posted on Mar, 6 2006 @ 12:52 PM
Sorry I have not taken the time to read your entire thread as I should be asleep myself. I, unfortunately have to work nights as I am a sleep
technician, or polysomnographer.
The fact that this happens in certain positions, you stop breathing and that it happens around 0600 tells me that this is most likely sleep apnea
related. Your deepest REM stage usually happens in the 0500-0600 time frame, you are choking, and waking rapidly from REM sleep, this is causing you
to have these experiences, I will bet on it. You should ignore this New Age OBE stuff, go to your physician, tell him you suspect that you have Sleep
paralysis/sleep apnea, and you would like to have a sleep study done. Once they do this they can tell you exactly what is happening to you. The reason
that I say to ignore the OBE stuff is that you can hallucinate if your brain is in some stages of sleep, yet it will seem very real to you. I have too
often seen people think some weird thing is happening to them, or be in denial over what is really happening, when in reality it is simply your half
asleep mind playing tricks on you and is easily fixed.
I will try and read the rest of the thread later on tonight when I am at work…