My iPad was totally out of commission for a few days there (thank you 8.1) and my main photo/graphic apps were tied up for a few weeks before they
were fully functional with iOS 8 in general. Just got that all back yesterday. So now I am again ready to play. Also, got some new Adobe apps that I
am sure I could utilize for these. Maybe a personalized hand drawn one? We shall see!
This is my last and final entry! Official Entry #3.
What I have done is a two part entry, both a background with an avatar. The Theme is Samhain, the Celtic New Year and the origins of Halloween.
Here is the background:
And here is the avatar:
To see them both together look to your left!
This is my first successful animated gif. I had tried many times to do one, and until now have been unsuccessful.. so I am doubly proud of this entry,
just because its something that I had not been able to do in the past... even though I tried.
I was first going to use this one:
but found out it was too large, (thank you again Zarniwoop!) so I decreased the file size
and cut some out of it...
I also thought some nice music would be appreciated for the theme here (I actually made the first animation to this music!... lol) :
Close the door, keep out the storm,
Far away, far away,
Keep the need-fires burning til dawn,
Oh, leave my soul.
For the cold will come this night,
From far away, far away,
Frost will fall, and ice will bite,
Oh leave my soul.
Bridge 1:
Oh leave my soul,
Please pass me by when the evening falls,
Oh blessed are we,
The Taker of Souls we shall see.
On Samhain Eve.
I can hear the Hunter's hounds
Far away, far away,
I will cast the Circle round,
Oh leave my soul.
Raven-witch I feel your breath,
Far away, far away,
Bringing with you Summer's death,
Oh leave my soul.
Sunrise, the tolling bell,
Far away, far away,
Breaks the Raven-witches spell,
Oh blessed are we.
The leaves of the Oaken King,
Fade away, fade away,
Feed the seeds that will come in Spring
Oh blessed are we.
Bridge 2:
Oh blessed are we,
Summer will come with the May on the tree,
Oh hail to the Queen,,
And under the Sun we shall sing,
To call in the Spring.
edit on 25-10-2014 by OpinionatedB because: Happy Halloween / Samhain To Everyone!!!!!!!!
Without the flashie stuff that avatar is gorgeous and I wish I had my good screen going now so I could see it better.Very good!
With the added part it rocks better in the smaller format.
edit on 25-10-2014 by bluemooone2 because: (no reason given)
originally posted by: DontTreadOnMe
Time is running out....last week to enter the contest
So, if you've been waiting to the last minute.....that time has arrived!!!!!!
Well maybe a little summery for all the folks who are new here and those that have lost track through out these 15 pages!!
Allow me to present the 102 avatars created so far…
Not all of those, of course, are Official Entries so in no particular order, here are the Official Entries per user..
(If you haven’t yet voted for your favourite design, you can simply click on the link below each avatar and it will take you to the original post
which you will have to “star” to vote!)
Well….that´s it for the Official Entries and that only leaves us with two entries of which I have no idea if they are official entries or
not... Wouldn´t want to keep them from you guys so please click the link and give a star to the avatar you like…