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Israel's Netanyahu: Iran poses greater threat than Islamic State

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posted on Sep, 30 2014 @ 02:50 AM
I think every country around netanyaho should have WDMs for their safety, palestinians should be the first ones to get em, since they are been attacked by israel for long period of time and they are not save from them until they can defend them selfs properly, iran should make these pretty bombs fast and furious and give israel a warning, calm the fuk down and stop pulling yo dog in every dam fight over ME.

posted on Sep, 30 2014 @ 03:22 AM
a reply to: smithjustinb

‘It’s unannounced. It’s no secret. Israel is heavily involved. It’s been so all along. It wants Assad ousted.

It bombs Syrian targets at its discretion. It supplies weapons to Islamic State terrorists and other extremist Takfiri fighters.

It treats their wounded in Israeli hospitals. It supplies other support overtly and covertly.

On Tuesday, Israel confirmed it shot down a Syrian Sukhoi 24 fighter jet aircraft. It used a surface-to-air missile against it.’

Israel Part Of US Anti-Syria Coalition

Israel and Netanyahell are up to their necks in Terrorist activities and looking after their ISIS Terrorist buddies.

I don't know what I am talking about? Pot calling Kettle Black mate!

You can go on defending that madman or you can open your eyes and see their Terrorist activities to take over Syria for their "Greater Israel" project!

All Hail to ISIS - Israeli Secret Intelligence Service......

posted on Sep, 30 2014 @ 03:55 AM

originally posted by: Hilux1996
a reply to: smithjustinb

‘It’s unannounced. It’s no secret. Israel is heavily involved. It’s been so all along. It wants Assad ousted.

It bombs Syrian targets at its discretion. It supplies weapons to Islamic State terrorists and other extremist Takfiri fighters.

It treats their wounded in Israeli hospitals. It supplies other support overtly and covertly.

Syrian rebels aren't ISIS. They are two different groups fighting 2 different fights. While the Syrian rebels may receive help from ISIS and some Syrian rebels have joined ISIS, they are still not the same group. ISIS is a group with one mission statement. Syrian rebels are a group with another mission statement.

On Tuesday, Israel confirmed it shot down a Syrian Sukhoi 24 fighter jet aircraft. It used a surface-to-air missile against it.’

You can go on defending that madman or you can open your eyes and see their Terrorist activities to take over Syria for their "Greater Israel" project!

GOOD! The overthrow of Assad is a good thing for US national security interests. The success of Israel is also a good thing for US national security interests. All that crap you and your friends are spouting is not at all. It is imaginative wishful thinking without actual national security consideration.

edit on 30-9-2014 by smithjustinb because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2014 @ 04:17 AM
a reply to: smithjustinb

US National Security Interests = Murdering People For The Sake Of Resources and Land!

Syrian rebels aren't ISIS? Now they are!

‘Al-Qaeda-linked Al-Nusra Front has issued a new threatening audio message featuring its leader warning the West “will pay the heaviest price” for its actions. The Syrian group is reportedly now joining up with the estranged Islamic State militants.'

Islamic Terrorist Groups In Syria Join Forces

Of course these groups are joining forces. They are all the same bunch of murderers there in Syria for the same reason. To oust Assad. And they are all armed and supported by the US and Israhell.

The creation of the ISIS has always been about creating Chaos in the Middle East, primarily Iraq and Syria. And the apparent bomb attacks on ISIS positions in Syria has always been the plan of the US and Israel to oust Assad and take over Syria. Any fool can see that!

posted on Sep, 30 2014 @ 04:41 AM

originally posted by: Hilux1996
a reply to: smithjustinb

US National Security Interests = Murdering People For The Sake Of Resources and Land!

Please don't pollute the internet with your false statements. We have taken no resources. We have taken no land.

Syrian rebels aren't ISIS? Now they are!

And now, the question of whether or not the US should arm the rebels again is put into a different perspective and different variables are being taken into consideration.

Of course these groups are joining forces. They are all the same bunch of murderers there in Syria for the same reason. To oust Assad.

The creation of the ISIS has always been about creating Chaos in the Middle East, primarily Iraq and Syria. And the apparent bomb attacks on ISIS positions in Syria has always been the plan of the US and Israel to oust Assad and take over Syria. Any fool can see that!

I agree that the US intends to cause chaos in the Middle East. It does help our national security that the middle east is too busy worrying about itself to gain enough order to do anything to us. But, the US did not create ISIS. The US wanted to topple Assad. The US did not want Iraq to be invaded by ISIS. I don't believe everything that has happened in the Middle East has gone according to plan. But, I also don't believe that our involvement in the Middle East does not help the national security of the US and is not intended to help the national security of the US.

posted on Sep, 30 2014 @ 05:25 AM
Netanyahu is afraid that Iran and the US will come to an agreement at the nuclear negotiation table. Netanyahu is afraid that Iran and the US will cooperate on attacking ISIS. Netanyahu is afraid that Iran and the US will have normalized relations. Netanyahu is afraid that Israel will no longer be able to commit genocide and steal land. When Palestine started getting more support from citizens and politicians in the US and people became aware what was really going on and supported a two state solution, in the late 1990s and 2000 and 2001, the 9-11 attacks happened and changed all of that. If it looks like rapprochement is going to happen between the USA and Iran, there will be another major terrorist attack. How will they blame it on Iran, though? Well, Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11 and they got invaded. So, I guess they don't need to blame it on Iran. With no evidence, they will have to start another campaign of demonization.

posted on Sep, 30 2014 @ 05:28 AM
a reply to: buster2010

Netanyahu, or the Mad Butcher of Jerusalem as I like to call him, is a dinosaur. He'll die off soon enough, hopefully somebody worse doesn't fill his shoes. He's a war criminal of the highest order, but God forbid anybody criticize him or his government's oppressive and illegal human rights violations, lest they be labelled 'anti-semites.'

His brand of bloodthirsty Jewish nationalism is the other side of the same coin as Daash's brand of bloodthirsty Islamism.
edit on 9/30/2014 by Monger because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2014 @ 06:27 AM
a reply to: smithjustinb

You really have no idea what you are talking about here.

I would love to hear your reason for our eagerness to get involved in Syria (to help free the people = laughed off stage btw).
What is your explanation for trying to blame Assad's regime for using sarin when the entire world knows it was the insurgents we supported?

You say we don't get land or resources.. that's because that's not what we are after, besides those go to whoever we want to have them when it's over. No we want airspace. Syria is and always has been eliminating Iranian support and having free domain of the air for the eventual attack on Iran.

Get with the program man.

posted on Sep, 30 2014 @ 07:32 AM
a reply to: smithjustinb

Yikes! You sound like a Harnessed kid from Falling Skies! Repeating the Propaganda and Lies of your Masters!

Well let me just clear up a couple of points for you. Their 9/11 False Flag managed to get the US into Iraq and Afghanistan. Why? To oust Saddam Hussein that they put into power in 1963? Nope. To grab the Oil and Gas in Iraq and to get them in a Strategic position close to Iran. They also want to clear the way for Netanyahell and his band of merry Zionists!

Afghanistan was for Opium, Pipelines and again a strategic area to surround Iran.

Syria as we speak is for the glory of Israel! Israel requires Syria in it's upcoming land grab and Obama busy suckling on Israel's teet is making it happen through their one of many good ole US of A Zionist created Terrorist Groups! ISIS.

Remember it wasn't so long ago the US 'Rebels' FSA insurgents fired off some Chemical Weapons and then tried to blame it on Assad and his forces in order to justify attacking Syria. But most awake Americans and British saw through their devious plan and stopped them from carrying out their War Plan. This is where their creation comes in. Now they don't have to try and frame Assad again. They have their BS excuse of saying they are going to kill their Terrorists. Which will never happen of course. All we will hear from the Lamestream Media are lies about how many Terrorists they have bombed, how many bases they have bombed, how many refineries they have bombed just so they can take out the Terrorists. Which of course is the usual passed from Government to Media fabricated Lies!

National Security of the US is security of the People of the US. NOT ISRAEL!!

posted on Sep, 30 2014 @ 07:52 AM
a reply to: smithjustinb

About Iran wanting to become a nuclear power? Your strategic foresight and insight is not very far reaching is it? Its understandable that it isn't when I can see you always default to the, "America's foreign policy is always wrong" stance. You can't see beyond your preconceived falsehoods.

Your ignorance like Ben's is really starting to show. That Israeli who has been crying since the 80's that Iran is trying to build the bomb has been wrong every time just like you. Every intelligence agency on the planet including the Mossad says Iran is not trying to build nukes the only place they are trying to build them is in Ben's tiny little mind. Maybe you should study up on our policy when it comes to Iran we were in the wrong when it comes to Iran but at least we are trying to fix things. But we have the Israeli firsters in the government that will try to ruin things after all it's better getting our people killed fighting wars for Israel than it is to make peace.

posted on Sep, 30 2014 @ 07:58 AM
a reply to: smithjustinb

GOOD! The overthrow of Assad is a good thing for US national security interests. The success of Israel is also a good thing for US national security interests. All that crap you and your friends are spouting is not at all. It is imaginative wishful thinking without actual national security consideration.

No the overthrow of Assad means NOTHING when it comes to US national security interests. The success of Israel is only good for Israel it will mean nothing for the US. Syria is thousands of miles away from America and is in no way a threat to America they are a threat to Israel mainly because Israel wants their land like the Golan Heights that Israel is currently illegally occupying.

posted on Sep, 30 2014 @ 10:58 AM
a reply to: Max_TO

That is a good question. This persons presentation and speech, may help us shed light on the subject.

edit on 30-9-2014 by Not Authorized because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2014 @ 11:21 AM
The overthrow of Assad is about Gas and Pipelines. ISIS/ISIL are just the excuse. Even Russia is involved in this.

The Islamic Pipeline is a deal signed by Iran, Iraq and Syria. The Pipeline was supposed to be run from Iran through Iraq then through Syria.

Iraq is now out of the picture because the US has changed the Government and Iraq's contract with Iran has probably now been severed.

The Arab pipeline going from Saudi Arabia was supposed to be going through Syria. But they can't run it because Assad is in power and he is an ally to Russia and Iran. Hence the BS excuse of attacking the ISIS/ISIL in Syria to get to Assad.

This is the reason Israel wants to take over Syria. Israel is going after a Palestinian Gas Reservoir that has at least 1.4 Trillion Cubic Feet of Gas in it. One of the reasons why they were attacking Gaza. Grab their Gas Fields. Israel will then expand it's Leviathan Gas Field and after the US topples Assad Israel will then grab the Syrian Gas Fields.

Another reason why Israel is always trying to go after Iran.

At the moment Russia is the major supplier of Gas to Europe. The Elite want that changed. So does Israel. In attacking all the countries it needs with BS excuses they can stop the supply of Russian and Iranian Gas and make big bucks supplying their Gas.

It's very complicated and for good reason. They don't want the world waking up to what is their real agenda!!

posted on Sep, 30 2014 @ 05:50 PM

originally posted by: buster2010
a reply to: smithjustinb

Your ignorance like Ben's is really starting to show.

I'll take that as a compliment.

That Israeli who has been crying since the 80's that Iran is trying to build the bomb has been wrong every time just like you. Every intelligence agency on the planet including the Mossad says Iran is not trying to build nukes the only place they are trying to build them is in Ben's tiny little mind.

We can't trust that Iran's uranium enrichment program will be used for peaceful operations.

Maybe you should study up on our policy when it comes to Iran we were in the wrong when it comes to Iran but at least we are trying to fix things.

You want us all to just lay down our arms and pull out of the world, and you think that will make all our problems go away? We're not in the wrong.

But we have the Israeli firsters in the government that will try to ruin things after all it's better getting our people killed fighting wars for Israel than it is to make peace.

Peace isn't going to happen. Not as long as there are Muslim extremists in the world who want to destroy us for no other reason than that's what their faith makes them believe they should do.

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 02:05 AM
a reply to: smithjustinb

We can't trust that Iran's uranium enrichment program will be used for peaceful operations.

America's Uranium enrichment operations and invasions of countries that have it are not for peaceful operations either. Just look at Iraq and how it has been affected by the US bombing with depleted Uranium. Thousands of Iraqi's have been maimed and killed by Uranium. Even some US soldiers have been seriously affected by depleted Uranium!

You want us all to just lay down our arms and pull out of the world, and you think that will make all our problems go away? We're not in the wrong.

Actually you are. America is backing Terrorism. Always has and always will when it is controlled by Israel.

Peace isn't going to happen. Not as long as there are Muslim extremists in the world who want to destroy us for no other reason than that's what their faith makes them believe they should do.

By the way, ISIS/ISIL are not all Muslims. They are international. Christians, Jews,,,,,,,,. As long as there are Fossil Fuels to be had on this planet there will be death and murder. This whole sorry mess has nothing to do with faith and or religion. The control of GAS and Gas Pipelines is what this is all about!

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 03:12 AM

originally posted by: Hilux1996
a reply to: smithjustinb

We can't trust that Iran's uranium enrichment program will be used for peaceful operations.

America's Uranium enrichment operations and invasions of countries that have it are not for peaceful operations either.

I don't care. I live in America. If my country wants to blow up another country because they pose a threat to us, then great.

You want us all to just lay down our arms and pull out of the world, and you think that will make all our problems go away? We're not in the wrong.

Actually you are. America is backing Terrorism. Always has and always will when it is controlled by Israel.

Actually, Israel just defends itself from terrorists and so do we.

Peace isn't going to happen. Not as long as there are Muslim extremists in the world who want to destroy us for no other reason than that's what their faith makes them believe they should do.

By the way, ISIS/ISIL are not all Muslims. They are international. Christians, Jews,,,,,,,,. As long as there are Fossil Fuels to be had on this planet there will be death and murder. This whole sorry mess has nothing to do with faith and or religion. The control of GAS and Gas Pipelines is what this is all about!

No. Just no. You're so wrong. They're "The Islamic State". They kill Christians. They don't get Christians to fight for them to kill other Christians. They're not called, "The Christian-Islamic State". That's one of the most ignorant claims I have ever heard.

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 04:30 AM
a reply to: smithjustinb

You seem to be barking up the wrong tree or is it a couple of beers short of a 6 pack?

ISIS/ISIL is just a name. Al-Qaeda is just a name. These murderers within these groups are INTERNATIONAL MERCENARIES. Some are Muslim Extremists yes. But the members are multi national. They come from all walks of life, culture and religion. The fact that the name says Islamic is just so that anything they have done is blamed on Islam.

They kill Christians and Muslims.

And by the way, Israel is a Rogue Terrorist state. And it controls America. Anything America does is at the request of Israel. All the Israeli Nukes are American, all their Fighter Jets are American and all their Chemical Weapons are American.

Your ass is owned by Israel. If you think otherwise then you need to stop drinking that root beer!

Like the late Foreign Secretary Robin Cook said:

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 08:30 AM
a reply to: smithjustinb

I'll take that as a compliment.

Being ignorant is in no way a good thing but it does say something about the level of intellect we are dealing with.

We can't trust that Iran's uranium enrichment program will be used for peaceful operations.

They have been running their enrichment program for decades with no evidence that it is going to be used for anything else. They had the guts to sign the NPT unlike the cowards that run Israel. At least Iran didn't get caught trying to sell nukes to apartheid South Africa like Israel did.

You want us all to just lay down our arms and pull out of the world, and you think that will make all our problems go away? We're not in the wrong.

Perhaps you need to work on your English comprehension I never said anything about laying down arms or pulling out of the world. I said we should make peace with Iran even if we made peace with them we would still be spending hundreds of billions on weapons we don't need. And we will still be invading nation that didn't attack us.

Peace isn't going to happen. Not as long as there are Muslim extremists in the world who want to destroy us for no other reason than that's what their faith makes them believe they should do.

Peace is never going to happen when our foreign policy is run by the New Age Nazis that run Israel and their worshipers here in the states. Every one of these people should be forced to be listed as foreign agents because they care nothing for America only Israel. The reason why those extremists want to destroy America is because we invade their nations and kill innocent people for no other reason than because Israel cries they are mean to us.

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 06:43 PM
a reply to: Not Authorized

Thanks for posting that video . I watched the entire video and found it to have some valid points , points that are not often brought up with the normal talk that usually accompanies this topic.

I would be equally interested in seeing Miko Peled debate a worthy opponent on this topic for the purpose of hearing the other side presented in a thought out manner.

The impression that I am left with , and it's only my opinion and I'm not claiming it to be the correct opinion or the right opinion , is that Isralel will never leave "its fate" in the hands of others ever again , no matter the cost.

But once again , the video was interesting and I can thoroughly respect most of the issues that were touched on , thanks again for posting !
edit on 1-10-2014 by Max_TO because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 06:48 PM

originally posted by: buster2010
a reply to: smithjustinb

Being ignorant is in no way a good thing but it does say something about the level of intellect we are dealing with.

Then I guess you're wasting your time arguing with me.

They have been running their enrichment program for decades with no evidence that it is going to be used for anything else. They had the guts to sign the NPT unlike the cowards that run Israel. At least Iran didn't get caught trying to sell nukes to apartheid South Africa like Israel did.

No evidence except for the threats they've issued toward our country. I'm glad our ally has not signed the NPT. Israel and South Africa have, historically, had a close relationship due to common interests. South Africa has been a valuable ally to Israel. Of course Israel would take the steps necessary to preserve that relationship. However, to imply that Israel supported Apartheid in South Africa is misleading and dishonest. Israel consistently condemned Apartheid and frequently spoke out against it. I'd say I expect a more honest assessment from you, but I won't.

Perhaps you need to work on your English comprehension

I'll get right on that.

I never said anything about laying down arms or pulling out of the world. I said we should make peace with Iran even if we made peace with them we would still be spending hundreds of billions on weapons we don't need. And we will still be invading nation that didn't attack us.

You're implying that we should lay down arms right here by saying, "weapons we don't need" and "unjustified invasion". Get real man.

Peace is never going to happen when our foreign policy is run by the New Age Nazis that run Israel and their worshipers here in the states. Every one of these people should be forced to be listed as foreign agents because they care nothing for America only Israel.

I think the people that are beheading Christians because they're Christians are more like Nazis. But, whatever. We'll all support who we want to support I guess. Its a shame their are Americans who defend the integrity of nations and people who hate us and want to destroy us. But, I guess attitudes will change when their kind are here raping your wives and killing your kids. The difference between me and you is I'll be prepared mentally and physically for that, and you won't. Don't think it will happen? Don't be naive.

The reason why those extremists want to destroy America is because we invade their nations and kill innocent people for no other reason than because Israel cries they are mean to us.

We invaded their nation because they attacked us first. They killed innocent people first.

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