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question on using serarch functons

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posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 08:15 PM
The other day I came accross a thread that covered reality TV shows and I will be darned using the forum search feature I have been unable to relocate it. Can anyone give me some hints. I used the single words for first one or two then the cobined prhases for the last two such as apprentice and fear factor. Both current series and I asked to seach all forums not a select few, yet come up empty.

In other words I cud use sum help pwease, pweety, pwease. Just Joking spelling was intentional to throw some fun into this request.


posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 08:32 PM
Is this the thread you were looking for? I didn't search for it; it was on the first page of the BTS Television forum index.

The easy way to search is to use the Google site search, just click the radio button for 'search BTS.' Here are my saved results from one of those: Google Search BTS for "Fear Factor"

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 11:17 AM
Edit, sorry hit send by accident

Mod please remove thank you.

[edit on 12/8/2004 by shots]

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 11:19 AM
Yes the first one is actually what I had been looking for thanks for your effort. I see what I did wrong now I was not using the qoutes.

I still have a learning process to use this forum excuse my ignorance

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 11:31 AM
Here's a hint on using the ATS Boolean search:

If you're looking for something on ATS, DON'T USE IT!

Every single time that I have used it to find a thread I already know to exist on ATS, the results never include the thread I'm looking for.

However, if you search google with your keywords and include 'abovetopsecret' as an additional keyword, you will most assuredly find what you're looking for. It works every time.

This also produces the well deserved click-thrus that subsequently push ATS higher on the googlesearch ranking!

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by DeltaChaos
Here's a hint on using the ATS Boolean search:

If you're looking for something on ATS, DON'T USE IT!

Every single time that I have used it to find a thread I already know to exist on ATS, the results never include the thread I'm looking for.

However, if you search google with your keywords and include 'abovetopsecret' as an additional keyword, you will most assuredly find what you're looking for. It works every time.

This also produces the well deserved click-thrus that subsequently push ATS higher on the googlesearch ranking!

Thanks delta that makes sense. Are the google bots updated real often? Lets say daily or hourly. If one forgets to subscribe or favorite the article if google takes days it might take you days to find something you only posted
last night or yesterday.

Darn now if I can just figure out why I keep getting this stupid message trying to reply to the thread I was looking for

You are unable to post a new topic or reply to current posts, as your posting privledges have been removed.

Strrange I can post here but not in the other thread.

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