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Minimum Wage Should be £19 per hour in the UK.

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posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 05:13 AM
According to author Professor Danny Dorling currently being intervieded on RT were the minimum wage to keep up with the 1% of those who hold the wealth in the UK's own rises in income, the minimum wage should be now at £19. per hour.

Don't the elite of the UK do well. They are taking and taking from the economy and squeezing the middle and lower classes into the ground. Currently the conservative government is made up of the elite and those who are there because of the elite putting them in place to look purely after their financial interests.

When I heard his statistics I was amazed. The minimum wage set at £19 per hour? Even skilled people and many degree earners don't get £19 per hour wages/salaries.

The Professor hopes that the people in the bracket just below the 1% will start to object strongly to the ever widening gap between their earnings and the elite's and will start a quiet revolution in the UK. Apparently the gap between the elite 1% and the next group down has widened so much that this group are finding it difficult to meet school fees and no end of other expenses that once were merely a portion of their monthly salary and well within their capability to pay. Today, this is not so easy or impossible and unless things change the gap between the 1% milkers and the rest of us will purely get bigger and bigger.

One example of where he makes his point is that the elite, who have been benefitting and probably controlling the markets have benefitted from the property busts and have been buying property at rock bottom prices especially after repossessions and controlling rents, which they have put up to sky-high levels which cripple renters and prevent them from every saving up a deposit for their own homes - should they wish to buy; thereby keeping their renters stuck with them. I dare say many can think of a number of other artificially high costs us ordinary people have to pay just to keep the elite where they are incomewise.

The Prof seems to think there will be problems and hopefully he is right, but the stranglehold on our economics and those seats in parliament that make the laws that keep the people powerless and elite buts in power seats will be hard to shift - but £19 per hour is certainly something that shook be a very good inventive. I doubt somehow the Prof will get his face on the main stream media though.

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 05:17 AM
$30.78 per hour? so that would make a loaf of bread $11.00 ? really? how much would gas go up? be back to square one inside a month!

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 05:41 AM

originally posted by: pikestaff
$30.78 per hour? so that would make a loaf of bread $11.00 ? really? how much would gas go up? be back to square one inside a month!

Raising minimum wage without address ing globalization and the ill conceived free market agreement as well as not addressing the proble with immigration would just drive up inflation and you'd be correct. All 3 have to be fixed to bring wages up otherwise you are still competing with foreign slave labor and the businesses would just go under.
edit on 1-10-2014 by camain because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 05:45 AM
a reply to: pikestaff

Its because we are paying such expensive costs already that we are so poor, the elite have already fixed these prices and are earning from them - just an example of one of the many areas they board sit or finance.

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 05:46 AM
Interesting RT should be saying the minimum wage in the UK should be £19, when Russia doesn't have a minimum wage at all.

Other than a vague recommendation that it should be around £3.11 per hour.

This 'professor' has apparently never heard the word 'oligarchs' either.

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 05:52 AM

originally posted by: pikestaff
$30.78 per hour? so that would make a loaf of bread $11.00 ? really? how much would gas go up? be back to square one inside a month!


Clearly this socialistic nonsense is aimed at people who have zero understanding of economics, the current minimum wage is set right against inflation.


posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 05:54 AM
a reply to: camain

Germany is apparently thinking of putting up borders to stop immigration. We all know we have or are reaching total saturation of people flooding in; recently a posh hotel in Bournemouth has been made into an asylum centre, so no doubt UKIP will get in here and these people probably not from the EU will be allowed to wander about as they please without us knowing anything about their previous lives and possible crimes.

This is focused more on how much of the british economy pie one group is taking out, regardless of extraneous circumstances - this is now with today's costs taken into account. Its about how much should a handful of elite be able to access as their own from a country's budget. If you look at the media market, we pay far more in Britain than in the USA for goods - someone is fleecing us.

A simple example of this is the terrific costs of legal work - it has expanded into the everyday world for things ordinary people need, but to challenge unfair laws is purely the prerogative of the rich - the ordinary folk couldn 't even contemplate mounting any form of legal challenge without risking everything they owned when it comes to the establishment.

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 05:57 AM
a reply to: Painterz

I suspect this Brit is on RT because the main media wouldn't allow him to put his brittish ideas into our heads. He certainly knows what he is talking about and if you get the chance to see him on RT, as I expect they will repeat his interview with Raz, its well worth watching - as he will do considerably better at explaining this than I can do.

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 06:32 AM
Thats just stupid.

end of story.

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 06:55 AM
a reply to: Biigs

I don't doubt the small % of elite in this country would very much like it, that this story didn't get any attention and ended. However it demonstrates the huge difference that has happened over the past years between the top wealthy in this country and the wealth of the rest of the people. This is about wealth redistribution and the unfairness of the current distribution of wealth.

What it shows is that the elite have been making money hand over fist and not not only passing even a modicum of a fair share of their company's earnings onto the staff who earned it in the first place for them but have clearly been taking advantage of every tax break they can gbet through parliament and the use of the odd tax haven left for their explicit use - hence the huge difference b etween in come forf the elite and even the next step down from the elite and then onto the rest of us who are being slowly and steadily driven into the ground.

Listen to parlaiment, Osborne wants yet more cuts to our services and our NHS, which has to keep up with ther ever incfreasing numbers of people in this country is strapped for cash - the wealth though earned by this country, is locked away in a few hands. If yhou are OK with that - fair enough =- but I am not and I suspect a lot of others have not realised whefre the minimum wage should be set in comparison to the rises in wealth engineered by the elite.

The majority of people in Britain know nothing about this huge difference in incomes and the Professor clearly thinks we should be made aware of it - I agreed with him because our economy has geared a vast chasm between the elite and us lot with the weakestand most vulnerable in our society scratching a living - which I find morally wrong.

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 07:13 AM
wealthy companys can simply move country's if the workforce gets too expensive, look at call centers.

you need to keep some balance between earnings and tax and VAT.

We hate paying tax and so do companys, but they can avade it atm, that needs to be fixed, the min pay unfortunately will break us as a country.

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 08:13 AM
You gotta be kidding me right if you wana get a well paid job you gota work for it, I've had to and so has many others, if you want a low skill job expect a low wage if you want a high paid job study for it or get a the papers you need to do it

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 08:49 AM
Or higher. I don't believe in differences and maybe that would drop the whole money thing so abundance would prosper. Not patents or money.

I never have. Came into the world knowing this and was amazed as a preschooler at the tv news and the horrors and insanity of this world. The evil.

And if the wage thing goes up, would like to see what Norway does, PRICE CONTROL of housing, rentals and morgages, home ownership for all, whether you work or raise young children OR are handicapped in any way shape or form. NO SLAVES. Everything adjusted to family size as well. Rental/morgage WITH UTILITIES, should be only 1/3 of take home. And energy and food items. Only organic and non gmo allowed Period! And good prices.

Farmers subsidized because they feed ya! And otherwise you pay really big. I know, grew up on a farm. All the ins and outs of the prices they got, what the stores sold with their huge 800% markups. While dads farmer's market was farm to you (seasonally, for he was open year round) at 100% markups.

I am so fed up with this world and that no one stops the BS. Its their own children and grandchildren they are betraying and selling out and destroying.
edit on 1-10-2014 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 08:54 AM
a reply to: Shiloh7

It's an interesting theory but unfortunately it would only have relevance in the real world if we all worked for the "elites". For example, how could a small business afford to pay anyone £19 per hour? In short, they couldn't (without going bankrupt).


I do disagree with you about the majority in this country not knowing about the disparity in wages. Everyone i know is aware of it and i am 100% certain that i am not unique or special! ( i have a certificate to prove it and everything!
edit on 1-10-2014 by Flavian because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 08:56 AM
Oh and as for the programs you guys buy into, right versus left. Anything decent is communism, anything pure evil slavery is freedom. For whom? The majority?

In reality, monetary equality and good programs is just budgeting and managing. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH FREEDOMS. Just the freedom to exploit and harm others. Freedom means living where you wish, working at things you want to, speaking up and getting involved, using your gifts and developing them and spending lots of time with your family and friends. With modern technology alot of jobs can be shared now. No need for long workhours or brutal slave labor. And with the clean technology, no need to rape earth.

Freedom means creating and growing and being the councils of citizens that can organize and solve problems that don't step on other people's rights.


They're not the same thing at all.

Unless Economics is Equality there is no freedom and never can be.

I would have no difference between the handicapped, the elderly, those working part time (and it would all be part time) or those taking a decade or more out with their young kids.

This is how the cosmos lives, except for hellzones.
edit on 1-10-2014 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 09:00 AM
Flat minimum wages are flawed in that they squeeze out small businesses that cannot afford to pay those wages and stay competitive. What should REALLY be implemented is a variable minimum wage that is calculated based on a percentage of the top earners' incomes in the business/company.

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 09:03 AM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
Flat minimum wages are flawed in that they squeeze out small businesses that cannot afford to pay those wages and stay competitive. What should REALLY be implemented is a variable minimum wage that is calculated based on a percentage of the top earners' incomes in the business/company.

This wont work, essentially people need a certain amount to live, the minimum wage exists because living and paying taxes, getting from a to b and such costs so much - if you dip below the min people cant live and if they cant live they become homeless or die.

Dead homeless people cant work so no tax, hence the min wage. Its a way currently to claw back somthing from the tax avoiding huge mega corps that live in our country's like tecso, walmart etc

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 09:07 AM
a reply to: Shiloh7

You comment on the high prices for things in one breath, but then say the minimum wage should be £19 an hour which for an average 37.5 hour week this is equal to £37k a year! What do you think would happen to those prices then? And what of the business's that supply those jobs?

Stupid idea.

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 09:08 AM
a reply to: Biigs

Sure it would work. It would give good wages to people working for corporations that can afford to pay people better while at the same time allow small businesses to stay afloat by not pricing labor out of their reach. If you keep a flat minimum wage and just keep raising it, you'll destroy small business while at the same time reducing everyone's buying power. It's basic economics man.

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 09:24 AM
I think many may be missing the point; since the minimum wage was introduced in the UK the gap between the richest in our society and the poorest is increasing at an alarming rate.
If minimum wage had increased at the same level as the highest earners then it should now be at £19 an hour.

I dare say if someone bothered to research the correlation between average UK earnings and the highest earners over the same timescale it would reveal a similar disparity.

All at a time of 'austerity' and 'we're all in it together'

Obviously not.

The simple fact is the have's are getting even more whilst the have not's have got even less.
This country is steadily going back to some sort of Victorianesque society along with all the injustices that go with it.

The implications of the minimum wage being set at £19 an hour are a different argument altogether.

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