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9/11 TRUTH GOES NUCLEAR: Massive Download In Progress . . . It’s Time to Wake Up!

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posted on Sep, 30 2014 @ 02:06 PM
As with chemtrailing people refuse to admit what their eyes see. For years people on this forum have mostly been vehemently denying the fact of chemtrails and using their considerable skill at bullsht have attempted to cover this up. So goes 911 you watch 3 buildings drop straight down in a near perfect straight line, which we have only ever seen when demolitionists take down a building and you insist there is no evidence of conspiracy.? There are none so blind as those who will not see.

posted on Sep, 30 2014 @ 03:14 PM
Wow! I see we have had quite a good debate while I went out to run some errands.

As for my personal opinion, I think there is definitely something fishy about 9-11.

I read another thread here (don't remember the title) that said there were documents in the towers that could incriminate a lot of high-up people, and they had to be destroyed, along with anyone who may have seen them.
That was just one of the reasons, there were many more.

I must admit, I have not read the entire article in the OP yet. I found it when I was about to go to bed and read enough to think it was worth posting to allow others to see it.
I'll go finish the article later; I still have to run out on more errands shortly.

Thank you to all who have posted your opinion.

posted on Sep, 30 2014 @ 03:26 PM
a reply to: TheProphetMark

Well that's trippy

posted on Sep, 30 2014 @ 03:38 PM

originally posted by: the owlbear

originally posted by: TheProphetMark

The Illuminati sure watch a lot of cartoons according to ats members.
They are into rap, too. And obscure card games with their name on them.

These things may become manifest as a result of collective societal consciousness. It's difficult for some to imagine that part of their consciousness in inextricably intertwined with the consciousness of all those around them, and that these types of things you mention could be subconsciously brought forth by someone who doesn't have explicit knowledge of the machinations behind them.

Is such a thing even possible?

Yes, it is. ;D

posted on Sep, 30 2014 @ 04:05 PM
What would people do if tomorrow it said on television /radio ,yes people inside the government and private industry planned and carried out 9-11

Not a thing ,bitch for a couple of days saying told you so and carry on as normal same with.The Boston Bombing , Sandy Hook , Aurora Cinema ,MH 370 etc etc etc

The bad people have guns and lots of them
and with a little press on a computer key they can make you;r life hell or make you vanish / die suddenly
edit on 30/9/2014 by douglas5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2014 @ 05:14 PM
a reply to: sled735

This feels more like a dump of disinfo imo. Long on claims, short on evidence.
Which is crazy, because there's a #ton of hard evidence pointing to 911 being a false flag event that some particular groups within said governments were either working to achieve directly or indirectly through substantive help to the perpetrators.

posted on Sep, 30 2014 @ 05:38 PM
a reply to: sled735

Snowden is being handled my the Russians. I don't think we can trust anything he says while Russia battles it out with the West.

posted on Sep, 30 2014 @ 07:35 PM

originally posted by: tmeister182
As with chemtrailing people refuse to admit what their eyes see.

The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

Now you've gone and done it...

Chemtrails and 911, yeah, they do have at least one thing in common.
99.9% of all real aviation professionals think they're both BS conspiracy theories. Out of that, 100% of all real aviation professionals think that the remaining 0.1% of the ones who do believe this stuff are either bat# crazy, stupid, or trying to make money off the topic.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on Sep, 30 2014 @ 08:57 PM
a reply to: defcon5

Ya right, I guess it IS stupid to challenge authority and lose their jobs, and maybe lives.

Fact is, some of us actually do not care what the majority has been fooled, brainwashed, and pressured into believing.

If you want to believe the complete and sheer insanity that you do, go ahead, but do not insult us for knowing and seeing through the sick lies that you have been forced to swallow.

I am ashamed such people even exist.

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 12:03 AM
a reply to: seasoul

I have been on the inside job team fore a While. But That movie is a good one to start wake other People up. Who still lives in the fairy tale of 19 highjackers and 4 plane / the OS.

One new thing. Did ( or have foregot ) was about Who made the Nano Tech.

Also allways When a crime have been done FOLLOW THE MONEY.. And u find whos behind a crime

I hate that we never get anything done other then get mad at People Who believe etc. That no planes.

I am not 100% sure on the no-plane. but search fore a movie. 9/11 the Key.

The Key i believe is also a smoking gun. Video link coming soon ( i am on iPad so i ADD it soon )

I have heard after 9/11 in NYC ( not in. Person ) that FBI or some other did take all the video from People on the Ground. So maybe.

One thing i believe fore 100% we are not Being told the truth. And that is sickness me

Btw. Thanks fore posting that video. Love to be reminded that we live in a Sick World. Where no one Want to know the truth or where no one Wants to Be told that they are not Being told the truth...

Also not only a thing about 9/11 but our future. After ebolia...

A PC. game Called Deus Ex ( was made before 9/11) and in the game WTC was destroy.. Is very close to how the future have been played Out!! With a virus too Kill the pore and a cure only fore the elite...

deus Ex

After seeing this video i missed alot. Before 2000. They put in this game: FEMA CAMPS ?? Wow

Wiki on deus EX made before 2000

edit on 1-10-2014 by kadara_dk because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-10-2014 by kadara_dk because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-10-2014 by kadara_dk because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-10-2014 by kadara_dk because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 01:43 AM
a reply to: sled735 In listening to the interview with Duff, I was startled by how interesting it became after about a half hour into it. He did another follow up interview on 9/24 with Stew Webb, and disclosed even more information. I would never have thought 9/11 was planned and executed by the groups and individuals implicated. Duff could not say actual names aloud because the players are involved in litigation; but he used obvious other means to clue in the listener to identities. Duff is on the level, a straight shooter, and the VT group is doing pretty much cutting edge news and analysis at this time. There are no sponsors or advertisers there, which means they are wholly free to print the truth as they see it.

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 01:47 AM
a reply to: Battlefresh

Actually, Duff has published all the evidence that proves the towers were brought down by nukes and has also published, in depth, the physics behind it. Just go to Veterans Today and click on his name to read all the evidence -- it is massive, extensive, and he really wants to hit home the truth. He has also done a ton of radio interviews in which he outlines the proof. He has published as much of the actual source documents as he can without actually publishing the complete plans for how to make these kinds of weapons, for obvious reasons.

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 01:55 AM

originally posted by: SkuzzleButt
i am more interested in those picture posted in the article. ( the ones showing the craters)

they are described as;

"Huge caverns of “melted granite” were found below the foundations of the Twin Towers"

"Smoothed granite from thermo-nuclear detonation in the WTC foundation"

but the second pic down, i can't make out what this is?

Why to people like YOU not think about the claim made, a nuclear blast REALLY how did the steel near the bottom of the building NOT vaporize

If that were the result of a nuclear bomb you should end up with a nice shaped crater after all he USA did enough underground tests in the Nevada desert.

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 01:56 AM
a reply to: sled735
Also, one more personal observation about the Duff interview: he said he wanted to get this information out now, and quickly. He didn't say "before it's too late," but there was something in his tone that led me to believe that he wanted as many people as possible to know who was behind 9/11 before another false flag event is set in motion.

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 02:15 AM

originally posted by: TheProphetMark
a reply to: defcon5

I agree with you on the fact that not everything is a conspiracy, but this one is just so bluntly obvious not to be taken seriously.

Shortly after it shows you the poster, a cop car rolls up. Now what does a cop car represent? 911 = 9/11.

Not to mention, the cartoon character argues that the movie they've just seen was "rich in symbolism"

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 02:45 AM
9/11 was a False Flag event. There is no question of that. All the evidence I have seen so far corroborates a False Flag.

But Nuclear? Isn't that going a bit too far? That's a bit like the Plasma Weapon theory. Wouldn't these ridiculous theories derail the actual cause of the collapses of WTC 1, 2 and 7? As in the simple yes very plausible Nano Thermite explanation since Nano Thermite was actually found in the rubble and in shops and properties adjacent to where the buildings were?!

And as far as who did 9/11? Follow the money! Who benefited from it? Certainly not the Iraqi's who were blamed for it by hiding the CIA creation Al-Qaeda. Which of course they weren't.

Yes Saudi Arabia were involved in it. The US Government of course and it's rogue agencies. Oh and of course Israel's Terrorist Agency MOSSAD.

And before "hellobruce" goes bananas about me accusing Israel and Mossad I'd just like to point out that Mossad are a mixed cultural bunch. This is not an Anti-Jew statement so don't get your knickers in a twist.

By the way. What I have said is my view on this matter based on documents, books, videos that I have seen and read. Oh and the BBC's reporting screw ups kinda help too.

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 03:01 AM
Ok, this has to be the worst theory involving the attack on 11/9/01.

You need a minimum yield on an atomic explosion to achieve critical mass, 10-20 ton is as low as they can get it right?

Are the loons who came up with this nuke theory honestly trying to tell us no-one noticed an explosion of that size on that day?

To the hoax bin, or 404, anything, this is just stupid.

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 03:14 AM

originally posted by: Hilux1996
All the evidence I have seen so far corroborates a False Flag.

Funny how you make those silly claims, but have zero evidence to back it up!

But Nuclear? Isn't that going a bit too far? That's a bit like the Plasma Weapon theory. Wouldn't these ridiculous theories

All truther theories are ridiculous!

Nano Thermite explanation since Nano Thermite was actually found in the rubble and in shops and properties adjacent to where the buildings were?!

Another silly truther theory, there is zero evidence for mythical nano thermite being used.

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 04:00 AM


posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 04:05 AM
a reply to: hellobruce

Funny how you make those silly claims, but have zero evidence to back it up!

Just like the official story!!

All truther theories are ridiculous!

Obviously just your opinion. But not all.

Another silly truther theory, there is zero evidence for mythical nano thermite being used.

Actually what you have just said is silly. There's lot's of evidence to back up that Nano Thermite was used to demolish the towers. It's just not in the Mainstream Media who are funded and controlled by the Zionists.

With Mossad involved in 9/11 it's a sure bet they will be controlling what the Media can and cannot say.

Remember the motto of Mossad. "By Way Of Deception Thou Shalt Do War". They have deceived a lot of people to start their resource wars in the Middle East and Africa.

Unfortunately their resource wars have killed many innocent people.

Goodbye Bruce

edit on 1-10-2014 by Hilux1996 because: (no reason given)

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