belgium and made a connection.

Now being this true. The whole world is at risk now.

posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 01:44 AM

originally posted by: Vrill
Yep, exactly. I'd even take it a step further and prevent any landings from ALL foreign countries until further notice. Its time America started worrying about themselves, and not these other countries for a while.

Our modern global economy pretty much prevents the USA from doing this, we just don't make everything we need here.

posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 01:44 AM

originally posted by: Thebel
Because stopping the flights would be great economical disaster. And Ebola has poor mechanism for spreading, you don't get it so easily from infected person. Its deadly disease, but in current form it cannot turn out pandemic. It isn't airborne, as its very fragile, but can spread with bodily fluids. But it isn't highly contagious, even when its aggressive.

You and some others are going by what Ebola used to be during its original outbreak in the 1970s. Its a very antiquated way of thinking about Ebola. Viruses and diseases tend to mutate over time and gain other properties and ways of contracting them.

So for me personally, I take the original thought process of how Ebola used to be with a grain of salt until we know for sure.

Besides, we have no clue how Ebola will manifest in different regions of the world. It *could* act differently being in a whole different environment/setting.
edit on 2-10-2014 by Vrill because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 01:59 AM

originally posted by: Elton

originally posted by: Vrill
Yep, exactly. I'd even take it a step further and prevent any landings from ALL foreign countries until further notice. Its time America started worrying about themselves, and not these other countries for a while.

Our modern global economy pretty much prevents the USA from doing this, we just don't make everything we need here.

Sad, but true. At the very least, we could/SHOULD start doing some extreme screening and quarantining.

posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 02:14 AM
a reply to: Elton
Not only that, tourism is a large part of our economy. And, how outraged would Americans themselves be if blocked from reentering?

posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 02:24 AM
Intense screening seems to be the best option.
Not sure how we will deal with an epidemic.

posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 02:39 AM
It's not easy to get infected with Ebola in it's current infectious state. Stop getting baited by media fearmongering. The reason it's running rampant in the Africa's has more to do with poor public health and a lack of education regarding the illness than it does the illness itself. I mean, there are dumbf***s over there who raid and ransack Ebola clinics, pillaging bedsheets, pillows, and mattresses used to nurse sick patients. They think that Ebola is a hoax, so they behave recklessly like idiots and get Ebola.

We have literally nothing to worry about here in the states. As long as people maintain decent hygiene and don't smother themselves in bio-hazard medical waste, they'll be fine.

posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 02:43 AM
Not everything is about America.

Ebola has been observed in various forms for decades. It hasn't been engineered and left to smoulder in Africa for 4/5 years with the ultimate intention of depopulating the United States.

Bloody hell.

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